2022 Spring Stevens Institute of Technology
- Meeting Times: Monday 3:00-5:30
- Classroom Location:
- Instructor: Dov Kruger
- Contact and Office Hours: contact info
- Resources
- Course Web Address
This course covers data structures and algorithms with emphasis on implementing algorithms in code and getting them to work. Students must implement homework in either C++ or Java. On tests, you can write in C++, Java or pseudocode.
This course covers a wide range of topics giving a broad introduction to many areas, rather than in-depth in just a few.
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to * * * * * *
- Classes involve live coding and creation of algorithms. The instructor will ask questions and you are encouraged to actively participate.
- Students are expected to participate and bring laptops to class, and take turns interacting on the screen with the instructor if asked to do so.
- There will be weekly coding homework and/or handwritten assignments.
- Quizzes and tests on paper verify that students know the material they have submitted as homework.
- Textbook(s): none. Notes provided.
- Other Readings: Papers available in papers directory
- Attendance: Attendance is crucial for an effective learning but will not be graded.
- Homework: Coding assignments will be submitted via canvas for individual single files, or via github.
- Project: Depending on the semester, a final project may be substituted for the final.
- Exams: There will be two exams and a final.
Grades will be based on:
- Programming Assignments (5 %)
- Homework Assignments (5 %)
- Quizzes (10 %)
- Exams (80 %)
[Grading Policies] (grading.md) [Academic Honesty and Discipline] (.md)
- Midterm 11/01/2022
- Final 11/02/2022
- This includes creation of a github repository with READ.md file that contains the summary of the project.
- Late submissions or repositories with empty READ.md file will lose 30 points from their grade for the project.
- Deadline for Projects 12/02/2019 Monday at 5pm ET
- Projects will be graded based on
- organization of the github repository (30 %)
- organization of the code (20 %)
- the quality of the code (20 %)
- inclusion of test codes (20 %)
- reproducibility (10 %)
- Projects will be graded based on
- Final exam date: **12/12/2019 Thursday at 6.30pm in BC 319 **