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Solution: Architecture

Understanding the basics of a Kubernetes cluster can be a bit confusing because there are many ways to stand up a cluster, and the Kubernetes docs don't always differentiate which components are always required, sometimes required depending on your hosting environment, and sometimes required depending on the workloads you plan on running in the cluster.

Let's walk through the cluster provisioned in our Vagrant VMs and the components on each installed by kubeadm.

Step 1: Compute Requirements

A common misconception about Kubernetes is that it's a cloud-specific technology. This is false, even though optional components provide cloud-specific integrations based on providers. Kubernetes is a set of free and open-source software that's used to manage any set of compute resources (bare-metal, VMs in any cloud, edge compute, a dev machine, etc) and make it available for running containerized workloads. In fact, Kubernetes is not far off from a "cloud" itself! It provides an API and set of automations to run containerized workloads "as a service" on compute you dedicate to it.

To provision a Kubernetes cluster, you only need one machine (which could be used to install ALL Kubernetes components), but in this cluster we've provisioned several VMs for a separation of concerns: one set of machines will be responsible for managing the API and automations to manage everything else ("Control Plane" or "Master" nodes), and another set will run our "real" workloads like websites, build servers, databases, you name it ("Worker" nodes). While it is possible (and encouraged for production scenarios) to run the control plane in high-availability, the cluster we've got only has a single server to run our control plane: u1804-simple-master0. We've also provisioned and registered two worker nodes: u1804-simple-worker0 and u1804-simple-worker1.

Step 2: Network Requirements

There's a few networking requirements we've got to think about when provisioning our cluster:

  1. We need a unique range of IPs for our compute resources (here, vagrant VMs)
  2. We need a unique range of IPs for our (unstable) containers (Pods)
  3. We need a unique range of IPs for our (stable) cluster network (Services)

If you check out the Vagrantfile for our cluster, you'll find the IPs of each VM has been hard-coded in the 10.0.1.X range for both control plane and worker nodes. All compute resources in a single cluster need to have network connectivity, so ensure there's no firewalls getting in your way! There's also a special CIDR set for our Pod network - For our cluster network, we use the default range, currently

We'll talk a little more about how this networking is configured below.

Step 3: Control Plane Components

All Kubernetes clusters require at a minimum the following components:

  1. kube-apiserver - An endpoint for the API where we can interact with the cluster
  2. etcd - A distributed key:value data store used for all cluster persistence
  3. kube-scheduler - loop/event automation responsible for finding appropriate nodes to run Pods
  4. kube-controllermanager - loop/event automation responsible for ensuring the desired state of Pods given other API primitives (e.g. a Deployment scaled to 3 means we should always have 3 Pods)

Traditionally, these components would be installed and managed as a daemon by the operating system (systemd), but kubeadm actually provisions these components as Pods themselves. To understand how Kubernetes can "run itself" like this, you have to understand a bit more about the software Kubernetes uses to run containers: kubelet. Once a Pod is scheduled to a given node in the cluster, kubelet is responsible for absolutely everything else about the workload: pulling container images, mounting persistent volumes, setting up the Pod's network, gathering metrics, getting logs, restarting on failures, etc, etc. By design, kubelet is standalone to create a scalable, distributed way of running containers. In fact, you can install kubelet on a machine without any control plane connected to it, if you were fine with performing manual upgrades and disaster recovery of Pods between nodes. To learn more about this design pattern, I'd recommend this explanation by Saad Ali.

Long story short: we can use kubelet (managed by systemd) to run Pods without the control plane, so kubeadm configures what are called static Pods for each component on each control plane node, and as long as kubelet is working, our control plane is too. We can find these manifests on our master at /etc/kubernetes/manifests - the default configuration for kubelet. All of these Pods are configured to run in the kube-system namespace, so only cluster administrators have access.

I'd recommend walking through each of these static Pod definitions to see the requirements of each component, namely TLS certificates, container network requirements, container privilege requirements, container host access, kubeconfig files (used to authenticate into the API), and any links to external configuration files. You should also become familiar with the kubelet configuration in systemd found in /etc/systemd/system/.

