- Overview
- Coding Guidelines
- Coding Standards
Because this is an open source project, coding should not be an expression of personal style or preference or cleverness, it is about writing code that is easy to read and understand and maintainable.
This document refers to both client and server code, differences where applicable are made clear.
This is open source software. While you might not agree 100% on the standards used, something has to be put in place
to ensure consistency, and the aim is to make easily readable code. eslint
is used to check for syntax errors and
basic formatting guidelines. The .editorconfig
file contains a full formatting configuration - this file can be imported into
IDEA IDE's (WebStorm for example) for automatic code formatting. Pull requests may be rejected if no effort is made to
adhere to this coding style.
ESLint rules for "indent" are set to 4 spaces. This causes issues with the WS formatter for certain styles of coding. For example:
// This style is often preferred (keeping object literal braces on same line as function parenthesis)
routes.push ( {
foo: 1,
bar: 'foo'
} );
// WebStorm turns it into this:
routes.push ( {
foo: 1,
bar: 'foo'
} );
// ESLint ofc complains about the "more than 4" spacing
// In order to resolve this, the object braces should be placed on their own line:
routes.push (
foo: 1,
bar: 'foo'
ES* syntax can/should be used in both client-side and server-side code. For server-side code no transpilers should be used - if the feature isn't supported by the target Node version, don't use it. Check this page for confirmation of feature support. For client-side code, Babel handles transpilation to a syntax suitable for target browser support.
Don't use new shiny features just because you want to look clever. Remember the principle of K.I.S.S. Code should be readable and easily understandable by others - don't make assumptions about other developers level of understanding on this - it's not a competition, leave your ego at the door, please!
If performance optimisations or other justifiable reasons exist for coding in a way that isn't the simplest way to do it, leave a comment - explain why.
The general rule of thumb is; if a set of logically-grouped functions lends itself to be instantiated more than once, use an ES class. Otherwise use a module.
Use CommonJS modules for server-side code - ES modules are not yet supported properly. ES modules should be used client-side because Rollup/Babel understands them and transpiles them as needed, in fact ES modules play better with Rollup, Vue and many client-side 3rd party modules.
// my-module.js
module.exports = {
doSomething ( param1 ) {
return param1;
// script.js
const myMod = require( './my-module.js' );
console.log ( myMod.doSomething ( 'hello' ) );
// Or using object destructuring
const { doSomething } = require( './my-module.js' );
console.log ( doSomething ( 'hello' ) );
// my-module.js
// 1. Export individual functions
export function doSomething ( param1 ) {
return param1;
// 2. Or export multiple at once
function doSomethingElse ( param1 ) {
return param1;
export { doSomethingElse };
// 3. Or export in a similar way to CommonJS by providing a default object
export default {
doSomethingDifferent ( param1 ) {
return param1;
// script.js
// 1. & 2. Pick specific methods only using object destructuring
import { doSomething } from './my-module.js';
console.log ( doSomething ( 'hello' ) );
// 3. Use a namespace for all methods
import * as myMod from './my-module.js';
console.log ( myMod.doSomething ( 'hello' ) );
Now we have decent ES support, there should be no reason to use any previous incarnations of "classes" as we've typically used before, such as extending object prototypes, and function-based object construction.
Of course - no-one will need too much encouragement to move away from nasty Promise chains to async/await syntax!
Sometimes async/await may not be appropriate, so don't feel you can't use a Promise. Although, the only use case that comes to mind is await'ing a traditional callback (example below).
Always wrap an await with try…catch
. Wrap the entire enclosing function, or if you need more detailed error messaging (better), wrap each statement.
If you do use Promises - always include a catch. Handle the entire operation locally - e.g. don't catch() locally, but then return the promise for the caller to handle then()'s. Either pass the entire promise back, or handle all locally.
