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Notes on Writing a Thesis

Authors: Tobias Wrigstad

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Know Your Enemy

If you are going to write a thesis, it makes sense to read a couple of theses to get a better understanding of what that entails. Ask your advisor to point you to theses close to your topic for maximal bang-for-buck, but also look at theses on other topics coming out of other groups. Looking at what others do might give you fresh ideas that may be applicable to your work.

When reading these other theses, try not to focus on the result and the methodology, but rather how the work is described. Also criticise the theses! Could they have presented the work differently? Ask your advisor if she agrees with your opinions.

Making a Plan for Writing your Thesis

Writing technical text is not easy, and as anything non-trivial it requires a plan. Approach the plan by starting with figuring out what it is that you want a reader to take away from having read your thesis. For example:

Frobies are a promising technique for parallel programming.

Or, a little bit better:

Frobies represent a point in the design space of parallel programming that balances simplicity and scalability such that many typical scenarios can be expressed straightforwardly, but still scale linearly as more CPUs are added.

“I want the reader to understand what I did” is not specific enough to be helpful. If you find you cannot quip a micro-summary of your conclusions, ask your advisor for help.

Knowing what we want to have demonstrated is key to successfully demonstrating it. Of course, this is common sense[fn::However, common sense and common practise are commonly quite separated.], but unless you are an experienced writer, you mostly think about text from a consumer point of view. When all text is written, it is easy to get the idea that it magically sprung into existence in a way that inspired you to draw the intended conclusions from reading it.

Note that the research question of your thesis might be different from this take-away point. Since more is sometimes, well, more, here is another example of a take-away point, in the form of a thesis statement:

Rust is a good system’s programming language

This is a pretty bad thesis statement. The word “good” is not clearly defined. Better unpack the statement a little to make it clearer:

Recreating the 63 most common errors in low-level C programs according to the the Common Weakness Enumeration shows that Rust is able to express 61 or them, yet avoid the errors in 29 of them. Completely forgoing aspects such as performance and tooling, this suggests that Rust is a good system’s programming language.

Better? Better. Maybe a bit too much even, but the picture is clear. In a single paragraph, we were able to convey that Rust was almost as expressive as C, yet avoided almost half of the errors. That’s good, no? But still, as the poet says, correctness is not all there is to it[fn::Whether the poet is correct or not I leave as an exercise to people at a higher pay grade.]. Hence, let’s weaken our statement a bit by pointing out that the thesis does not consider tooling nor performance.

By the way, the stuff on Rust above is completely made up.

Knowing – now – what we want to have demonstrated, we can start reasoning backwards. We clearly have some experiments showing Frobies in action[fn::Otherwise, how could we substantiate our claims?], both from a simplicity point of view and from a scalability point of view. Where do these experiments belong in the story line? What must a reader know before she is able to fully appreciate the examples? Clearly something about simplicity[fn::And the same for scalability.] – what it means, how it can be measured, what is the current state-of-the-art, etc. Does this belong in the same chapter as the examples, or maybe in a separate chapter? Maybe some of it goes in the background chapter? Etc. What is a design space[fn::Typically, by design space we mean the possible design choices that can be made in the design of something.]? What is parallel programming? Answering all those questions also require that you put some though into what needs explaining and can be assumed of a reader in your target audience? (You probably did a similar kind of plan for the work initially – if you are doing the thesis plan before the work, you can let this plan influence the work plan.)

By reasoning backwards, and also by looking at what you have done in your work that you want to report on, construct an outline for the thesis – essentially a table of contents – with just the chapter headings[fn::Remember that just because you did something during your work, it does not necessarily need to go into the thesis.]. For each chapter, write down what is the goal of that chapter – how does it contribute to telling the story that delivers the end result that we started by defining? Now switch to testing: when you look at all chapter goal statements, do they together tell the story or is something missing? If something is missing you either need more chapters, or you need to alter the goal statements.

Once you are satisfied with the outline at the chapter-level, repeat the same procedure for each chapter by adding a first level of section headings. Proceed in any order you like and create a more detailed outline for Chapter X that tells the story that Chapter X should tell. Test your work just as before. At this stage, you may realise that some sections should move to another chapter. If this is the case, think about how and if that alters the goal statement of that chapter.

