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StreetHawk iOS SDK

Version License Platform

Support iOS 8.0 and above.

Cocopods Installation

  1. Install CocoaPods.
  2. Add pod line into your Podfile and run "pod install". There are two ways:
  1. add whole StreetHawk iOS SDK.

    pod "streethawk"

  2. add sub-module as need. Available sub-modules include:

    pod "streethawk/Core" #core component for register install, sending logs, tag, trace App status. Other sub-module depends on Core, it's automatically included in other sub-module, no need to specifically add. For example, use pod "streethawk/Growth" is enough, it will automatically sync pod "streethawk/Core". pod "streethawk/Growth" #growth sharing. pod "streethawk/Push" #push notification. pod "streethawk/Locations" #trace latitude/longitude location. pod "streethawk/Geofence" #trace user location by geofence, usually work together with push notification. pod "streethawk/Beacons" #trace user location by enter iBeacon region, usually work together with push notification. pod "streethawk/Crash" #submit crash report. pod "streethawk/Feed" # handle feed.

Click here for detailed documentation

Manual Installation

  1. Download the repo and unzip. Right click your project -> Add Files, and select "StreetHawk" folder. This will add all the files inside "StreetHawk" folder into your project.
  2. In Project Settings -> Targets ->Build Phases->Compile Sources, find SHPresentDialog.m, add compile flag "-fno-objc-arc".
  3. Download source code of MBProgressHUD, add MBProgressHUD.h and MBProgressHUD.m.
  4. Download source code of Reachability, add Reachability.h and Reachability.m.
  5. In Project Settings -> Targets ->Build Settings->Other Linker Flags, add "-lsqlite3".
  6. Add system frameworks: CoreTelephony, Foundation, CoreGraphics, UIKit, CoreSpotlight, CoreLocation.

StreetHawk web console

Register App on StreetHawk web console.

More documents on StreetHawk freshdesk.


StreetHawk, [email protected]


The StreetHawk iOS SDK is available under the LGPL license. See the LICENSE file for more info.