// Top-level async IIFE wrapper - to allow top-level await
(async function main () {
// Example of await'ing a traditional callback
try {
await new Promise ( r => httpServer.close ( r ) );
} catch ( e ) {
throw new Error ( `An error occurred closing the server: ${ e.message || e.toString() }` );
// Await a set of async commands to run in parallel
try {
const results = await Promise.all(
userService.getOneById ( 123 ),
orgService.getOneById ( 456 ),
userGroupsService.search ( {
type: 'admin'
} )
// == 3
console.log ( results.length );
} catch ( e ) {
throw new Error ( `An error occurred initialising the user session: ${ exceptions.parse( e ).message }` );
// Always include an explicit return - then it is clear you haven't forgotton
The loosely typed nature of JavaScript gives the developer a lot of flexibility. However, we often need to verify or check the variable type. Use a central utility library such as Lodash for type checking. Here is a native type checking module.
There are certain cases where an Object doesn't have an hasOwnProperty
method, for example when it is actually
defined as something else ({ hasOwnProperty: 123 }
), or the object is being used as a map, and doesn't inherit
from Object.prototype
. Use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( obj, ‘prop' )
// Broken - throws a TypeError
const someObject1 = { foo: 'bar', hasOwnProperty: 5 };
someObject1.hasOwnProperty ( 'foo' );
// Broken - throws a TypeError
const someObject2 = Object.create ( null );
someObject2.hasOwnProperty ( 'foo' );
// Safer
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call ( someObject1, 'foo' );
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call ( someObject2, 'foo' );
// Using TypeUtils
TypeUtils.hasProperty ( someObject1, 'foo' );
Use three main naming conventions only; camelCase for all variables and object properties (including pure JSON), PascalCase for Class and Module definitions, and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
// Variables
const amIMad = true;
const myAge = 21;
const name = 'Englebert Humperdinck';
const meaningFullGenders = [
'Don't go there'
// Classes and objects
const MyClass = require( './my-class.class.js' );
const myObject = new MyClass ();
myObject.dynamicProperty = 123;
console.log ( myObject.CONSTANT_VALUE );
class Alien = {
// Modules
const MyModule = {
module.exports = MyModule;
File names should always use hyphens not underscores. No hard and fast rules in terms of enhancing the file extension, but try to describe what the file represents - and above all - be consistent through your project:
// An ES module
// An ES Class
// CommonJS module - it's ok to assume a default
// - just keep it consistent through a single project
// The folder describes the usage - so no need to go any further
// (Unless ofc you have lots of middleware)
This point has been argued for a decade+. Please use semi-colons - it is just safer. If you miss them out ESLint will tell you.
Indent all code using a single "soft" tab per indentation, which should represent 4 spaces. Do not use hard tabs (the \t character). Yes - this is a controversial point, we have to pick one side of the argument for consistency, here are some justifications to make you all feel better:
- Automatic code formatting rules for multi-line formatting, often break when using hard tabs.
- Hard tabs generally cause more issues than they solve when working in teams; Fred likes tabs to be 8 spaces, Lauren likes 4 spaces. Fred tries running a command line diff… 🤯
- Hard tab size cannot as easily be enforced - editors can be configured to treat hard tabs as 2, 4, 6 or 8 spaces etc.
- Automatically converting tabs to spaces is easy, the other way round… not so.
Add spaces inside and outside of brackets - one before and one after. E.g.
// Function declarations
function slapMe ( firstSlapLocation, secondSlapLocation ) {
// ...
// Array declarations
const myList = [ 'blahblahblah1', 'blahblahblah2' ];
// Function call
slapMe ( 'leftCheek', 'rightEyeSocket' );
Always declare functions using multi-line syntax - it is consistent and easier to spot errors when scanning through code quickly:
// Do this
function fooBar () {
return 'FUBAR';
// Don't do this
function fooBar () { return 'FUBAR'; }
// Forgivable exception - because the alternative is probably less readable
.map ( x => `${ x }_suffix`)
.filter ( x => x.startsWith( 'prefix_' ) )
Break chained method calls into one call per line, indent each call.
const shapes = [
{ name: 'circle', hasCorners: false, hasRightAngle: false },
{ name: 'triangle', hasCorners: true, hasRightAngle: false },
{ name: 'rectangle', hasCorners: true, hasRightAngle: true },
{ name: 'rhombus', hasCorners: true, hasRightAngle: false },
{ name: 'square', hasCorners: true, hasRightAngle: true }
const formattedCorneredRightAngledShapes = shapes
.filter ( shape => {
return shape.hasCorners && shape.hasRightAngle;
} )
.map( shape => _.startCase( shape.name ) )
.join ( ', ' )
If you have multiple conditions - use common sense to determine what is readable and what isn't, break each condition onto a new line, and place the operator at the end of the line.
