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Challenge 3 - Design a IoT Device Control App/Platform

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Problem Statement

You are the Architect for a consumer product company. You have to design a IoT Device Control App for different consumer products. For simplicity, lets assume an Air Conditioner for this challenge. However the company's vision is to create a platform for controlling various consumer products at home via this app.

Create a -

  • efficient, scalable, fault tolerant and highly available system for the Home Control App (An Internet of Things platform)
  • data is sourced via the following options
    • realtime messages from the AC via any messaging platform (you can assume any platform).
    • AC has internet connection
  • an App
    • which controls the AC
      • for Temperate increase/decrease
      • for Fan speed increase/decrease
      • for On/Off
    • which shows the Room temperate
  • reports are generated by End of Day (EOD) for
    • research about customer usage patterns
    • improvements to make the system work based on these patterns

Use relevant database, technology stack, frameworks and tools for creating an efficient system which can be fit well for this IoT design, Also if possible mention why would you choose the tool over others.


  • You need to also consider the maintainability and operational aspects of the deployment too (Observability - What happens if something goes wrong?)

Things to consider

  • You can leverage any non-Cloud platforms or Cloud Platforms (eg, Cloud Foundry, AWS, Azure or GCP) to overlay your deployment diagram and leverage features from these platforms.

Solutions from Community

Name Solution Comments
Himanshu Bhatt Solution Serverless AWS Architecture using API Gateway, S3, SQS, SNS, Lambda, Kinesis, DynamoDB and AWS IOT