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Releases: Tencent/puerts


31 Aug 10:31
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/zhcn/

  1. fix: didn't check NativeObject's type when setting fields. #954
  2. fix: easy to cause task.GetAwaiter(...).OnCompleted is not a function error in Unity's Ilcpp mode #966
  3. optimize: the memory usage for JSObject #947
  4. optimize: disable setting constructor's BindingMode to Lazy
  5. optimize: disable reflect extension feature in Editor's Playmode

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


28 Jul 12:56
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/

  1. disable generic wrapper by default in 1.3 #937 #918
  2. fix: arguments number mismatch when generating BlittableCopy #938
  3. fix: MJSImporter will cause warning in 2018
  4. fix: #912

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


25 Jul 13:21
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/zhcn/

  1. support multi inspector client
  2. fix the inspector crash problem in unity2021.3.4+
  3. fix #708
  4. disable generic wrapper in unity2018-

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


15 Jul 02:38
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/zhcn/

  1. downgrade the v8 to 8.4 in android、ios building. to avoid #908
  2. fix #907

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


13 Jul 04:35
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/

  1. fix: UnityMenu.cs code bug fix.
  2. fix: thrown error when generating generic type with constrained generic argument.

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


06 Jul 12:13
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/

  1. fix: duplicated key error during generating: #657
  2. fix: cannot $generic a Type with Enum #856
  3. fix: did not filter the pointer type in delegate during generating: #857
  4. fix: in the d.ts, the return type of an interface's extension method would be wrong: #857
  5. fix: do not generate extension method for enum #857
  6. fix: some order of parameters with ArrayBuffer will throw an Error. #853
  7. feature: support invoking generic method without constraint: #819
  8. feature: the wrapper file of a generic type can now combine into one single file. #816
  9. feature: TypedValue can now pass to the argument of the corresponding type. #833
  10. optimize: add a reusable Github action for downloading JS backend artifact.
  11. optimize: can download the backend file by a URL in action.

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


30 Jun 02:14
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cd Plugins/Puerts/ThirdParty
find . -name "*.dylib" | xargs sudo xattr -r -d 


  • 多线程安全

  • 蓝图mixin功能

  • 支持UE本地化工作流

  • 原生类型强校验

  • 静态绑定支持默认值

  • 静态绑定支持静态变量

  • 静态绑定支持const char*、const TCHAR*参数

  • 静态绑定支持数组类型及std::string的指针,映射到ts的$Ref

  • 静态绑定引用类型的性能优化

  • UE5.0正式版的支持

  • 添加blueprint.load,blueprint.unload,blueprint.tojs

  • 嵌套结构体(第一个字段嵌套)性能优化

  • 添加gc相关接口:IdleNotificationDeadline、RequestMinorGarbageCollectionForTesting、RequestFullGarbageCollectionForTesting

  • 添加FName的ArrayBuffer表达支持,可优化字符串字面值FName的传输

  • enum添加支持反向映射

  • ts生成的蓝图的路径改为可以通过宏来修改

  • 内部优化:关键路径std::map -> TMap

  • 新增导出DTS时 Ignore Struct、Class 的配置

  • ts_file_versions_info.json的版本号处理优化

  • DefaultJSModuleLoader的一些函数改为虚函数,可被继承和覆盖

  • 把模块的search以及load阶段分开,优化大文件模块会重复读取的问题,某大型项目实测加载性能提升3倍

  • Puerts.Gen增加STRUCT,ENUM,ALL参数

  • 继承ue类支持使用枚举

  • 容器支持GetRef

  • 新增“持有结构体指针时,阻止父节点回收”功能


  • 非编辑器不调用TS的构造函数

  • 原生类型改为强校验

  • 默认对蓝图枚举生成声明

  • ts声明中,UStruct的StaticClass改为StaticStruct,和C++对齐

  • 去掉生成蓝图ts里,参数用TArray的报错


  • 解决nodejs版本异步实例化wasm一直没回调的问题

  • 解决ts文件被锁定,编译时死循环的问题

  • 一个文件变更触发整个ts工程读取两遍的性能问题

  • 数字作为name的蓝图枚举,生成的ts声明报错

  • 修复当尝试ts继承一个ustruct的时候,编辑器崩溃的问题

  • 解决静态绑定const UStruct*参数声明生成语法错误的问题

  • nodejs版本打包后,程序退出时崩溃

  • 结构体类型的字段访问的内存泄漏

  • 静态绑定含结构体字段的结构体(比如FBox2d)的首字段的字段访问失败


10 Jun 14:04
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/zhcn/

  1. support apple silicon #591
  2. upgrade the default v8 to 9.4,nodejs to 16
  3. make all members become configurable #667
  4. add require('puerts').getLastException to get the Error instance #629
  5. change LC_RPATH setter to support apple silicon

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


18 May 03:12
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中文版本请查看 doc/unity/

  1. the module csharp in d.ts will use export = just like what Node.js did #750
  2. fix: ignored assemblies which path is with Editor when generating extension method #735
  3. add try catch for builtin script running. and will destroy the jsengine when error is thrown.
  4. the Debug build of Plugin will now have the global.gc function.

difference between Node.js/Quickjs/V8: wiki


17 Apr 14:55
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中文版本changelog请查看 doc/unity/

  1. fix: some event members did not generated as LazyMember #739
  2. fix: some parameters with in modifier would use ref modifier to invoke in the generated code. #758
  3. fix: the op_Implicit method could not be called #767