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Kubernetes Scripts for deploying Murphy-Movies Project

This repo contains kubernetes scripts to be executed in your Ubuntu instance after logging in as the kOps user.


  1. Make sure you have an AWS Kubernetes cluster set up (follow Task 2.1 and 2.2 from Project 5 in your AWS Ubuntu instance).
  2. Create a regcred secret which contains your Dockerhub credentials. Replace variables with your info.
     kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server= --docker-username=<YOUR_DOCKER_USERNAME> --docker-password=<YOUR DOCKER PASSWORD> --docker-email=<YOUR DOCKER EMAIL>
  3. Set up MySQL pods through the helm chart.
helm install mysql --set auth.rootPassword=root,auth.database=murphymovies,auth.username=murphyuser,auth.password='My7$Password',secondary.persistence.enabled=true,secondary.persistence.size=2Gi,primary.persistence.enabled=true,primary.persistence.size=2Gi,architecture=replication,auth.replicationPassword=texera,secondary.replicaCount=1 oci://

Test by running kubectl get pods, both mysql pods should be in RUNNING state and READY (1/1). 4. Populate MySQL database =>

  1. Run kubectl exec -it pod/mysql-primary-0 -- /bin/bash.
  2. Run mysql -u root -p & enter password as root.
  3. Run the SQL scripts from Murphy Movies repo.
  4. Grant murphyuser privileges: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'murphyuser'@'%';
  5. Enable ingress in your AWS cluster.
    1. Run the following to install ingress-nginx.
    helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
       --repo \
       --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace 

Steps to deploy scripts

  1. Clone the repo into your Ubuntu instance
  2. Run kubectl apply -f murphy-movies.yaml.
    1. Test by running kubectl get pods, both murphy-movie pod should be in RUNNING state and READY (1/1).
    2. If your pod is showing as PENDING, run kubectl describe <POD_NAME> and inspect the lifecycle of the pod to debug further.
    3. Run kubectl logs <MURPHY_MOVIES_POD_NAME>. If you see JDBC connection exceptions, you haven't configured MySQL properly. Check the username, password, user permissions for your MySQL user, database name. After fixing any errors, you run kubectl delete -f murphy-movies.yaml and repeat Step 2.
  3. Run kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml.
  4. Run kubectl get ingress to see your list of ingresses.
  5. You should see an ADDRESS after a couple of minutes. You can then access the application on http://<AWS_ELB_URL>/cs122b-project5-murphy-movies. img.png
  6. You can also test whether sticky sessions work by inspecting cookies to find stickounet cookie. This cookie is used for identifying which pod your request will be routed to. img_1.png