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Designed to enable the user to debug their code and api requests as easily as possible. The package is made so that it is completely safe to use in any environment.( All features will work only if kDebugMode == true )


  • Log api client requests and responses.
  • Log colorized messages to the console.
  • Log messages to the console with different log levels.
  • Log FlutterError to the console with level and stack trace.


  • You can configure many things with this package. Please check the example below for more details.

Configuration setup

) {
    // MessageLoggerConfig
    messageLoggerConfig.example = 'example';
    // ApiLoggerConfig
    apiLoggerConfig.example = 'example';

    // Please check the properties mentioned below for more details.

MessageLoggerConfig properties

Property Description Default
logLevels Only the levels you specify using this property will be displayed in the debug console. Useful in the case when, for example, you are only interested in fatal errors, etc. LogLevel.values (All)
messageSpacing The spacing around the message in the console. 0
colorizeLogs If true, the messages will be colorized; otherwise, the text will be white. true
logMessageTime If true, the time when the message was logged will be displayed. true

ApiLoggerConfig properties

Property Description Default
_maxResponseBodyLengthForPrint The maximum length of the body that will be printed to the console. 1500
messageSpacing The spacing around the message in the console. 2
logRequestQueryParams If true, the query parameters will be displayed in the console. true
logRequestHeaders If true, the request headers will be displayed in the console. false
ignoreRequestHeaders The headers which will be ignored in the console. It does not matter whether letters are uppercase or lowercase. ['Authorization']
logRequestBody If true, the request body will be displayed in the console; otherwise, it will not. true
successStatusCodes The status codes that will be considered as successful. [200, 201]
reportInterval Represents the interval for reporting the number of successful and failed requests. null means disable. Duration(minutes: 10)

Usage | Api logging

Api request and response logging

  • Log API client requests and responses. This is a basic example of usage.
import 'package:get/get.dart' as g;
import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as d;

final getConnectClient = g.GetConnect();

final dioClient = d.Dio();

Usage | Message logging

Log messages

  • Log messages to the console with different log levels. Every log will be unique displayed based on the log level.
TsLogger.instance.logColorizedMessage(...); // Log message with any color
TsLogger.instance.logMessage(...); // Log message for provided log level
TsLogger.instance.logDebug(...); // Log message with debug log level
TsLogger.instance.logInfo(...); // Log message with info log level
TsLogger.instance.logWarning(...); // Log message with warning log level
TsLogger.instance.logError(...); // Log message with error log level
TsLogger.instance.logFatal(...); // Log message with fatal log level
TsLogger.instance.logVerbose(...); // Log message with verbose log level
TsLogger.instance.logCritical(...); // Log message with critical log level

FlutterError logging

  • Log FlutterError to the console with level and stack trace.
FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {


Message logging example


Api logging example



Support for packages

  • ✅ Add logging support for get_connect package
  • ✅ Add logging support for dio package
  • ⚙️ Add logging support for http package