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Pytkell: Because it's good to have a kell

Powered by Pydialect and unpythonic.

from __lang__ import pytkell

from operator import add, mul

def addfirst2(a, b, c):
    return a + b
assert addfirst2(1)(2)(1/0) == 3

assert tuple(scanl(add, 0, (1, 2, 3))) == (0, 1, 3, 6)
assert tuple(scanr(add, 0, (1, 2, 3))) == (0, 3, 5, 6)

my_sum = foldl(add, 0)
my_prod = foldl(mul, 1)
my_map = lambda f: foldr(compose(cons, f), nil)
assert my_sum(range(1, 5)) == 10
assert my_prod(range(1, 5)) == 24
assert tuple(my_map((lambda x: 2*x), (1, 2, 3))) == (2, 4, 6)

pt = forall[z << range(1, 21),   # hypotenuse
            x << range(1, z+1),  # shorter leg
            y << range(x, z+1),  # longer leg
            insist(x*x + y*y == z*z),
            (x, y, z)]
assert tuple(sorted(pt)) == ((3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (6, 8, 10),
                             (8, 15, 17), (9, 12, 15), (12, 16, 20))

factorials = scanl(mul, 1, s(1, 2, ...))  # 0!, 1!, 2!, ...
assert last(take(6, factorials)) == 120

x = let[(a, 21) in 2*a]
assert x == 42
x = let[2*a, where(a, 21)]
assert x == 42


In terms of unpythonic.syntax, we implicitly enable curry and lazify for the whole module.

We also import some macros and functions to serve as dialect builtins:

  • All let[] and do[] constructs from unpythonic.syntax
  • lazy[] and lazyrec[] for manual lazification of atoms and data structure literals, respectively
  • If-elseif-else expression cond[]
  • Nondeterministic evaluation forall[] (do-notation in the List monad)
  • Function composition, compose (like Haskell's . operator), aliased to unpythonic's currying right-compose composerc
  • Linked list utilities cons, car, cdr, ll, llist, nil
  • Folds and scans foldl, foldr, scanl, scanr
  • Memoization memoize, gmemoize, imemoize, fimemoize
  • Functional updates fup and fupdate
  • Immutable dict frozendict
  • Mathematical sequences s, m, mg
  • Iterable utilities islice (unpythonic's version), take, drop, split_at, first, second, nth, last
  • Function arglist reordering utilities flip, rotate

For detailed documentation of the language features, see unpythonic and unpythonic.syntax.

The builtin let[] constructs are let, letseq, letrec, the decorator versions dlet, dletseq, dletrec, the block versions (decorator, call immediately, replace def'd name with result) blet, bletseq, bletrec. Bindings may be made using any syntax variant supported by unpythonic.syntax.

The builtin do[] constructs are do and do0.

For more, import from unpythonic, the standard library of Pytkell (on top of what Python itself already provides).

The lazifier uses MacroPy lazy[] promises from macropy.quick_lambda.

What Pytkell is

Pytkell is a dialect of Python implemented in MacroPy. It makes Python feel slightly more haskelly.

This dialect is mainly intended as an example of what is possible, and for system testing the dialect machinery and unpythonic.

This module is the dialect definition, invoked by dialects.DialectFinder when it detects a lang-import that matches our module name.


Not comboable with most of the block macros in unpythonic.syntax, because curry and lazify appear in the dialect template, hence at the lexically outermost position.

Only first-pass macros (outside-in) that should expand after lazify has recorded its userlambdas (currently unpythonic provides no such macros) and second-pass (inside-out) macros that should expand before curry (there are two, namely tco and continuations) can be used in programs written in the Pytkell dialect.

Why "Pytkell"?

The other obvious contraction Pyskell sounds like a serious programming language, whereas Pytkell is obviously something quickly thrown together for system testing.


No instrumentation exists (or is even planned) for the Pytkell layer; you'll have to use regular Python tooling to profile, debug, and such.

This layer is not quite as thin as Lispython's, but the Pytkell dialect is not intended for serious production use, either.