No red herrings, no guessing involved. Just plain crypto, enjoy!
(The intended approach takes significantly less than 10 minutes of computation)
Author: Gennaro Pierro <@Genni>
In this challenge we are given 300 tuples, consisting of values that belong to two different distributions. Either the value is sampled uniformly at random from the range
We can see this as an instance of a decisional version of the approximate gcd problem. Heuristically, we notice that, to recover
One can then notice that the LCG in the PRNG is heavily biased to 1, so the PRNG almost fully behaves like an LFSR, with an error term with a really low probability of showing up.
We get rid of the shuffling by summing the consecutive values of the recovered boolean vectors via the AGCD, learning the sum of 12 consecutive clocks of the PRNG for each sample that contains enough information to solve the AGCD problem (e.g. with more than 4 elements being of the form
We now have an instance of LPN, with relatively low error. We also have a relatively low number of samples, which hints at the fact that the ISD approach is faster than the BKW approach. We can hence use ISD to recover the key, and then decrypt the flag.
from pwn import *
from sage.all import *
import itertools
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib
import random
f = open('output.txt', 'r')
leaks = [eval(f.readline()) for i in range(300)]
enc = f.readline().strip()
nsamples = 4
nbitsq = 180
nbitsr = 180
wt = [2^(nbitsq + 1)] + [2^(nbitsr + nbitsq) for j in range(nsamples-1)]
wt = [max(wt)/x for x in wt]
W = diagonal_matrix(wt)
class symLFSR:
def __init__(self, seed):
self.state = list(seed)
self.taps = [0, 16, 32, 64, 96, 127]
def get(self):
next_bit = 0
for tap in self.taps:
next_bit += self.state[tap]
self.state = self.state[1:] + [next_bit]
return next_bit
def agcd(leak):
for x in itertools.combinations(range(len(leak)), nsamples):
f = 0
vals = [leak[i] for i in x]
M = diagonal_matrix([-vals[0] for j in range(nsamples)])
M[0, 0] = 1
for j in range(1, nsamples):
M[0, j] = vals[j]
M *= W
M = M.dense_matrix().LLL()
M /= W
row0 = M[0]
row0 = row0 * sign(row0[0])
t1 = int(row0[0])
for j in range(1, 2^5):
qg = t1*j
rg = int(vals[0] % qg)
pg = (vals[0] - rg) // qg
if isPrime(int(pg)) and int(pg).bit_length() == 256 and int(rg).bit_length() <= nbitsr and int(qg).bit_length() <= nbitsq:
f = 1
if f:
print(f'found the correct value of p')
p = pg
if not f:
print('did not find the correct value of p')
return -1
bs = []
for j in range(len(leak)):
ri, qi = leak[j] % p, leak[j] // p
if ri.bit_length() <= nbitsr and qi.bit_length() <= nbitsq:
return bs
def compute_SD(vectors, n, k, w, s):
#vectors is an array of n elements in GF(2)^(n-k), casted as python lists of integers
#H is the (n-k, n) matrix obtained by considering vectors as the columns of said matrix
n_k = n-k
indices = [j for j in range(n)]
found = 0
gf2_id = identity_matrix(n_k).change_ring(GF(2))
for trial in range(10000):
rows = [vectors[indices[i]] for i in range(n)]
H = Matrix(GF(2), rows).T
tmp_l = H.matrix_from_columns([i for i in range(n-k)])
if (det(tmp_l) != 0):
found = 1
if found == 0:
#somehow there are linear dependencies if this gets triggered, pls throw them away
raise Exception(f"Could not find {n_k} linearly independent vectors")
assert(tmp_l.rank() == tmp_l.nrows() == tmp_l.ncols())
#compute the permutation matrix bringing H into systematic form
P = gf2_id / tmp_l
r_mat = P*H
rhs = P*s
M_T = r_mat.matrix_from_columns([i + n - k for i in range(k)]).T
f = open("SD_find", "w")
f.write(f"# n\n{n}\n")
f.write(f"# k\n{k}\n")
f.write("# seed\n0\n")
f.write(f"# w\n{w}\n")
f.write("# H^transpose (each line corresponds to column of H, the identity part is omitted)\n")
for row in M_T:
f.write("".join(list(map(str, row))) + "\n")
f.write("# syndrome to compute\n")
p = process(["/home/genni/Sources/isd/build/isd","8", "SD", "SD_find"])
for j in range(4):
t = p.recvline(False).decode()
out = list(map(int, t))
except Exception as e:
assert(H * vector(GF(2), out) == s)
x = [0 for _ in range(n)]
for i, y in enumerate(out):
if y == 1:
x[indices[i]] = 1
assert(Matrix(GF(2), vectors).T * vector(GF(2), x) == s)
return vector(GF(2), x)
bs = []
for i, leak in enumerate(leaks):
print(f'\x1b[32mRound number {i}\x1b[0m')
out = agcd(leak)
if out == -1:
s = int(sum(out))
P = PolynomialRing(GF(2), [f'x_{i}' for i in range(128)])
coefs = P.gens()
S = symLFSR(coefs)
eqs = []
rhs = []
for s in bs:
tt = sum([S.get() for _ in range(12)])
if s == -1:
y = vector(rhs)
A, _= Sequence(eqs).coefficient_matrix()
A = A.dense_matrix()
B = A.left_kernel().basis_matrix().dense_matrix()
rr = B * y
vectors = [x for x in B.T]
n = len(vectors)
k = n - len(vectors[0])
w = 36
e = compute_SD(vectors, n, k, w, rr)
x = A.solve_right(y + e)
x = list(x.change_ring(ZZ))
key = sum([x[127 - i]*2^i for i in range(128)])
pt =, AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(bytes.fromhex(enc))