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Installing AOF3

Monster Zero edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 2 revisions



In twitch go to:

  1. Mods
  2. Minecraft

Half way in the window you will see

  1. Browse Modpacks

  2. To the right select the search box.

  3. Type in All of fabric 3

You may need to scroll down a bit.

  1. Click the purple install button over top the All of fabric logo.


  1. Go to All of fabric 3 files page on curseforge
  2. Click on the name of the top most entry, which is the latest version.
  3. It will bring you to a very similar page, but now you should see a Download button to the right of the name.
  4. Click the Download Button
  5. Open MultiMC
  6. Click on Add Instance
  7. The second entry on the left side of the pane is Import from zip, select that
  8. To the right choose Browse
  9. Navigate to the downloaded zip from curseforge and select it and click open then ok.

Everything should download automatically. Be sure to double check you RAM Settings as well.

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