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Docker Swarm

  • This workshop require student to install Virtualbox on their host machine the OS can be either Windows 10/Macos/Linux

  • MacOS users require to install brew (

brew cask install virtualbox
  1. Create docker machines ( to act as nodes for Docker Swarm), one manager as 'namager1 and two workers as 'worker1' and worker2'
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox manager1

$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker1

$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox worker2
  1. Verify machine created successfully

docker-machine ls
docker-machine ip <machine name>

  1. Initialize the Docker Swarm
docker swarm init --advertise-addr MANAGER_IP
  1. Connect to the machine via SSH
docker-machine ssh <machine name>
  1. Upon ssh into the manager machine, list all the current nodes connected to the swarm
docker node ls
  1. In order to retrieve the join as worker command in the manager machine run the below command
docker swarm join-token worker1
  1. In the manager machine run the below command, to check on the swarm info
docker info

docker swarm
  1. Run containers on the Docker Swarm
docker service create --replicas 3 -p 80:80 --name serviceName nginx

Verify the status of the swarm

docker service ls

docker service ps serviceName
  1. Scaling service up and down
docker service scale serviceName=2
  1. Inspecting the nodes (this command can only run on the manager node)
docker node inspect nodename
docker node inspect self
docker node inspect worker1
  1. In order to shutdown the nodes (Inside the manager nodes)
docker node update --availability drain worker1/worker2
  1. To update the services perform the following command
docker service update --image imagename:version web
docker service update --image nginx:1.14.0 serviceName
  1. Remove services from the swarm
docker service rm serviceName
  1. Leaving the swarm , stopping and deleting from the swarm
docker swarm leave
docker-machine stop machineName
docker-machine rm machineName