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🔑 Keyword: TIOF
🔑 Keyword: TIOF
Issue involving The IO Foundation.
🔑 Keyword: UX Research
🔑 Keyword: UX Research
Issue involving UX Research tasks.
🔑 Keyword: UX/UI Design
🔑 Keyword: UX/UI Design
Issue involving UX or UI Design tasks.
🔑 Keyword: Wikidata
🔑 Keyword: Wikidata
Issue involving Wikidata.
🔑 Keyword: Wordpress
🔑 Keyword: Wordpress
Issue involving Wordpress.
Level: BoA
Level: BoA
This position is for a member of the Board of Advisers.
Level: BoD
Level: BoD
This position is for a member of the Board of Directors.
Level: Consultant
Level: Consultant
This position is for a Consultant.
Level: Coordinator
Level: Coordinator
This position is for a Team Coordinator.
Level: Counselor
Level: Counselor
This position is for a member of a Project's Board of Counselors.
Level: Deputy
Level: Deputy
This position is for a Team Deputy.
Level: Member
Level: Member
This position is for a Team Member.
Level: Mentor
Level: Mentor
This position is for a Mentor.
Module: ADM
Module: ADM
General ADMinistration for the project.
Module: API
Module: API
Issues related to the API.
Module: BO
Module: BO
Issues related to the Back Office.
Module: CS
Module: CS
Issues related to the Crowdsourcing Funnel.
Module: DB
Module: DB
Issues related to the Database.
Module: DEI
Module: DEI
Issues related to the Date Entry Interface.
Module: DF
Module: DF
Issues related to the Direct Feed Funnel.
Module: DR SDK
Module: DR SDK
Issues related to the DR SDK of the UDDR.
Module: DSL
Module: DSL
Issue related to a DataSet Layer.
Module: IS
Module: IS
Issues related to the Insourcing Funnel.
Module: MAP
Module: MAP
Issues related to the Mapping Platform.
Module: ML
Module: ML
Issues related to the Machine Learning Funnel.
Module: Sources
Module: Sources
Issues related to data Sources.
Module: UDDR L
Module: UDDR L
Issues related to the Legal document of the UDDR.
Module: UDDR T
Module: UDDR T
Issues related to the Technical document of the UDDR.
Module: WEB
Module: WEB
Issues related to the Website.
💭 Need: Advice
💭 Need: Advice
Seeking some sort of advice.