We welcome contributions if you have a little extra time and Python experience. We ask that you make your pull requests on the develop branch, as we only use master for releases. Please follow PEP8, and make sure you document anything new. If you have any questions, you can find the entire team on Slack. Note: If you plan on running the unit tests for the repo, you will also need to have dataserv running locally with a new db.
Download latest windows release from github.
Extract the zip file to the folder where you wish to have it installed.
$ dataserv-client.exe version
The dataserv-client will automatically update when new releases are made.
Install client
# install apt dependencies $ sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-dev gcc $ sudo pip install dataserv-client $ dataserv-client version
Update client
$ sudo pip install dataserv-client --upgrade $ dataserv-client version
Install client
$ brew install python $ rehash $ pip install dataserv-client $ dataserv-client version
Update client
$ pip install dataserv-client --upgrade $ dataserv-client version
Configure your farmer node
Optionally set a cold storage payout address. You can set a counterparty wallet address here. All configuration must be done before starting the node.
dataserv-client config --set_payout_address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS>
Start your farmer node
Optionally specify the path to store data, the available space, and minimum free space.
dataserv-client --store_path=<PATH> --max_size=<SIZE_IN_BYTES> --min_free_size=<SIZE_IN_BYTES> farm
Optional max_size and min_free_size syntax
--max_size=1.0K # 1024^1 bytes --max_size=1.0KB # 1000^1 bytes --max_size=1.0M # 1024^2 bytes --max_size=1.0MB # 1000^2 bytes --max_size=1.0G # 1024^3 bytes --max_size=1.0GB # 1000^3 bytes --max_size=1.0T # 1024^4 bytes --max_size=1.0TB # 1000^4 bytes --max_size=1.0P # 1024^5 bytes --max_size=1.0PB # 1000^5 bytes
In order to farm on multiple discs you will have to run several instances, as multiple paths are not yet supported. To do this you will need one config for each disc.
Different instances can share a common payout address, however it is recommended to use a different payout address for each instance.
dataserv-client --config_path=<CONFIG 1> config --set_payout_address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS 1> dataserv-client --config_path=<CONFIG 1> --store_path=<PATH 1> --max_size=<SIZE 1> farm
dataserv-client --config_path=<CONFIG n> config --set_payout_address=<BITCOIN_ADDRESS n> dataserv-client --config_path=<CONFIG n> --store_path=<PATH n> --max_size=<SIZE n> farm
In order to build a bit faster, you may consider using the --set_height_interval command. If you set a high height number though please also consider running another instance of the client with poll. Poll will send every 60 sec, farm or build will send only when the height interval is reached.
dataserv-client --url=http://status.driveshare.org --store_path=<PATH> --max_size=<SIZE_IN_BYTES> farm --set_height_interval=(default: 25, max recommended: 199999)
dataserv-client --url=http://status.driveshare.org poll
You can start multiple workers by executing farm or build with the optional argument --workers. It is recommended to start only as many workers as your cpu and hard drive can handle. With a fast hard drive a cpu usage of ~80% is possible.
dataserv-client build --workers=<number of workers>
dataserv-client farm --workers=<number of workers>
$ dataserv-client <program arguments> COMMAND <command arguments>
$ dataserv-client --debug build --rebuild
$ dataserv-client --help usage: dataserv-client [-h] [--url URL] [--max_size MAX_SIZE] [--store_path STORE_PATH] [--config_path CONFIG_PATH] [--debug] [--use_folder_tree] <command> ... Dataserve client command-line interface. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL Url of the farmer (default: http://status.driveshare.org). --max_size MAX_SIZE Maximum data size in bytes. (default: 1073741824). --min_free_size MIN_FREE_SIZE Minimum free size in bytes. (default: 1073741824). --store_path STORE_PATH Storage path. (default: /home/user/.storj/store). --config_path CONFIG_PATH Config path. (default: /home/user/.storj/config.json). --debug Show debug information. --quiet Only show warning and error information. --use_folder_tree Use folder tree to store files (always on for fat32 store_path). commands: <command> version Show version number. register Register your node on the network. ping Ping master node. poll Let the network know your are online. build Fill the farmer with data up to their max. audit Audit the generated data. config Edit and display config. farm Start farmer.
$ dataserv-client config --help usage: dataserv-client config [-h] [--set_wallet SET_WALLET] [--set_payout_address SET_PAYOUT_ADDRESS] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --set_wallet SET_WALLET Set node wallet to given hwif. --set_payout_address SET_PAYOUT_ADDRESS Root address of wallet used by default.