Get latest job postings from
$ Instructions to execute
pip install BeautifulSoup4
pip install requests
pip install time
2. Move to directory where exist
1. open /posts/saved.txt file
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import time
urls = ""
def findJobs ():
count = 0
html_text = requests .get (urls ).text ;
soup = BeautifulSoup (html_text , 'lxml' )
jobs = soup .find_all ('li' , class_ = "clearfix job-bx wht-shd-bx" )
with open (f'posts/saved.txt' ,'w' ) as f :
for index , job in enumerate (jobs ):
location = job .find ('ul' , class_ = "top-jd-dtl clearfix" ).span .text
skills = job .find ('ul' , class_ = "list-job-dtl clearfix" ).span .text
company = job .find ('h3' , class_ = "joblist-comp-name" ).text
link = job .find ('header' , class_ = "clearfix" ).h2 .a ['href' ]
if True :
count += 1
f .write (f"Company: { company .strip ().replace ('(More Jobs)' ,'' )} \n " )
f .write (f"Location: { location .strip ()} \n " )
f .write (f"Skills: { skills .strip ()} \n " )
f .write (f"Link: { link } \n \n " )
return count ;
print (f'Fetching Data from\n { urls } \n .' )
x = findJobs ()
print (f'{ x } new jobs updated.' )