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68 lines (54 loc) · 2.18 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (54 loc) · 2.18 KB


The bcc-testnet tool provides an easy way to launch a testnet for each of the available modes:

  • Cole only
  • Sophie only
  • Cole-Sophie

Launching a testnet

To create a testnet, first build the necessary executables:

$ cabal build bcc-cli bcc-node bcc-node-chairman bcc-testnet

Then get a list of available testnets to run:

$ cd bcc-testnet
$ cabal run bcc-testnet
Usage: bcc-testnet COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text


Then create the testnet. For example:

$ cabal run bcc-testnet bcc --era sophie
  ✗ <interactive> failed at testnet/Testnet/Run.hs:34:3
    after 1 test.

        ┏━━ src/Testnet/Bcc.hs ━━━
     68 ┃ testnet :: H.Conf -> H.Integration [String]
     69 ┃ testnet H.Conf {..} = do
     70 ┃   -- This script sets up a cluster that starts out in Bcc, and can transition to Sophie.
     71 ┃   --
       ┏━━ testnet/Testnet/Run.hs ━━━
    25 ┃ testnetProperty :: (H.Conf -> H.Integration ()) -> H.Property
    26 ┃ testnetProperty tn = H.integration . H.runFinallies . H.workspace "chairman" $ \tempAbsPath' -> do
       ┃ │ Workspace: /private/var/folders/zh/ln41q4zs52x2fd61rxccmq640000gn/T/chairman/test-acaaa345c8802769
    27 ┃   [email protected] {..} <- H.mkConf tempAbsPath' 42
    28 ┃
    29 ┃   -- Fork a thread to keep alive indefinitely any resources allocated by testnet.
    30 ┃   void . liftResourceT . resourceForkIO . forever . liftIO $ IO.threadDelay 10000000
    31 ┃
    32 ┃   void $ tn conf
    33 ┃
    34 ┃   H.failure -- Intentional failure to force failure report
       ┃   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    This failure can be reproduced by running:
    > recheck (Size 0) (Seed 7516688192894072998 17634780818781912383) <property>

Testnet is running.  Type CTRL-C to exit.

At this point, the testnet is running. The output provides all the information about the testnet including what socket files are created and what ports are open. Note that the testnet is launched from the parent of the workspace directory, so any filenames need to be interpreted in that context.