NOTE: If you have no common sense :) use this rule: if the line exceeds 120 characters, break the statement down into chunks that fit within an 120-char line.
// Not sensible
if ( ( myLongVariableName > 2 && myLongVariableName < 5 ) || thisIsSilly.includes( 'Are You Mental?' ) ){
// ..
// Sensible
if (
( myLongVariableName > 2 && myLongVariableName < 5 ) ||
thisIsSilly.includes( 'Are You Mental?' )
) {
// ..
// No-brainer
if ( a === 1 && !brainDead ){
// ...
// Not sensible
const myList = [ 'blahblahblah1', 'blahblahblah2', 'blahblahblah3', 'blahblahblah4', 'blahblahblah5', 'blahblahblah6', 'blahblahblah7' ];
// Sensible
const myList = [
'blahblahblah1', 'blahblahblah2', 'blahblahblah3',
'blahblahblah4', 'blahblahblah5', 'blahblahblah6',
Long variable names are fine. Short ones are bad - if it isn't clear what they represent. The name should describe what data it holds, and/or it's purpose. Best indicated by examples:
// Eh whaat? Fail..
const a = 256;
// Good
const ramAvailableMb = 256;
// Forgivable exception - it's obvious what they do
for ( const i = 0, len = 10; i < len; i++ ){
// ...
// Pointless
const iAmABooleanValue = false;
If you don't know the difference by now, stop reading this and read this.
While some consider var
to be helpful (indicative) in some situations, don't use it. We've moved into a
block-scoping world, so let's embrace it, show that we understand what it means, and make proper choices between
and let
provides a better opportunity than var
for the v8 compiler to optimise. But const
does not always
mean better optimisation - the v8 engine uses a variety of rules to optimise performance.
A couple of things to consider:
// This works because the variable is assigned to an object
// The object doesnt change, only its properties.
// E.g. const declares an immutable _binding_ only
const myHouse = {
hasRoof: true,
style: 'semi-detached'
myHouse.style = 'detached';
// This doesn't work because the binding is changed
const myFlat = {
hasRoof: false
myFlat = {
style: 'flat'
General rule of thumb is to avoid globals where possible. For server-side code - sometimes using a global helps - e.g. when inside an HTTP request flow. Just be aware of multi-process, multi-session states - a global value should not be changed once it is instantiated when the service or application starts.
For native client-side code - you should wrap code in either an IIFE (Immediately-invoked Function Expression), or use a namespace (global namespace variables are OK to use - but be careful with naming - and be aware that third party lib globals or namespaces may clash).
When working with Rollup and Vue - everything should be in ES Modules or Vue single-file components anyway - Rollup will take care of producing properly wrapped native code.
// Example of a valid server-side global use case - it should not change
global.currentApiVersion = 'v2.0';
// Example of native client-side IIFE wrapper
( function main ( $, win ){
// Do yo thang.. everything inside here is scoped locally
// ...
} )( jQuery, window );
// Example of using a native namespace
global.NS = global.NS || {
aProp: 123
global.NS.myMethod = function () { ... }
You can declare multiple variables either of the following ways, but make sure you are consistent throughout your project. If you choose the second method, make sure you align the assignments.
// Full declaration per line
let counter = 0;
let total = 0;
let index = 0;
let myVeryLongVariableNameForExample = 'Nothing wrong with long variable names, better to be able to see straight away what they do right?';
// If you choose this way, make sure they line up
let counter = 0,
total = 0,
index = 0,
myVeryLongVariableNameForExample = 'Nothing wrong with long variable names, better to be able to see straight away what they do right?'