If you see the same section pop up in several chapters, it may (but not necessarily so) be an indication that your chapter-level outline is wrong. For example, if several chapters needs to discuss the topic T, it may be a good idea to extract those sections into a chapter solely on T. Since we are still dealing with an outline here, it is easy to test these things by creating an alternative outline and compare. Sometimes, distributing a topic across multiple sections is sensible, at other times it causes lots of repetition, or forces the reader to mentally bring the distributed sections together to understand something.

You could stop this work-breakdown structure after the first level of section headings, but it often makes sense to go deeper. In this case, flesh out each heading by making a bullet list of both subsections and paragraphs.

Do Not Add Too Much Structure

Avoid too many levels of subsections. Chapters, sections and subsections should work for most cases. Use additional levels very sparingly, and do not fall into the trap of thinking that you must then consistently use four levels of nesting everywhere, just because it is warranted in one or two places.

If you use chapters or sections with parallel structure, e.g., Chapters 2 and 3 both have subsections with identical names in the same order, make sure to point that out. Parallel structure is often a good thing when done right – it makes it easy for the reader to e.g. relate similar aspects of two different things.

Style guides will tell you to not have a section with a single subsection.

How Long Should My Thesis be?

Your thesis should be as short as possible and at the same time as long as needed to tell the intended story in a way that is easily understandable. Strive to be clear and concise, but not at the cost of making the text hard to read or not self-contained[fn::Meaning the reader should not have to constantly look for information elsewhere to read your thesis.]. Too terse writing makes text boring to read. Writing succinctly is a skill, and often takes longer time than writing verbosely, as more hinges on each word[fn::In honesty, this is why this text is so long.].

Good Chapter and Section Headings

  • It must be clear what they are about
  • Introduction, Evaluation, Discussion are good because they are canon
  • Frobies is OK, Introducing Frobies is better
  • Avoid questions
  • Implementing the Design is a bad name
  • Don’t continue the first line after the section heading as a continuation of that “sentence”

Miscellaneous Tips

Repeating Yourself

When writing prose, you were probably told by countless teachers to vary your choice of words to avoid repetition. In prose, that is good advice, but in scholarly work, the opposite is rule: repeat yourself. This means using a consistent terminology. Using slightly different words for the same thing suggests that you have slightly different intention with the different uses.

Furthermore, it is worth repeating key statements or key results across different chapters of a thesis to make each chapter more self-contained, and to make sure that key elements are not overlooked by the reader. Remember that a thesis is not written primarily for linear consumption. Someone who builds on your work is going to use your thesis as reference material, which means searching for facts/examples/etc. Others might go directly to your coverage of related work to read about the relationship between your work and that of Bobbins et al (1996). It may make sense to point out that you are repeating yourself to make that clear. For example, “Remember, as demonstrated in §3, that the use of unchecked Frobies are unsound.”

Avoid Referring to a Section Heading

It is bad practise, because it may not be clear what it means (in this case, the first it refers to “Avoid Referring to a Section Heading”). Also, section headings have a tendency to change which can cause such references to accidentally become strange.

“Avoiding to refer to a section heading is bad practise” would be a much better first sentence.

Unclear References

While we are on the subject of references, unclear references is a common mistake in thesis text. As an example, try removing “of references” in the sentence just before. The writer knows what she means[fn::At least for a little while after she wrote it.], but the reader’s mind may work differently. Or maybe the reader did not read “Avoid Referring to a Section Heading” just before, or maybe that entire section was scrapped, making it less clear that we are “on the subject of references”. Spelling it out thus, makes your text more robust under change.

Avoid unclear references like the plague. Even though it causes the word “references” to appear twice in close proximity, clarity is more important. A better way to write the former sentence is, again, to elaborate the “it”, and write: “Even though writing out ‘of references’ rather than just writing ‘on the subject’ causes the word ‘references’ to appear…”

Where Do References Go?

This is a somewhat subtle topic. Consult your style guide for details. Nevertheless, I cannot constrain myself from the following example, which hopefully highlights that you must read your own sentences with an open mind to find how a reader might interpret your use of references:

Frobies [12] are a novel parallel programming construct.

The writing above suggests that [12] is a paper on Frobies.

Frobies are a novel parallel programming construct [12].

The writing above suggests that [12] argues that Frobies is a parallel programming construct, likely including its novelty.

