Geospatial Software Analysis - An Introduction to Google Earth Engine
TC Chakraborty
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Yale Data Driven Solutions Group
March 16, 2018
Collection, visualization, and analysis of geographical or spatial data.
Vector data represent lat-long coordinates
Raster data comprises of pixels with associated values
- Points
- Lines
- Polygons
- Raster layers/bands
- Cloud-based platform for planetary scale geospatial analysis
- Uses Google's computational resources to reduce processing time
- Massive archive of remote sensing data
- 200 public datasets
- greater than 4000 new images every day
- greater than 5 million images
- greater than 5 petabytes of data
Source: Google Earth Engine User summit
var varname = Containerforvariabletype(variable name);
Map.setCenter(long, lat, zoom level);
Zoom level varies from 0 (no zoom) to 20 (highest zoom level)
print(variable name)
var var_String = ee.String("This is a string. Or is it? It is.");
var var_Numbers = ee.Number(5);
var var_Array = ee.Array([[5, 2, 3], [-2, 7, 10], [6, 6, 9]]);
var var_List = ee.List([5, "five" , 6, "six"]);
var var_Dictionary = ee.Dictionary({five: 5 , six: 6});
- Geometries
- Features
- Feature Collections
- Images
- Image Collections
var var_Point = ee.Geometry.Point(0, 45);
var var_MultiPoint = ee.Geometry.MultiPoint(0, 45, 5,6, 70,-56);
var var_LineString = ee.Geometry.LineString([[0, 45], [5,6], [70,-56]]);
var var_MultiLineString = ee.Geometry.MultiLineString([[[0, 45], [5,6], [70,-56]], [[0, -45], [-5,-6], [-70,56]]]);
var var_LinearRing = ee.Geometry.LinearRing(0, 45, 5,6, 70,-56, 0,45);
var var_Rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(0, 0, 60,30);
var var_Polygon = ee.Geometry.Polygon([[[0, 0], [6,3], [5, 5], [-30,2], [0,0]]]);
var var_MultiPolygon = ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon([ee.Geometry.Polygon([[0, 0], [6, 3], [5, 5], [-30, 2], [0,0]]), ee.Geometry.Polygon([[0, 0], [-6, -3], [-5, -5], [30, -2], [0, 0]])]);
- Features are geometries associated with specific properties
- Feature Collections are groups of features
- A set of instructions to perform a specific task
function function_Name(Arguments) {statements};
var result = function_Name(Input);
var result =;
var Geometry_area = var_Geometry.area();
var Line_length = var_LineString.length();
var Geometry_perimeter = var_Geometry.perimeter();
var SimplifiedGeometry = var_Geometry.simplify(100);
var Centroid = var_Geometry.centroid();
var Buffer = var_Geometry.buffer(100);
var BoundedGeometry = var_Geometry.bounds();
var Convexhull_Geometry = var_Geometry.convexHull();
var Inter_geometry = var_Geometry1.intersection(var_Geometry2);
var Union_geometry = var_Geometry1.union(var_Geometry2);
var var_Feature = ee.Feature(var_Geometry, {Name: "Feature name", Size: 500};
var var_Featurenew =["Name"], ["Descriptor"]);
var values = var_Feature.get(''Size'');
var BFilter = ee.Filter.eq(Property_name, Value);
or .neq , .gt , .gte , .lt , and .lte
var DiffFilter = ee.Filter.maxDifference(threshold, Property_name, Value);
var TxtFilter = ee.Filter.stringContains( Property_name, StringValue);
or .stringStartsWith, and .stringEndsWith
var RangeFilter = ee.Filter.rangeContains( Property_name, StringValue, MinValue, MaxValue);
var ListFilter = ee.Filter.listContains(Property_name, Value1, Property_name2, Value2);
.inList to test against list of values
var DateFilter = ee.Filter.calendarRange(StartDate, StopDate);
var DayFilter = ee.Filter.dayOfYear(startDay, StopDay);
var BoundsFilter= ee.Filter.bounds(GeometryorFeature);
var NewFilter=ee.Filter.and(Listoffilters);
var NewFilter=ee.Filter.or(Listoffilters);
var inverseFilter = ee.Filter.not(filter);
var band = name);
var mask =var_Image.eq(value);
or .neq or .gt or .gte or .lt or .lte
var masked =var_Image.mask(mask);
var results =var_Image.sum(value);
or .subtract , .multiply , .divide , .max , .min , .abs , .round , .floor , .ceil , .sqrt , .exp, .log, .log10, .sin , .cos , .tan , .sinh , .cosh , .tanh , .acos, .asin
newImage = oldImage.leftShift(valueofshift);
or .rightShift
var outputDictionary = var_Image.reduceRegion(Reducer, var_Geometry, scale);
var SelectedImages =var_ImCollection.limit (n, Property_name, Order);
var SelectedImages = var_ImCollection.filterMetadata (Property_name, Relation , Value);
Relations could be "equals", "less_than", "greater_than", "starts_with", "ends_with", and "contains"
var SelectedImages = var_ImCollection.filterDate (StartDate, StopDate);
var SelectedImages = var_ImCollection.filterBounds (var_Geometry);
var sumofimages = var_ImCollection.sum();
or .product, .max, .min, .mean, .mode, .median, and .count
var mosaicofimages = var_ImCollection.mosaic();
collection: var_Image, description: 'FileName', region: var_Geometry, scale: 1000}
or image.toCloudStorage, image.toAsset, table.toDrive, table.toCloudStorage, video.toCloudStorage, and video.toDrive
- Adapted from Prof. Dana Tomlin's notes
Google Earth Engine API documentation
Google Earth Engine Developers forum
Example scripts from Prof. Dana Tomlin's handouts for his course on Geospatial Software Design