While it is OK to use an anonymous function, it is better to use a named function for the following reasons:
- Named functions are easier to debug - stack traces include more information
- Anonymous functions cannot be re-used - which is useful when it comes to disabling event handlers for example
- Anonymous functions are harder to test than named functions
- Named functions are clearer and it is easier to understand their purpose
When declaring functions within a class definition, or as an object property, use shorthand definition - it is cleaner and easier to read:
// Class definition
class Monkey {
constructor ( name ) {
this.name = name;
this.intent = 'no evil';
see () {
return `I see ${ this.intent }`;
do () {
return `I do ${ this.intent }`;
introduce () {
return `Hi, my name is ${ this.name }. ${ this.see () }, and ${ this.do () }.`;
// Object properties
const monkeyCollection = {
items: [],
add ( ...items ) {
this.items.push ( ...items );
show () {
this.items.forEach ( monkey => console.log ( monkey.introduce () ) );
const bob = new Monkey ( 'Bob the chimp' );
const sid = new Monkey ( 'Sid the orangutan' );
monkeyCollection.add ( bob, sid );
monkeyCollection.show ();
Hi, my name is Bob the Chimp. I see no evil, and I do no evil.
Hi, my name is Sid the Orangutan. I see no evil, and I do no evil.
Arrow functions are a nice way to make clean one-line functions (see above example). If you don't understand the functional difference, read this. When choosing between the two, firstly consider scope, then consider code style.
If your decision is made due to scope - add a comment to clarify - it makes it much easier to understand your code when another developer skims through quickly. Scope rules are sometimes not immediately obvious - so help out and make it obvious.
NOTE: Avoid using arrow functions in Mocha tests as this will often produce issues with scope.
Interactions between Iterators and Generators can get confusing and are non-trivial to understand.
If you do have a use case that requires Iterator and/or Generator functions, please comment the code well - the chances of other developers not fully understanding how/why/etc are probably fairly high - given the rarity in which they actually need to be used.
Use object literal syntax, rather than the Object constructor:
// Bad
const foo = new Object ();
// Good
const foo = {};
// Use property value shorthand where possible:
const type = 'car';
// Bad
const vehicle = {
type: type
// Good
const vehicle = { type };
String literals should always be single-quotes. If they include a single quote, escape it. Do not use template literals unless they contain interpolated variable references.
// Bad shiz
const whatsMyName = "I'm Harry the Plonker";
const personalStatement = `I am really good at... stuff.`;
// Good shiz
const whatsMyName = 'I\'m Harry the Plonker';
const personalStatement = `I am really good at ${ skillz.join( ', ' ) }`;
Unless you really need to preserve spacing
(probably not often in an indented JS file)
then don't use multi-line template literals _just because_
// Not pretty
const personalStatement = skillz
.filter( skill => skill.isRelevant )
.map ( skill => `I am able to do ${ skill.name } really well.
In fact I am so good at ${ skill.extendedDescription },
that I cannot be taught another damn thing about it.`)
.join( '\n' )
// Cleaner
const personalStatement = skillz
.filter( skill => skill.isRelevant )
.map ( skill => {
// In reality - if you need to deal with BIG texts
// put them in a resource file and use string interpolation
// (Handlebars or whatever is most relevant - use the right tool for the job)
return `I am able to do ${ skill.name } really well.\n` +
`In fact I am so good at ${ skill.extendedDescription }, \n` +
'that I cannot be taught another damn thing about it.';
.join( '\n' )
Do not use for..in
loops to iterate over Arrays. In fact, try not to use them at all. Use for..of
To iterate over an Object's properties, use Object.keys()
and Object.entries()
within a for..of
Generally, when performance is a concern, use basic for loops.