Frobies are a novel parallel programming construct. [12]

The writing above suggests that the [12] belongs to the next sentence, and does it not seem odd to start a sentence with [12]?

Frobies are discussed in [12].

This is bad because you should not actively refer to things in brackets. If you cannot remove all references in a sentence without breaking it, the sentence is already broken, unless it is talking about references (several OK examples in this section).

Here are some (good) alternatives to the last example:

Frobies are discussed in a paper by Bobbins et al. [12].

A paper by Bobbins et al. [12] discusses Frobies.

Of course, if [12] is a paper by Woodruff claiming that “Frobies are discussed in a paper by Bobbins et al.”, the 2nd last example, while technically correct, is misleading. The solution is rewriting to clarify:

According to Woodruff [12], Frobies are discussed in a paper by Bobbins et al.

What is a Good Reference and Why Should You Care?

While you can certainly reference anything, it is not clear that you should. Let us start by explaining why references are important – for several reasons:

  1. You can use them to back up claims which you do not demonstrate vacuously in your thesis.
  2. By showing the presence of others who are doing work on related things, you increase the importance of the work you are doing.
  3. By showing that you are aware of the prior work of others, and also what work to point to and what work not to point to, you establish confidence in the eyes of the reader.
  4. If you establish connections between your work and the work of others, a reader that already knows the latter typically find it easier to understand the former.
  5. They represent an easy way to connect your work to others so that and interested reader can dig deeper.
  6. … and more

So, now that we know more about why references are good. Hopefully that helps in selecting references. Ideally, you already know the works of others so that inserting the refrence becomes a natural part of writing. Sometimes, that is not case though. For example, you may think you know something, but need to find some evidence to back it up.

If you find a random blog post on Google, it may be a good reference, but it also may not. A problem with references to mutable state is that the state may change “under foot”. So you point to some URL, but the contents of that URL may change. If you are unlucky, it might even change to suddenly say the opposite of what it used to say when you used it as a reference.

That is a reason why, in scholarly work, we prefer that you reference immutable sources, like a published paper. That is also the reason why it is important to be able to say the date of the publication of the reference, the edition of a book, etc.

Continuing with the example of the Woodruff paper above, if we have read in Woodruff’s paper that Bobbins et al. make a certain claim, we should simply not say so. You should try your best to find and read Bobbins et al.’s paper so that you can make sure that Woodruff accidentally did not mischaracterise Bobbins et al.’s work. Maybe there were nuances lost, or maybe Bobbins et al. say other things that are very useful to you.

But What About References to Wikipedia?

For most things in Computer Science, for example, it is common to find great sources at Wikipedia. When you do, click on the footnotes that take you to the references and follow those links so that you can refer straight to the source, and not the Wikipedia aggregation. (This is not to say that Wikipedia is bad – it is awesome – but the closer we are to the actual claim, the better. However, if Wikipedia used claims of several references to create new knowledge, it would be the original source of that knowledge, and you can rightfully reference it. However, this is not how Encyclopaedia’s work.)

How do I Find the Right References?

Usually by looking at the references of prior work. Ask your advisor for help with finding a few key references, and use a search engine like Google Scholar. Once you’ve found a few key references, you can probably find most of the sources you need though them.

Searching is hard. The key is finding the right words. You can be looking for existing work for many hours and come up empty until you figure out some special word that should be in the query, and suddenly dozens of paper appear. The key is to not give up, and be resourceful and try many different queries. If you search for many hours and don’t find anything close to what you are doing, you clearly haven’t found the right phrases yet.

Start looking for the right literature as early as possible! Chanses are that someone else has already found out things that you can build on. Don’t write text and then spend hours searching for papers that you can use to back up what you already wrote or did.

Below, we discuss a partial outline of a thesis focusing on standard chapters that are commonly found in a thesis.

The Thesis


The goal of the abstract is to give the reader an overview of the thesis – enough information for her to decide whether she should continue reading. In just a couple of hundred words, you should make it clear what the context is of the work, what motivates this work, what is the focus of the work of this thesis, how that work was carried out, and something about the key results[fn::Resist any urge to hold back on results – a thesis is not a detective story! Rather, up-front understanding of the results is what might attract more readers.], and possibly what those key results mean in a larger context.

