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How to use this from your own module

You may wish to write Jenkins-based acceptance tests that are not kept in this repository. For example, you may have proprietary plugins which you plan to test using this harness. This is easily accomplished.

Basic setup

Just create a Maven project (with the default jar packaging) depending on the harness:


You may want to specify Java 7 or even 8 sources:


Now just create page objects in src/main/java/, tests in src/test/java/, and other classes and resources as usual. You can of course reuse AbstractJUnitTest, page objects, fixtures, etc. from the OSS test harness.

JUT server

If you would like to use the JUT server, add this snippet:


And create a in the root of your project:

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
if [ ! -s $CMD ]
  mvn package -DskipTests -f "$DIR/pom.xml"
sh "$CMD" "$@"

Controlling test output

The following profile is recommended:


This ensures that test output is printed to standard output when running a single test, typically while under development; yet output is suppressed when running all tests, when it would be noisy (especially when using multiple threads).

Releasing project versions

If you plan to use maven-release-plugin on your own project for some reason, you may add


since you would not want to run acceptance tests during the release. (Without some environment variables they would fail anyway.)

Selecting the browser and Jenkins WAR from Maven profiles

If you like to activate Maven profiles from ~/.m2/settings.xml with -P to run with specific environments, try
