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Angular: Filter on number, can't get it to work. #5887

Answered by riccardoperra
MusAlain asked this question in Q&A
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Hi, as I remember if you don't define a column filterFns, a table globalFilterFns will be used, which is 'includesString' as default .

The only thing i changed from the example btw is in the html i use (change)="....", while in the example it is using (changeEvent)="...". But that doesn't seem to do anything when i use that.

In the Angular example changeEvent is a custom output bound by the debounceInput directive, which basically debounce the change event. You can still use native input change if you want to update filters immediately when that dom event is triggered.

Did i forget something when it comes to numbers or is that not working correcly?

Depend on how you want to filter the…

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