There are several strategies for writing abstracts. One strategy that usually works well for a thesis starts by general statements about the state of the world, and gradually introduces increasingly specific things. Finally, when the level of detail is right, it explains what the thesis is really about, and then graually backs out to the state of the world again, and explains how the world has been affected by the thesis work.

Let’s exemplify (not an actual abstract, but the individual steps):

  1. The world needs evermore powerful computers to satisfy its increasing compute needs.
  2. Computers aren’t getting faster because of the energy wall and end of Dennard scaling.
  3. The solution in the industry has been a move to multicore machines, and computers now get increasing number of cores.
  4. This however gives rise to another problem – how to program massively parallel machines.
  5. A specific problem with parallel programming is to avoid data races and concurrency bugs. Programmers easily get stuck dealing with concurrency bugs that are hard to reproduce.
  6. This thesis introduces Frobies as a means to avoid data races.
  7. Frobies represent a point in the design space of parallel programming that balances simplicity and scalability such that many typical scenarios can be expressed straightforwardly, but still scale linearly as more CPUs are added.
  8. Using Frobies, data races are no longer possible, without sacrificing scalability.
  9. Programmers can now use parallel programming to leverage the power of the multicore computers, which allows us to deliver the massive compute power that the world needs.

Steps 1-5 are increasingly specific. 1 starts with a very general statement about the world, which should be a well-known fact, or be backed up by references or powerful (succinct!) argumentation. Step 5 arrives at the most specific statement in the problem introduction setting up for Step 6 to finally introduce what we are doing in the thesis. Steps 8 and 9 back out again, reconnecting with the initial sentence of the abstract.

This is an example of a problem-driven argumentation which means we start by first establishing a problem and using this as the motivation for the work we are doing. An strength of this style is that the motivation is always clear, which helps the reader understand why she is reading about e.g. Frobies, and also follow the thought pattern of the writer, as the story unfolds.

On the opposite side is the solution-driven style which starts with the Frobies and their possibilities, and only later explaining some of their possible uses.

A Hopefully Growing Collection of Abstract Examples

Below is a nice example from an article by Mike Papadakis, titled Are Mutation Scores Correlated with Real Fault Detection? A Large Scale Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Mutants and Real Faults. Note how the abstract beautifully summarises the key findings of the paper on a very high level.

Empirical validation of software testing studies is increasingly relying on mutants. This practice is motivated by the strong correlation between mutant scores and real fault detection that is reported in the literature. In contrast, our study shows that correlations are the results of the confounding effects of the test suite size. In particular, we investigate the relation between two independent variables, mutation score and test suite size, with one dependent variable the detection of (real) faults. We use two data sets, CoreBench and Defects4J, with large C and Java programs and real faults and provide evidence that all correlations between mutation scores and real fault detection are weak when controlling for test suite size. We also find that both independent variables significantly influence the dependent one, with significantly better fits, but overall with relative low prediction power. By measuring the fault detection capability of the top ranked, according to mutation score, test suites (opposed to randomly selected test suites of the same size), we find that achieving higher mutation scores improves significantly the fault detection. Taken together, our data suggest that mutants provide good guidance for improving the fault detection of test suites, but their correlation with fault detection are weak.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The goal of this chapter is to introduce the reader to your thesis. Start by connecting with something the reader already knows, e.g., “Because of …, scaling by increasing the performance of a single CPU is no longer a viable option [Ref].” Then piecemeal move the focus closer to your work. (See text about the abstract above.)

Don’t write as if the reader just read the abstract – if your thesis is about Frobies, which is a new concept, you cannot use it as if the reader should know what it is! (I consciously did just that in the introductory sections, with Frobies, to demonstrate it.) Just because it is obvious to you that your reader could not possibly be asked to understand what Frobies are, it will not be obvious to the reader unless you make it so. Thus, take care to introduce Frobies the first time you use it. If necessary, you can even introduce Frobies several times at increasing technical depth.

It is not uncommon to start at the beginning, i.e., start the writing of a thesis by writing the introduction. That makes sense from the perspective that it is possible to start writing it before the work the thesis is reporting on is finished. On the other hand, it is common to “not fully understand” what it is you are doing/have accomplished, until the very end of the work, and thus perhaps not know the ideal way to introduce and motivate the work. From that perspective, it makes sense to wait with writing the introduction until the very last.

