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RSA key format is not supported #30

balleno75 opened this issue Sep 15, 2021 · 4 comments

RSA key format is not supported #30

balleno75 opened this issue Sep 15, 2021 · 4 comments


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I am trying to extract the key for a Disney + content with PywidevineX, but I am getting the following error,

python.exe .\
failed to parse cert as SignedMessage
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 22, in
challenge = wvdecrypt.get_challenge()
File "C:\Users\kkk\Downloads\NoDRM-master\PywidevineX\pywidevine\decrypt\", line 46, in get_challenge
return self.cdm.get_license_request(self.session)
File "C:\Users\kkk\Downloads\NoDRM-master\PywidevineX\pywidevine\cdm\", line 214, in get_license_request
service_public_key = RSA.importKey(session.service_certificate._DeviceCertificate.PublicKey)
File "C:\Users\kkk\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\Cryptodome\PublicKey\", line 788, in import_key
raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
ValueError: RSA key format is not supported

This is the data from the file

headers={'customdata': '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'}

Can it be a python version problem? I use version 3.8.5, or with cdmapi?

I have also tried to extract the key from a Netflix content and the same error is generated.

You can help me?. Thanks. A greeting.

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jesshub commented Sep 15, 2021

I don't have Disney Plus login so can't check, but check the request payload / post data.
You'll probably need to modify some of the code.

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EgidijusL commented Sep 16, 2021

I had this error yesterday for another platform. Here I found out that no lines are needed:,b'\x08\x04').content wvdecrypt.set_certificate(base64.b64encode(cert))
And then all is well.

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Thank you very much for the help, but commenting on these lines, now this output is generated,

unable to parse license - check protobufs

You can help?. Thanks again. A greeting.

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I know this is a necro thread, but depending on which scenario you are using for dsnp, L3 could be blocked entirely. Same thing with NF, depending on what you are doing chrome may not actually work.

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