A WIP port of neofetch to python.
You can run it by just doing python pyfetch.py. You could also compile it with cython by running compile.sh, for compiler optimizations and speed improvements.
What is working:
- Linux os name fetching
- Bedrock linux support (OS recognition and logo)
- Shell name
- Computer model
- Screen resolution
- ALL (linux) package manager support (supports the same linux package managers as neofetch)
- Terminal emulator
- Shell version (fish and bash)
- Uptime
- Kernel version
- Logo printing support
- Hostname support
- Desktop environment
- WM (mutter)
- Text colors
- Memory
- Shell version
- Battery
- macOS support
TODO (in order of importance):
- The colored boxes at the bottom
- icons, themes, WM, etc
- Add more logos
- Windows support