If you want a completely detailed walk through of standing up this entire stack by hand, do a run-through of Kubernetes the Hard Way; I'd highly recommend it. Just note that KTHW is a walk-through on GCP, if you have access to another cloud, there are alternate versions on GitHub. If you'd rather do everything locally, there's a Vagrant version too!

Step 4: Worker Node Components

As mentioned above, we need nodes capable of running our containerized workloads that are identically configured to increase fault tolerance (we want Pods to easily hop between servers in case one goes down). To achieve this, we need three components: an OCI compliant container runtime (this cluster uses docker), kubelet to transform Pod specifications into running containers, and kube-proxy to maintain our Service network.

We already talked a lot about kubelet above, so let's talk about kube-proxy (which, by the way, is also installed on all our control plane nodes). kube-proxy is actually a misnomer; it's not a proxy at all (though, it used to be). kube-proxy currently maintains routes for our cluster (Service) network by directly modifying the node's iptables. That is to say, if we have a Service in our cluster with IP, we'll find a route to Pods backing that Service in our node's iptables configuration. Whenever a Pod changes nodes (for disaster recovery, etc), iptables is updated on all nodes by each respective node's kube-proxy instance. You can read more about it in the docs. kubeadm clusters run kube-proxy on all master and worker nodes as Pods using a DaemonSet found in kube-system.

Step 5: Required Add-Ons

kube-proxy manages our Service network, but how do Pods communicate with each other, especially across nodes? One option would be to use NAT for all packets addressed to Pods, but an alternative is to use a CNI, which gives us a faster network and potentially more security options as well.

Kubernetes needs a CNI to work properly, nodes won't successfully join the cluster without a CNI installed. The current cluster uses Calico, which allows us to use Pod Network Policies (some CNIs won't!). Kubeadm clusters offer full flexibility in CNI choice because they run vanilla Kubernetes; other types of clusters (especially cloud-managed ones like AKS/EKS/GKE) can be much more limiting.

Step 6: Optional Add-Ons

kubeadm installed one very important optional add-on for us: cluster DNS via CoreDNS (named kube-dns for backwards compatibility). You'll find it provisioned as a Deployment in the kube-system namespace. Adding DNS makes Services resolvable by anywhere in the cluster. For example, if I have two web services in the same Namespace backend and frontend with their own respective Services, my backend app can resolve my frontend app at http://frontend without any additional work. Services in different Namespaces can be resolved at <service-name>.<namespace-name>, or at the complete domain <service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local.

Some Pods also get DNS, but only when managed by a Deployment or DaemonSet object. These Pods resolve at <pod-ip-periods-replaced-with-hyphens>.<deployment-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local, while it might seem odd to include the IP address in the DNS record, this could be useful in reverse DNS lookups to figure out where a particular Pod lives if the only thing you've got is an IP and a network route.

kubeadm is quite minimalistic, so no other add-ons have been installed in this cluster, but there's plenty more a production-ready cluster might have:

  1. Logging/Monitoring/Alerting: something to aggregate logs of cluster components, workloads, and servers in the cluster in a single stateful location and notify admins and/or devs when something is wonky
  2. Ingress Controller: allowing us to use Ingress objects (layer 7 load balancer)
  3. Layer 4 Load balancer: expose raw TCP (databases/caches/etc) out of the cluster by IP (as opposed to the default NodePort Service)
  4. Mesh Network: if your workloads include microservice architecture, mesh networking can improve your workflows and provide advanced networking features
  5. Dashboard: an alternate to just using kubectl, you can interact with the cluster via a website
  6. Storage Classes: drivers to manage underlying storage for PersistentVolumes bound to PersistentVolumeClaims


kubeadm clusters give us an easy way to provision a bare-bones cluster with control plane and worker nodes without any cloud interaction which mostly relies on kubelet instead of traditional process managers like systemd. The only add-ons are for a minimalistic network setup, and extending past that requires other efforts by administrators.