This package adds encoding and decoding to scaffold for apis. It uses the Content-Type and Accept headers to work out what data type to return.
This example uses the handler builder to auto decode the request and encode the response:
package main
import (
type ExampleRequest struct {
SomeValue string `json:"someValue" xml:"SomeValue"`
OtherValue int `json:"otherValue" xml:"OtherValue"`
type ExampleResponse struct {
SomeValue string `json:"someValue" xml:"SomeValue"`
OtherValue int `json:"otherValue" xml:"OtherValue"`
// This handler will receive the decoded request in `request`
// The response will be encoded and sent to the client
// Eg `{"someValue":"Some value","otherValue":5}`
func ExampleHandler1(request ExampleRequest) (ExampleResponse, error) {
return ExampleResponse{
SomeValue: request.SomeValue,
OtherValue: request.OtherValue,
}, nil
// This handler will receive the decoded request in `request`
// The error will be sent to the client, eg `{"error":"Some error"}`
// If the handler has context.Context, *http.Request or http.ResponseWriter
// parameters they will be passed in.
func ExampleHandler2(request ExampleRequest, ctx context.Context) (ExampleResponse, error) {
return ExampleResponse{}, errors.NewErrorStatus(500, "Some error")
func main() {
dispatcher := scaffold.DefaultDispatcher()
router := scaffold.New(dispatcher)
// Add handler builder to accept handlers that need decoding/encoding
// Route the example handlers
router.Handle("/example1", ExampleHandler1)
router.Handle("/example2", ExampleHandler2)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", dispatcher)