Support iOS 8.0 and above.
- Install CocoaPods.
- Add pod line into your Podfile and run "pod install". There are two ways:
add whole StreetHawk iOS SDK.
pod "streethawk"
add sub-module as need. Available sub-modules include:
pod "streethawk/Core" #core component for register install, sending logs, tag, trace App status. Other sub-module depends on Core, it's automatically included in other sub-module, no need to specifically add. For example, use pod "streethawk/Growth" is enough, it will automatically sync pod "streethawk/Core". pod "streethawk/Growth" #growth sharing. pod "streethawk/Push" #push notification. pod "streethawk/Locations" #trace latitude/longitude location. pod "streethawk/Geofence" #trace user location by geofence, usually work together with push notification. pod "streethawk/Beacons" #trace user location by enter iBeacon region, usually work together with push notification. pod "streethawk/Crash" #submit crash report. pod "streethawk/Feed" # handle feed.
Click here for detailed documentation
- Download the repo and unzip. Right click your project -> Add Files, and select "StreetHawk" folder. This will add all the files inside "StreetHawk" folder into your project.
- In Project Settings -> Targets ->Build Phases->Compile Sources, find SHPresentDialog.m, add compile flag "-fno-objc-arc".
- Download source code of MBProgressHUD, add MBProgressHUD.h and MBProgressHUD.m.
- Download source code of Reachability, add Reachability.h and Reachability.m.
- In Project Settings -> Targets ->Build Settings->Other Linker Flags, add "-lsqlite3".
- Add system frameworks: CoreTelephony, Foundation, CoreGraphics, UIKit, CoreSpotlight, CoreLocation.
Register App on StreetHawk web console.
More documents on StreetHawk freshdesk.
StreetHawk, [email protected]
The StreetHawk iOS SDK is available under the LGPL license. See the LICENSE file for more info.