Purpose and Goals

In this subsection, describe the purpose and goals.

It is easy to confuse purpose and goals. In the context of thesis writing, we usually use the former to talk about the “higher purpose”, i.e., some slightly grander scheme of things that your thesis plays a part in. With the latter, we usually mean exactly what you set out to accomplish in your thesis. Thus, the purpose helps the reader understand why you are doing something, and the goal will set the expectations for what is accomplished in your work. It is common to describe the purpose as part of the text leading up to a Goals subsection.

Setting the correct expectations is important. If you claim to rid the world of poverty, then you’ll get lots of interested readers, which you will most certainly dissapoint. However, if you understate your claims, no one is going to read the thing, so you could as well not write it in the first place.

Having read this section, the reader should have gotten a good understanding of what you have achieved that you are reporting on in your thesis. Key questions that the reader expects to be able to answer:

  • What can I expect to learn if I keep reading?
  • What are the success criteria for this work?
  • How will the work be evaluated?


In this section, you can scale down some of the expectations and clarify statements made earlier. Some things warrant motivation and some not. For example, “Because we do not have reliable access to a machine with a Frobie chipset, all experiments are run inside a simulator.” Avoid motivations that suggest that you should not have done this work in the first place, or circumstances that could not be changed, like the duration of the project.

Scaling down expectations also should be done with care. For example, if your goal is to rid the world of poverty, then you cannot delimit yourself to just “the block where I live” much later in the thesis[fn::However, ridding the world of poverty could conceivably be a good higher purpose, with a specific goal for the thesis to try out some specific technique on the block where you live. Whether this will fly or not will ultimately come down to project specifics and the quality of the writing.]. That’s a classic bait-and-switch which is borderline illegal.

Chapter 2: Background

  • Have a specific background or spread it out
  • May be necessary to introduce certain things
  • From our running example, we might discuss prior work on simplifying parallel programming, or SOTA with e.g., threads

Chapter 3: Methodology

  • How to measure simplicity and scalability
  • Not just what you did but why and what the consequences are

You will undoubtedly have described your methodology in the specification. Different theses have different methods, and having a specific methodology chapter is usually a requirement.


Let’s say that your thesis is about extending the programming language Plaudits with Frobies. You simply don’t “sit down and do that”. You might start exploring the possible design space, maybe outline a few different possible implementations, and use some form of analysis and/or experimentation for choosing a particular implementation. Or maybe you pick several and do a full implementation and then evaluate.

To explore the design space, you study the literature on Frobies to see what have previous implementations done, or how do implementations of Frobies-like constructs look like? You might categorise different aspects of the design, e.g., “push as much as possible to compile-time”, “do everything at run-time” and “hybrid of run-time and compile-time”. That’s probably only one dimension, and you will probably end up with many – that will allow you to construct a nice table that clearly shows how the different possibilities are different or similar, and maybe you will see that there is no implementation that ticks some particular combination of boxes[fn::Maybe for a good reason, or maybe this means there is space to innovate.].

To choose between the different implementation strategies, you will first need to pick the evaluation criteria. Let’s say that we want to balance performance with the invasiveness in the compiler and run-time. There will likely not be any hard science for making this decision based on such criteria (at least not unless we are comparing full implementations), but if there were, we would describe how to quantify performance and invasiveness and some formula (say) that takes both these as input and produces a number that we can use to rank the possible solutions. In lieu of such a scientific method, we would try to make the best qualitative analysis of invasiveness following some criteria, like how cross-cutting is the various implementations, and can we reuse existing components in the Plaudits compiler/run-time, etc. The key to all of this is to think before acting, and always make informed and well-motivated choices.

For example, we can use the table of different Frobies implementation we talked about constructing to drive the analysis. If we know the performance (or other aspects) of the different implementations, we may even see patterns, e.g. that solutions that push everything into run-time usually do a better job for higher core counts, but a worse job for lower core counts. This could motivate a choice of a hybrid solution for Frobies, that use a combination of the two.

For evaluating what we accomplished in the end, we might use a similar method as when picking the implementation technique. In this case, we (probably) have the full system so we can do some real benchmarking, both to gauge the performance of our Frobies, but also to see that programs that do not use Frobies have been slowed-down in the extended system, etc. Now, we can also measure the technical debt due to our solution etc.

