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LisThEll: it's not Lisp, it's not Python, it's not Haskell

Powered by Pydialect and unpythonic.

from __lang__ import listhell

from unpythonic import foldr, cons, nil, ll

(print, "hello from LisThEll")

my_map = lambda f: (foldr, (compose, cons, f), nil)
assert (my_map, double, (q, 1, 2, 3)) == (ll, 2, 4, 6)


In terms of unpythonic.syntax, we implicitly enable prefix and curry for the whole module.

The following are dialect builtins:

  • apply, aliased to
  • compose, aliased to unpythonic's currying right-compose composerc
  • q, u, kw for the prefix syntax (note these are not MacroPy's q and u, but unpythonic's, specifically for prefix)

For detailed documentation of the language features, see unpythonic and unpythonic.syntax.

What LisThEll is

Essentially a demonstration of how Python could look, if it had Lisp's prefix syntax for function calls and Haskell's automatic currying.

It's also a minimal example of how to make a dialect based on an ast_transformer.


Only first-pass macros (outside-in) that should expand after curry (currently unpythonic provides no such macros) and second-pass (inside-out) macros that should expand before curry (there are two, namely tco and continuations) can be used in programs written in the LisThEll dialect.


If you like the idea and want autocurry for a Lisp, try spicy for Racket.


Not intended for serious use.