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fMRI Toolbox

Various tools to perform analyses of fMRI data.


  • SPM
  • rsatoolbox
  • the decoding toolbox


fMRI preprocessing routines. allows you to avoid the SPM GUI entirely. Parameters are defined in fmri_preproc_setParams().
To run all steps defined in the params file in one go, call fmri_preproc_runner()

Table of Contents:

├── fmri_preproc_coregistration.m
├── fmri_preproc_dicomImport.m
├── fmri_preproc_normalisation.m
├── fmri_preproc_realignUnwarp.m
├── fmri_preproc_runner.m
├── fmri_preproc_segmentation.m
├── fmri_preproc_setParams.m
├── fmri_preproc_slicetimeCorr.m
├── fmri_preproc_smooth.m


Generalised Linear Model estimation, interfaces SPM and operates mostly on nifti (or whichever format you prefer) images.


  • define conditions, number of nuisance regressors and runs, automatically generate design for whole session.
  • estimate the model
  • perform 1st level contrasts (of as many contrast as you wish, in one go)
  • perform 2nd level inference, generates group-level T-Map.
  • do above in leave-one-subject-out manner, for functional ROIs

Again, all parameters adjusted set in one file, fmri_glm_setParams()

Table of Contents

├── fmri_glm_contrast_1stLevel.m
├── fmri_glm_contrast_2ndLevel_LOSO.m
├── fmri_glm_contrast_2ndLevel.m
├── fmri_glm_contrast_generate.m
├── fmri_glm_designMatrix.m
├── fmri_glm_estimate.m
└── fmri_glm_setParams.m


Representational Similarity Analysis. Mostly custom code which operates directly on matlab matrices.


  • ROI-based RSA: Specify a few masks (Nifti volumes) and let the toolbox do the rest

  • Searchlight RSA: Spherical Searchlight for whole-brain analyses

  • different distance measures supported

    • Euclidean distance
    • Correlation distance
    • Cosine distance
    • Mahalanobis distance
    • Crossvalidated Mahalanobis distance (leave-one-run-out)
  • whitening can be combined with any distance measure, as residuals for the covariance matrix are computed on the fly

  • Large between-run-dissimilarity matrices also supported (within run comparison automatically set to NaN)

  • batch correlation with model RDMs

    • optional recursive Gram-Schmid Orthogonalisation
    • different coefficients supported
      • spearman's rho
      • Kendall's taua
      • Pearson's r
      • bonus: simple linear regression (of models onto brain)
  • batch computation of RDMs for set of ROIs

  • computation of the lower and upper bounds of the noise ceiling

    • using Spearman's rank correlation
    • using Pearson correlation
    • using Kendall's taua (only approximate for LB)
  • Multi-Dimensional Scaling (wrapper), T-SNE (wrapper)

  • 2nd level inference

    • Signed-Rank test
    • T-test (with optional Inverse Hyperbolic tangent of coefficients)
    • export as thresholded (1-p)-images and t-images (Nifit format)
  • Visualisation of single-subject/group average RDMs

  • Visualisation of MDS/T-SNE projections

  • Visualisation of whole-brain maps

  • within ROI bar-graphs of correlation coefficients (with optional noise ceiling)

Table of Contents

├── compute
│   ├── fmri_rsa_compute_performRSA_ROI.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_compute_performRSA_searchlight.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_compute_rdmSet_avg.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_compute_rdmSet_cval.m
│   └── fmri_rsa_compute_setParams.m
├── convert
│   ├── fmri_rsa_convert_mni2rdm.m
│   └── fmri_rsa_convert_struct2mat.m
├── disp
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_rdmReplicabilityBehav.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_rdmReplicability.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showCorrs_MultipleROIs.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showCorrs_ROI.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showMDS.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showRDM.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showRDMs.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_disp_showRewardMDS.m
│   └── fmri_rsa_disp_showTSNE.m
├── helper
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_betasInRewSpace.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_genImageStruct.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_getBetas.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_getResiduals.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_rdmReplicabilityBehav.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_helper_rdmReplicability.m
│   └── fmri_rsa_helper_whiten.m
├── mds
│   └── fmri_rsa_mds_rdmToND.m
├── modelcorrs
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_corrBrainRDMs_ROI.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_corrBrainRDMs_Searchlight.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_genCorrImagesAndMaskedCorrs.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_genModelRDMs_cval.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_genModelRDMs.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_genSigImages_Searchlight.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_noiseCeiling.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_setParams.m
│   ├── fmri_rsa_corrs_sigtest_ROI.m
│   └── fmri_rsa_corrs_sigtest_Searchlight.m
├── tsne
│   └── fmri_rsa_tsne_rdmTo2D.m
└── wrappers
    ├── wrapper_rsa_computeRDMs_roi.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_corr_roi.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_makeCorrFigure_MultipleROIs.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_makeCorrFigure_ROI.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_makeMDSfigure.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_makeRDMfigure.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_makeSingleSubsRDMFigures.m
    ├── wrapper_rsa_noiseCeiling_roi.m
    └── wrapper_rsa_sigtest_roi.m


mostly code skeletons to interface "The Decoding Toolbox"

├── fmri_tdt_compute2ndlevelContrast.m
├── fmri_tdt_normalisation.m
├── fmri_tdt_runSearchlightMVPA.m
├── fmri_tdt_setParamsMVPA.m
├── fmri_tdt_setParamsNormalisation.m
├── fmri_tdt_setParamsSmoothing.m
└── fmri_tdt_smooth.m


helper functions to convert image files to MATLAB matrices and vice versa

├── fmri_io_mat2nifti.m
├── fmri_io_nifti2mat.m
├── fmri_io_reslice.m
└── fmri_io_setParams.m


generate and apply masks

├── fmri_mask_genGroupMask.m
├── fmri_mask_genSphericalMask.m
├── fmri_mask_mask2ind.m
├── fmri_mask_MDparcellation.m
└── fmri_mask_mni2roi.m


various auxiliary functions

├── fmri_helper_changeSPMpaths.m
├── fmri_helper_dispContrastVectors.m
├── fmri_helper_genConImgNames.m
├── fmri_helper_genContrastVector.m
|── fmri_helper_genVolume.m
├── fmri_helper_genWeightedContrastVector.m
├── fmri_helper_set_fileName.m
└── plot_progbar_cli.m