For now the main focus of the project to write clean and maintainable code, and to provide a smooth user experience.
This includes providing feedback upstream so the Coq API can be tailored to provide a good interactive experience.
We are actively looking for contributors, please read first the contributing guide.
Here are some project ideas:
The info view panel can use many improvements in the are of UI design and layout. In particular, we'd like to:
- incorporate search and filters bar
- improve rendering of Goals and Coq terms
- allow users to click links from the view to go to particular source points
- make hypothesis sortable
- support goal diff
- welcome screen
- Provide a left panel for workspace information
- Auto build of workspace files
- Jump to definition: That's in progress, pending on coq/coq#16261
- Workspace search: be able to search on the whole workspace without loading the files.
- Allow to skip proofs, configure which ones to skip
- Contextual continuous checking: Check only what is visible, à la Isabelle.
- "Debug Adapter Protocol" for LTAC
Based on the coq-layout-engine
- support
literate Coq LaTeX documents
- support Jupyter-style notebooks
Supporting inlays and Lean-style info view.