Releases: SysBioChalmers/RAVEN
Releases · SysBioChalmers/RAVEN
Release candidate 1.1
Release candidate 1.
First alpha release of RAVEN2, with many improvements, including but not limited to solvers, SBML and Excel IO, KEGG reconstruction etc.
This release of RAVEN includes major changes in import/export handling, SBML L3V1 FBCv2, KEGG model reconstruction, among others. This is a pre-release, to be used at the MESB advanced course. Installation instructions can be found in the install.txt file or on the official Github page.
This release of RAVEN includes support for the Gurobi optimizer. Later minor releases will include support for the glpk optimizer and an update of the sbml file formats. Installation instructions can be found in the install.txt file or on the official Github page.