Template project for gatling performance tests
src.test.resources - project resources
src.test.scala.ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample.cases - simple cases
src.test.scala.ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample.scenarios - common load scenarios assembled from simple cases
src.test.scala.ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample - common test configs
Pass this params to JVM using -DparamName="paramValue" AND -Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true
Gatling logs:
CONSOLE_LOGGING=ON - turn on console logging
FILE_LOGGING=ON - turn on logging in file "target/gatling/gatling.log"
GRAYLOG_LOGGING=ON - turn on logging in graylog
graylog params:
GRAYLOG_HOST - graylog host
GRAYLOG_PORT - on which port graylog input is
GRAYLOG_STREAM - name of graylog stream
Gatling metrics in influxdb:
GRAPHITE_HOST - influxdb with configured graphite plugin host
GRAPHITE_PORT - see /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf: bind-address
INFLUX_PREFIX - see /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf: database
Also you can pass all params from gatling-picatinny or use custom params read: https://github.com/TinkoffCreditSystems/gatling-picatinny/blob/master/README.md
- Debug test with 1 user, requires proxy on localhost:8888, eg using Fiddler or Wireshark
"Gatling / testOnly ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample.Debug"
- Run test from IDEA with breakpoints
"Gatling / testOnly ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample.MaxPerformance" - maximum performance test
"Gatling / testOnly ru.tinkoff.load.myKafkaSample.Stability" - stability test
telegram: @qa_load
gatling docs: https://gatling.io/docs/current/general