- Discovery Customization in Home Assistant
- Access to configuration
- Entity names
- Device type 'battery_sensor' entities
- Device type 'dimmer' entities
- Device type 'ezio4o' entities
- Device type 'fan_linc' entities
- Device type 'hidden_door' entities
- Device type 'io_linc' entities
- Device type 'keypad_linc' entities
- Device type 'keypad_linc_sw' entities
- Device type 'leak' entities
- Device type 'mini_remote1' entities
- Device type 'mini_remote4' entities
- Device type 'mini_remote8' entities
- Device type 'motion' entities
- Device type 'smoke_bridge' entities
- Device type 'switch' entities
- Device type 'outlet' entities
All configuration of the devices and entities discovered from Insteon-MQTT is done in the MQTT integration. To access the integration in the Home Assistant UI:
Click the 'Configuration' menu item in the sidebar.
Click 'Devices and Services' in the Configuration pane.
If the 'Integrations' item in the top menu bar is not highlighted, click it to access the installed integrations.
Locate the MQTT integration (which may require scrolling if there are a large number of integrations installed).
In the MQTT integration panel there will be two links: one for devices, and one for entities. Each of these links will lead to the respective section of the Configuration pane, with the list filtered to show only the items provided by the MQTT integration.
In the device list, find the one you wish to alter and click on it. A new pane will appear with the details of the device.
Click the pencil icon next to the device name; in the dialog that appears, the name of the device and its Area can be set or modified. Make any changes necessary, then click the 'Update' link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog.
To return to the device list, click the left arrow in the top menu bar.
In the entity list, find the one you wish to alter and click on it. In the dialog that appears, the name of the entity, the icon displayed for the entity, and the 'Entity ID' can be set or modified. If the entity should be listed in a different Area from its containing device, click the 'Advanced settings' section to open it, and set the desired Area in the 'Set entity area only' field.
Make any changes necessary, then click the 'Update' link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog.
To return to the entity list, click the left arrow in the top menu bar.
In some cases the entity list for a device discovered from Insteon-MQTT may contain entities which are not applicable to your situation. For example the defeult entity list for a KeypadLinc includes 9 buttons, but if the installed KeypadLinc has a 6-button faceplate, there will be three extra entities listed for it.
A similar situation may occur for a Mini Remote Switch or a Mini Remote (4 Scene), the entity list will contain 8 buttons by default.
In the entity list, find the one you wish to disable and click on it. In the dialog that appears, click the 'Enable entity' slider to turn it off. Click the 'Update' link in the bottom-right corner of the dialog.
This process can be reversed to re-enable a disabled entity, although Home Assistant will need to be restarted to complete the process (and the MQTT integration will display a reminder).
To return to the entity list, click the left arrow in the top menu bar.
If you remove a device from your insteon network, or in some cases
change how it is defined, you will end up with a 'stale' device in
Home Assistant. To remove an abandoned device, make sure you remove
it from the devices
section of the Insteon-MQTT config.yaml
then restart Insteon-MQTT. After it has restarted, restart Home
In the device list, find the one you wish to delete and click on it. A new pane will appear with the details of the device.
In the device settings pane, click the Delete button. A dialog will appear to confirm the deletion request; once the device has been deleted, Home Assistant will display 'Device / service not found.' with a 'GO BACK' link. Click that link to return to the device list.
Each section below documents the entities produced during MQTT
Discovery for each type of device (of group of types) supported by
Insteon-MQTT. In the tables below, 'NAME' is substituted with the
name specified in config.yaml
for the device, after conversion
to Home Assistant's internal name format (all lowercase, spaces
replaced by underscores, etc).
As an example, a FanLinc device named "Game Room" in config.yaml
will produce two entities: 'fan.game_room_fan' and 'light.game_room'.
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_door | open/closed sensor |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
sensor.NAME_heartbeat | regular update from device to confirm communication |
Name | Purpose |
light.NAME | lever/paddle dimmer control |
Name | Purpose |
switch.NAME_relay_1 | low-voltage relay 1 |
switch.NAME_relay_2 | low-voltage relay 2 |
switch.NAME_relay_3 | low-voltage relay 3 |
switch.NAME_relay_4 | low-voltage relay 4 |
Name | Purpose |
fan.NAME_fan | multi-speed fan controller |
light.NAME | dimmable light controller |
Device type 'hidden_door' entities
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_door | open/closed sensor |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
sensor.NAME_heartbeat | regular update from device to confirm communication |
sensor.NAME_voltage | battery voltage |
Name | Purpose |
switch.NAME_relay | low-voltage relay |
binary_sensor.NAME_sensor | contact closure input |
Note that Home Assistant control of buttons 2-8 will only turn the button LEDs on and off; it will not trigger the responders that have been linked (in a scene) to the buttons.
Name | Purpose |
light.NAME_btn_1 | 'On'on 6-button, 'A' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_2 | not usable on 6-button, 'B' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_3 | 'A' on 6-button, 'C' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_4 | 'B' on 6-button, 'D' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_5 | 'C' on 6-button, 'E' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_6 | 'D' on 6-button, 'F' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_7 | not usable on 6-button, 'G' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_8 | not usable on 6-button, 'H' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_9 | not currently usable in Insteon-MQTT |
Note that Home Assistant control of buttons 2-8 will only turn the button LEDs on and off; it will not trigger the responders that have been linked (in a scene) to the buttons.
Name | Purpose |
light.NAME_btn_1 | 'On'on 6-button, 'A' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_2 | not usable on 6-button, 'B' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_3 | 'A' on 6-button, 'C' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_4 | 'B' on 6-button, 'D' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_5 | 'C' on 6-button, 'E' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_6 | 'D' on 6-button, 'F' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_7 | not usable on 6-button, 'G' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_8 | not usable on 6-button, 'H' on 8-button |
switch.NAME_btn_9 | not currently usable in Insteon-MQTT |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_leak | wet/dry sensor |
sensor.NAME_heartbeat | regular update from device to confirm communication |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_1 | paddle switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_2 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_3 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_4 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_5 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_6 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_7 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_8 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_1 | 'a' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_2 | 'b' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_3 | 'c' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_4 | 'd' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_5 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_6 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_7 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_8 | not usable |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_1 | 'a' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_2 | 'b' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_3 | 'c' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_4 | 'd' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_5 | 'e' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_6 | 'f' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_7 | 'g' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_btn_8 | 'h' switch |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_motion | motion sensor |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
binary_sensor.NAME_dusk | dawn/dusk (light level) sensor |
Name | Purpose |
binary_sensor.NAME_smoke | smoke sensor |
binary_sensor.NAME_battery | battery good/low |
binary_sensor.NAME_co | carbon monoxide sensor |
binary_sensor.NAME_error | operational error |
Name | Purpose |
switch.NAME | toggle/paddle switch |
Name | Purpose |
switch.NAME_top | upper receptacle |
switch.NAME_bottom | lower receptacle |