Try to avoid Array.forEach()
unless you know that you need to process every item in the array. You can't
use break
or continue
for .forEach()
, and it doesn't play well with async/await
const weirdAnimals = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Ribbon Worm' },
{ id: 2, name: 'EWestern Tarsier' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Sloane\'s Viperfish' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Bald Uakari' },
{ id: 5, name: 'Mata Mata' },
{ id: 6, name: 'Java Developer' }
// Iterate over a collection
for ( const [ idx, animal ] of Object.entries ( weirdAnimals ) ) {
console.log ( `#${ animal.id } ${ animal.name }`, idx );
// Iterate over a collection (no index)
for ( const [ , animal ] of Object.entries ( weirdAnimals ) ) {
console.log ( `#${ animal.id } ${ animal.name }` );
// Generate a large array
const lotsOfNumbers = Array.from ( Array ( 1000000 ).keys () );
// Process a large array - declare length once only
for ( let i = 0, len = lotsOfNumbers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
lotsOfNumbers[ i ] = lotsOfNumbers[ i ] - 1;
To process an array of Promises or async functions, in sequential order, use a standard for
// Async function - demonstrates how to await a traditional node-style callback
async function getResource ( id ) {
return await new Promise ( resolve => {
setTimeout (
() => resolve ( {
id : id,
name: `test_${ id }`
} ),
} );
// In order to await anything at top-level we need an immediately-invoked async function wrapper
( async function main () {
const idsToFetch = [ 1, 5, 123, 999 ];
// Use a standard for loop
for ( const id of idsToFetch ) {
const resource = await getResource ( id );
console.log ( resource.name );
} ) ();
Always use braces with blocks.
// Bad
if ( thing )
return false;
if ( thing ) return thingService ( { foo: 'bar' } );
// "OK"
if ( thing ) return false;
// Better
if ( thing ) {
return false;
if ( thing ) {
return thingService ( {
foo: 'bar'
} );
Don't break the else
onto a new line - use the below format:
if ( amIMad ) {
// ..
} else if ( amISlightlyMad ) {
// ..
} else {
// ..
When using fall-through logic - include a comment to explain why. Separate each case block with an empty line. No need to always include a default case - but explain why with a comment if the surrounding code logic doesn't make that clear.
Some general rules for deciding whether to use switch
statements vs if..else
Use a switch
statement if:
- You are comparing multiple possible conditions of an expression and the expression itself is non-trivial.
- You have multiple values that may require the same code.
- You have some values that will require essentially all of another value's execution, plus only a few statements.
Use an if
statement when:
- You want to test for the truthiness of an expression.
- You only have one or two affirmative tests.
- You need to evaluate different expressions for each branch
// Process any backdoor keypress
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
// ENTER and SPACE will both take the user to the moon
case uiLib.keyCodes.ENTER:
case uiLib.keyCodes.SPACE:
flyToTheMoon ();
case uiLib.keyCodes.ESCAPE:
takeABusToHell ();
// Log the keypress
logService.logKeyPress ( event.keyCode );
Exceptions should ideally be constructed using a custom exceptions class, to ensure uniformity of response and implementation of documentable error codes.
When handling ad-hoc errors, always use new Error()
syntax - never throw unknown types, or string literals etc.
Be liberal with your use of try..catch
. If you omit it because you want the exception to bubble up to the
caller - explain why.
In some cases, it is perfectly normal to catch and ignore an error. What is not normal is to not explain why - without a comment - another developer cannot be sure if this is simply bad coding or a real use-case.
// Call a third-party lib method
try {
const user = usersService.fetchByUserName ( null );
} catch ( e ) {
// Maybe usersService was built by the Java team ;-)
// Not too sure what it may return
// Ideal solution
throw exceptions.parse ( e );
// Minimal solution
throw new Error ( e.message || e.toString () );
// Empty catch block
let cart = {};
try {
cart = JSON.parse ( req.body.cart );
} catch ( e ) {
// Let cart service deal with "no cart"
cartService.addCart ( cart );
Avoid using short-circuit conditionals and favour full syntax for readability and consistency. Creating "short" source code doesn't make any difference at run-time.
// Bad
condition && doSomething ();
// Good
if ( condition ) {
doSomething ();
Always place comments before the code it refers to, not after (who does that?).
Single-line comments should have a space in between the //
and the start of the sentence.
Please use proper English grammar (UK preferably ;-)! Remember you are communicating with other human beings, not the computer, or writing an instant :msg:. Sentences start with a capital bloody letter…
Avoid the use of inline comments. If a function parameter needs an explanation, include it in the function comment, not inline next to the parameter.
Examples below:
This is a block comment. Standard 4-space indentation.
Use block style to describe a section of code, or a method/function
* @module foo/bar
* @author Englebert Humperdinck
* This is a jDoc style comment.
