In order to contribute and send PRs ,you should follow this template here. Any changes you want to see in this template ? Suggestions are welcomed!
[Insert URL to the list(s)/change(s) here]
This can be a doc file consisting of changes and ideas or links to your forked repo that you want to push.
[Explain what this list(s)/change(s) is/are about and why it should be included here]
Clearly explain the changes and ideas. If you are not sure about any changes, feel free to reach out to me. Check the links here.
Typo errors won't be considered as a valid hacktoberfest-approved
PR. So keep that in mind! Read more here.
- Starts at Contents :
- This consists of [Different Fields Of Technology] (#different-fields-of-technology) like Game Dev maintained in alphabetical order.
- Clicking on any of these fields shows the list of stories of that particular field.
- Each of the entries in any field should consist of the following : -
- [Name / Title with the most appropriate link] Category (like Memes, Stories, Biography etc.).
- Each of these entries should be maintained in alphabetic order.