The purpose of this app is to demonstrate how to integrate THEOplayer into an iOS app and integrate with the Google IMA framework to schedule and play advertisements.
For a quick start with this sample, please proceed with the Quick Start section. You can also take a look at our Getting Started on iOS guide for more information.
Using the terminal, navigate to the directory where the Podfile is located and run:
pod install --repo-update
In the player configuration, replace the placeholder
with your license for iOS SDK.let playerConfigurationBuilder = THEOplayerConfigurationBuilder() playerConfigurationBuilder.license = "your_license_string" self.theoplayer = THEOplayer(configuration:
If you don't have a license yet, please visit THEOportal Getting Started page.
Open the project
, select a Development Team for signing and build it.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3 Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.