This part is really simple:
- Sign up for a Storj account.
- Click on the activation link sent to your email.
- Now visit to login.
We have lots of cat pictures we want to store in the cloud, so we should create a bucket. A bucket is just a logical grouping of files that we can assign permissions and limits to.
- Click on the big green "Create Bucket" button.
- Give it a descriptive name like "Bucket of Cats". Don't worry, you can rename this later.
We currently have a Javascript and Node.js client written to interface with the network and API. You must have Node.js and npm installed. We HIGHLY recommend nvm for this. This tutorial is using a default Ubuntu 14.04 x64 machine from Digital Ocean.
Install Node.js via NVM (the proper way):
# download and install nvm
wget -qO- | bash
# restart your shell
# install node
nvm install 4.5.0
# use node
nvm use 4.5.0
Install CLI tools:
npm install -g storj
If for some reason you are running at root:
# why are you using root?
npm install -g storj --unsafe-perm
With it installed you can run the storj
program to view usage:
storj --help
Passwords suck so we like to avoid them when we can. Behind the scenes, we use super secure ECDSA keys that would take a computer the size of the sun to crack (provided you keep your keys safe).
To make this process simple, we created a pairing process. This will create a keypair on your computer and send the public key to us. It will be used for further authentication instead of the username and password.
$ storj login
[...] > Enter your email address > [email protected]
[...] > Enter your password > ********************
[info] This device has been successfully paired.