* You can use this style at the top of class or module files.
* It helps make it stand out from other block comments.
* Oh yeah - and you can automatically generate documentation!
// This is a single-line comment. Use to describe a single statement or small task.
// It is ok for a single-line comment to span multiple lines!
// For example the following code may be a single action, but it might
// have a few caveats and gotchas.
//this is incorrect. is you illeterate? (or Hungarian?) :D :omg: :lol: (personal joke)
// This is an example of an inline comment - don't do it
const naughtyComment = function ( url, options /* Blah de blah */ ) {
// ...
This is a better approach.
url String A URL to fetch the resource from
options Options Object
- method String HTTP Method
- timeoutMs Integer Request timeout in milliseconds
NOTE: Even better would be a proper jsDoc comment!
const wellCommented = function ( url, options ) {
// ...
Always use strict equality checks. No exceptions. If you think you have a case for a loose equality check - you're approach is probably wrong.
// Some may argue that this is safe, because typeof always returns a string
// But it is not consistent. This argument can also be made for strict checking.
if ( typeof x == "function" ) {
// ...
// Correct
if ( typeof x === "function" ) {
// ...
// Some like to check for NULL or undefined like this:
if ( insideMyHead == null ) {
// ...
// It is more verbose, but this is safer
if ( [ null, undefined ].includes ( insideMyHead ) ) {
// ...
// Better - use centralised type checking functions
if ( typeUtils.isNullOrUndefined ( insideMyHead ) ) {
// ...
A class example can be found here, demonstrating constructors, public / private methods and properties, basic inheritance, getters/setters and static methods.
A minimal ES class example:
// my-class.class.js
class MyClass {
doSomething ( param1 ) {
return param1;
// script.js
const myObject = new MyClass();
// An example using a class constructor:
// my-class.class.js
class MyClass {
constructor ( num1 ) {
// Init class property
this.num1 = num1;
factorIt ( num2 ) {
return this.num1 * num2;
// script.js
const myObject = new MyClass( 2 );
console.log( myObject.factorIt( 10 ) ); // 20
"Private class fields" (prefixed with a #hash) are supported by Node v12, and Rollup/Babel, but ESLint doesn't support them yet, and because the proposal for private methods is still in draft, we should avoid for now and simply use the following mechanism:
// Prefix private variables with an underscore
let _count = 0;
class MyClass {
addAndReport () {
return _count++;
There is currently no way to define private methods, getters or setters. For now, use Symbols to declare private methods. Symbols aren't proper private method declarations, and have a "backdoor", but are (arguably) the most semantic choice available at the moment. Use Symbols for now, this will be revisited later once ES offers a well-supported mechanism.
// Declare Symbols for private methods
const _parseError = Symbol ( 'parseError' );
class MyClass {
doSomething ( param1 ) {
try {
return param1 / 0;
} catch (e) {
throw this[ _parseError ]( e );
[ _parseError ] ( e ) {
// Do some custom error parsing
return new Error ( e );
Use destructuring when accessing multiple properties of an object, this saves from creating temporary references.
// Bad
function getFullName ( user ) {
const firstName = user.firstName;
const lastName = user.lastName;
return `${ firstName } ${ lastName }`;
// Good
function getFullName ( user ) {
const { firstName, lastName } = user;
return `${ firstName } ${ lastName }`;
// Better
function getFullName( { firstName, lastName } ) {
return `${ firstName } ${ lastName }`;
Always use destructuring when accessing individual array elements.
const customers = [
{ id: 1, firstName: 'Bob' },
{ id: 2, firstName: 'Sid' },
{ id: 3, firstName: 'Nob' }
// Bad
const first = customers[ 0 ];
const second = customers[ 1 ];
// Good
const [ first, second ] = customers;
Use object destructuring when returning multiple values, not array destructuring.
// Bad
function getBounds ( input ) {
// ...
return [ left, right, top, bottom ];
// The caller needs to think about the order of return data
const [ left, ,top ] = getBounds ( input );
// Good
function getBounds ( input ) {
// ...
return { left, right, top, bottom };
// The caller selects only the data they need
const { left, top } = getBounds ( input );
Author: @TheFoot