Name | Type | Description | Notes |
quantity | int | Quantity with which the order is to be placed | |
product | str | Signifies if the order was either Intraday, Delivery, CO or OCO | |
validity | str | It can be one of the following - DAY(default), IOC | |
price | float | Price at which the order will be placed | |
tag | str | [optional] | |
slice | bool | [optional] | |
instrument_token | str | Key of the instrument | |
order_type | str | Type of order. It can be one of the following MARKET refers to market order LIMIT refers to Limit Order SL refers to Stop Loss Limit SL-M refers to Stop Loss Market | |
transaction_type | str | Indicates whether its a buy or sell order | |
disclosed_quantity | int | The quantity that should be disclosed in the market depth | |
trigger_price | float | If the order is a stop loss order then the trigger price to be set is mentioned here | |
is_amo | bool | Signifies if the order is an After Market Order |