A list of software that allows you to better manage or edit your world
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Name | Does what | Supported Versions | Description |
Amidst (Not Checked) | World Preview | 1.8 - 1.17 | Amidst is a tool to display an overview of a Minecraft world, without actually creating it. |
Amulet | Map Editor & World Converter | supports every version since Java 1.12 and Bedrock 1.7 and Experimetal Alpha 1.18 | Amulet is a program to externally modify Minecraft save files. This may be to fix a corrupt area of the world that stops the game from loading or to modify the terrain such as moving or copying builds. |
MCA Selector | Chunk Manipulation Tool | Java 1.2.1 - 1.19 | MCA Selector is a tool to export or delete chunks from a world. |
MCDungeon (Not Checked) | Dungons | Unknown - 1.12 | MCDungeon is a map editing tool that will create procedurally generated dungeons in a preexisting Minecraft map. |
MCEdit / MCEdit Unified | Map Editor | 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 & Forge 1.7 | MCEdit is a saved game editor for Minecraft. Since Minecraft saved games contain every single element of the world the player is playing in, it has much more in common with 3D world, map, and terrain editors than traditional saved game editors. MCEdit has been developed since 2010 with the original goal of allowing Classic levels to be played in the full version of Minecraft, but has since evolved into a full featured editor |
NBTExplorer | NBT Editor | Unknown | NBTExplorer is an open-source NBT editor for all common sources of NBT data. |
Universal Minecraft Converter (Paid Software) | World Converter | Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii U, PC Java, Pocket Editon, Windows 10 Edition, | The Universal Minecraft Converter can bring your favorite worlds onto another platform so you can pick up where you left off. |
Universal Minecraft Editor | Data editor | Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii U, PC Java, Pocket Editon, Windows 10 Edition, | The one stop shop to edit anything pretty much |
WorldPainter (Known to active false positives in some anti-viruses.) | interactive map generator | Unknown | WorldPainter is an interactive map generator for Minecraft. It allows you to "paint" landscapes using similar tools as a regular paint program. Sculpt and mould the terrain, paint materials, trees, snow and ice, etc. onto it, and much more. |