In Conclusion

When we describe the method, the goal is to not just explain the method of the thesis, but to also motivate it, and what are the consequences of these choices. This means not just listing what you did, but exploring what you could have done, and why you made your particular choices, and how that affects the result. In the end, you will want to criticise your own work and describe the threats to validity. If this is the first time you think about your method, you may be conclude – and thus be compelled to write – that your work is hogwash, or that you might not have accomplished much. Think of the methodology design (which you report on in the methodology section) as a way to test-run your thesis work beforehand, to minimise the risk of you realising too late that you should have worked in a completely different way (or worse – that you don’t know exactly what you’ve done or why you’ve done it in that way!).

Chapter X: Evaluation

  • Don’t make the reader do all the work
  • Have hypothesis, test them, state result clearly
  • Two lists are not a comparison
  • Be the first to criticise your own work

Chapter Y: Future Work

  • May be a section in a chapter, e.g,. in conclusions

Chapter Z: Conclusions

  • Conclusions or concluding remarks
  • Critique
  • Discussion
  • Don’t make the reader do all the work

Process and Tooling Guidelines

Below, I have gathered some guidelines which are releted to the writing process, but are not necessarily related to the writing itself.

Use Version Control

As you are going to be writing on your thesis for a couple of months, you should definitely use version control.

On day 1 of your thesis work, create a repo somewhere and share that repo with your advisor with push rights. Below, I am going to assume that you use Git and e.g. GitHub. It may be a good idea to separate the repos for the artefact you are doing and the thesis. For example, if you are going to make your artefact public after the thesis work, you may not want to make all the history of your thesis drafts and comments public.

Showing Drafts to Your Advisor and Reviewer

How to Hand in a First Draft of Your Thesis

When handing in your thesis to your advisor, think of it as a “release”. We are going to want to revert back to this initial release later, to highlight what has changed in response to the advisor’s comments. Thus, we want to tag the release. If you use Git, here is how you tag your release. First make sure you are fully checked in, and have compiled your thesis into e.g. main.pdf. Then do the following:

$ git tag draft_1
$ git push --tags 

The first command associates the tag draft_1 with the current commit, and the second pushes the tag to the remote repo, e.g. GitHub.

How to Hand in a Subsequent Draft of Your Thesis

Whenever you are handing in a subseqeuent draft, we want to use a special tool called latexdiff that annotates the PDF file with information that highlights what has changed. This requires two files – the version you are going to hand in (which I will call main.tex below) and the previous version (which I will call prev.tex). Given these files, we can generate a third file diff.tex using the latexdiff command, and then compile this file into a PDF:


$ latexdiff prev.tex main.tex > diff.tex
$ pdflatex diff.tex 

This is where the tagging shines. Simply do git checkout draft_1 to go back in time to the first draft, then copy main.tex into prev.tex. Then get back to the current state by git checkout master and now we are ready to do the commands above.

Once we are done, we should also create a new tag for the current “release”, e.g. git tag draft_2 etc.

Asking for Feedback

Even if you “know” your reviewer or advisor from before, you may not know her in this capacity. It is good to hand in a draft early, even for just some tiny fraction of your thesis, to learn how to interact with the other person, and learn to intepret her way of giving feedback.

When handing in a thesis draft, always:

  1. Explain clearly what you want out of feedback cycle – for example, clearly denote (preferably in the PDF) what sections are considered work-in-progress, what sections are considered finished, etc. Your revewier has limited time, so use it wisely – if you are interested in high-level feedback on your method chapter (i.e., the contents but not necessarily the speling), say so. If you just hand your reviewer a PDF, expect to not get much bang for your buck and waste your reviewer’s time.
  2. Explain clearly what has changed since last time – in addition to handing in a latexdiff‘d file, give a high-level explanation of what you have done since last time. It may well be the case that your reviewer haven’t had the time to think about your work for a long time, so anything to help her to get up to speed quickly will work in your favour.
  3. Ask for a rough indication of when you can expect your comments – and if there is a lot for the reviewer to do, state your priorities so that she can focus on the most important thing first.

LaTeX Template

Work in progress. Download here.

The template uses only standard $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ packages. If is does not work for you, then you should upgrade your installation. So far, the template has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04.