From b98d9621e55c53ed4826b1b1ca49389a6664b6d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kastan Day Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 14:26:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] add minio back --- ai_ta_backend/utils/ | 1648 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 826 insertions(+), 822 deletions(-) diff --git a/ai_ta_backend/utils/ b/ai_ta_backend/utils/ index 79ff893e..db63e399 100644 --- a/ai_ta_backend/utils/ +++ b/ai_ta_backend/utils/ @@ -1,822 +1,826 @@ -# import os -# import requests -# import shutil -# import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET -# import ftplib -# import supabase -# import gzip -# import concurrent.futures -# from urllib.parse import urlparse -# import tarfile -# import os -# import shutil -# from minio import Minio -# import time -# from multiprocessing import Manager -# import pandas as pd -# import threading -# import json -# from functools import partial -# from posthog import Posthog -# import asyncio - -# POSTHOG = Posthog(sync_mode=False, project_api_key=os.environ['POSTHOG_API_KEY'], host="") - -# SUPBASE_CLIENT = supabase.create_client( # type: ignore -# supabase_url=os.getenv('SUPABASE_URL'), # type: ignore -# supabase_key=os.getenv('SUPABASE_API_KEY') # type: ignore -# ) - -# MINIO_CLIENT = Minio(os.environ['MINIO_URL'], -# access_key=os.environ['MINIO_ACCESS_KEY'], -# secret_key=os.environ['MINIO_SECRET_KEY'], -# secure=True -# ) - -# def extractPubmedData(): -# """ -# Main function to extract metadata and articles from the PubMed baseline folder. -# """ -# start_time = time.monotonic() - -# ftp_address = "" -# #ftp_path = "pubmed/baseline" -# ftp_path = "pubmed/updatefiles" -# file_list = getFileList(ftp_address, ftp_path, ".gz") -# print("Total files: ", len(file_list)) - -# # with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: -# # futures = [executor.submit(processPubmedXML, file, ftp_address, ftp_path) for file in file_list[131:133]] -# # for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): -# # try: -# # future.result() -# # except Exception as e: -# # print("Error processing file: ", e) - -# files_to_process = getFilesToProcess(file_list) - -# for file in files_to_process: -# status = processPubmedXML(file, ftp_address, ftp_path) -# print("Status: ", status) - -# end_time = time.monotonic() - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "total_pubmed_extraction_runtime", -# properties = { -# "total_runtime": end_time - start_time, -# } -# ) - -# return "success" - -# def getFilesToProcess(file_list: list): -# last_processed_response = SUPBASE_CLIENT.table("pubmed_daily_update").select("*").order("created_at", desc=True).limit(1).execute() # type: ignore -# last_processed_file =[0]['last_xml_file'] -# print("Last processed file: ", last_processed_file) -# files_to_process = [] - -# for file in file_list: -# if file == last_processed_file: -# break -# files_to_process.append(file) - -# return files_to_process - -# def processPubmedXML(file:str, ftp_address:str, ftp_path:str): -# """ -# Main function to extract metadata and articles from the PubMed baseline folder. -# """ -# start_time = time.monotonic() -# try: -# print("Processing file: ", file) -# gz_filepath = downloadXML(ftp_address, ftp_path, file, "pubmed") -# gz_file_download_time = time.time() - -# # extract the XML file -# if not gz_filepath: -# return "failure" -# xml_filepath = extractXMLFile(gz_filepath) - -# xml_id = xml_filepath[7:-4].replace(".", "_") -# destination_dir = xml_id + "_papers" -# csv_filepath = xml_id + "_metadata.csv" -# error_log = xml_id + "_errors.txt" - -# for i, metadata in enumerate(extractMetadataFromXML(xml_filepath, destination_dir, error_log)): -# metadata_extract_start_time = time.time() - -# batch_dir = os.path.join(destination_dir, f"batch_{i+1}") -# os.makedirs(batch_dir, exist_ok=True) - -# # find PMC ID and DOI for all articles -# metadata_with_ids = getArticleIDs(metadata, error_log) -# metadata_update_time = time.time() -# print("Time taken to get PMC ID and DOI for 100 articles: ", round(metadata_update_time - metadata_extract_start_time, 2), "seconds") - -# # download the articles -# complete_metadata = downloadArticles(metadata_with_ids, batch_dir, error_log) -# print("Time taken to download 100 articles: ", round(time.time() - metadata_update_time, 2), "seconds") - -# # store metadata in csv file -# df = pd.DataFrame(complete_metadata) - -# # add a column for the XML file path -# df['xml_filename'] = os.path.basename(xml_filepath) - -# if os.path.isfile(csv_filepath): -# df.to_csv(csv_filepath, mode='a', header=False, index=False) -# else: -# df.to_csv(csv_filepath, index=False) - -# before_upload = time.time() -# # upload current batch to minio -# print(f"Starting async upload for batch {i+1}...") -#, error_log)) -# with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: -# future = executor.submit(uploadToStorage, batch_dir, error_log) -# after_upload = time.time() - -# print("Time elapsed between upload call: ", after_upload - before_upload) -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "uploadToMinio", -# properties = { -# "description": "upload files to minio", -# "total_runtime": after_upload - before_upload, -# } -# ) - -# print("Time taken to download 100 articles: ", round(time.time() - metadata_extract_start_time, 2), "seconds") - -# post_download_time_1 = time.monotonic() - -# # upload metadata to SQL DB -# df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath) -# complete_metadata = df.to_dict('records') -# final_metadata = [] -# unique_pmids = [] -# for item in complete_metadata: -# for key, value in item.items(): -# if pd.isna(value): # Or: math.isnan(value) -# item[key] = None - -# # check for duplicates -# if item['pmid'] not in unique_pmids: -# final_metadata.append(item) -# unique_pmids.append(item['pmid']) -# print("Final metadata: ", len(final_metadata)) - -# try: -# response = SUPBASE_CLIENT.table("publications").upsert(final_metadata).execute() # type: ignore -# print("Uploaded metadata to SQL DB.") -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error in uploading to Supabase: ", e) -# # log the supabase error -# with open(error_log, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in Supabase upsert: " + str(e) + "\n") - -# post_download_time_2 = time.monotonic() - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "uploadToSupabase", -# properties = { -# "description": "Process and upload metadata file to Supabase", -# "total_runtime": post_download_time_2 - post_download_time_1, -# } -# ) - -# # upload txt articles to bucket -# # print("Uploading articles to storage...") -# # #destination_dir = "/home/avd6/chatbotai/asmita/ai-ta-backend/papers" -# # #error_log = "all_errors.txt" -# #, error_log)) -# # with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: -# # future = executor.submit(uploadToStorage, destination_dir, error_log) -# # print("Upload started asynchronously.") - -# post_download_time_3 = time.monotonic() - -# # delete files -# # os.remove(csv_filepath) -# # os.remove(xml_filepath) -# # os.remove(gz_filepath) -# print("Finished file: ", file) - -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error processing XML file: ", e) -# with open("errors.txt", 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in proccesing XML file: " + file + str(e) + "\n") - -# end_time = time.monotonic() - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "processPubmedXML", -# properties = { -# "total_runtime": end_time - start_time, -# } -# ) - -# def downloadXML(ftp_address: str, ftp_path: str, file: str, local_dir: str): -# """ -# Downloads a .gz XML file from the FTP baseline folder and stores it in the local directory. -# Args: -# ftp_address: FTP server address. -# ftp_path: Path to the FTP folder. -# file: File to download. -# local_dir: Local directory to store the downloaded file. -# Returns: -# local_filepath: Path to the downloaded file. -# """ -# try: -# # create local directory if it doesn't exist -# os.makedirs(local_dir, exist_ok=True) - -# # connect to the FTP server -# ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_address) -# ftp.login() -# ftp.cwd(ftp_path) - -# local_filepath = os.path.join(local_dir, file) -# with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as f: -# ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + file, f.write) - -# # print(f"Downloaded {file} to {local_filepath}") - -# ftp.quit() -# return local_filepath -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error downloading file: ", e) -# return None - -# def getFileList(ftp_address: str, ftp_path: str, extension: str = ".gz"): -# """ -# Returns a list of .gz files in the FTP baseline folder. -# Args: -# ftp_address: FTP server address. -# ftp_path: Path to the FTP folder. -# extension: File extension to filter for. -# Returns: -# gz_files: List of .gz files in the FTP folder. -# """ -# try: -# # connect to the FTP server -# ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_address) -# ftp.login() - -# # Change directory to the specified path -# ftp.cwd(ftp_path) - -# # Get list of file entries -# file_listing = ftp.nlst() - -# ftp.quit() - -# # Filter for files with the specified extension -# gz_files = [entry for entry in file_listing if entry.endswith(extension)] -# gz_files.sort(reverse=True) -# print(f"Found {len(gz_files)} files on {ftp_address}/{ftp_path}") - -# return gz_files -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error getting file list: ", e) -# return [] - -# def extractXMLFile(gz_filepath: str): -# """ -# Extracts the XML file from the .gz file. -# Args: -# gz_filepath: Path to the .gz file. -# Returns: -# xml_filepath: Path to the extracted XML file. -# """ -# start_time = time.monotonic() -# try: -# # print("Downloaded .gz file path: ", gz_filepath) -# xml_filepath = gz_filepath.replace(".gz", "") -# with, 'rb') as f_in: -# with open(xml_filepath, 'wb') as f_out: -# shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "extractXMLFile", -# properties = { -# "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, -# } -# ) - -# return xml_filepath -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error extracting XML file: ", e) -# return None - -# def extractMetadataFromXML(xml_filepath: str, dir: str, error_file: str): -# """ -# Extracts article details from the XML file and stores it in a dictionary. -# Details extracted: PMID, PMCID, DOI, ISSN, journal title, article title, -# last revised date, published date, abstract. -# Args: -# xml_filepath: Path to the XML file. -# Returns: -# metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. -# """ -# print("inside extractMetadataFromXML()") -# start_time = time.monotonic() -# try: -# # create a directory to store papers -# os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) - -# tree = ET.parse(xml_filepath) -# root = tree.getroot() -# metadata = [] - -# with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: -# futures = [] -# article_items = list(item for item in root.iter('PubmedArticle')) # Convert generator to list - -# for item in article_items: -# future = executor.submit(processArticleItem, item, dir, error_file) -# article_data = future.result() -# metadata.append(article_data) - -# if len(metadata) == 100: -# # print("collected 100 articles") -# yield metadata -# metadata = [] # reset metadata for next batch - -# if metadata: -# yield metadata - -# # print("Metadata extraction complete.") -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "extractMetadataFromXML", -# properties = { -# "no_of_articles": 100, -# "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, -# } -# ) -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error extracting metadata: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in main metadata extraction function: " + str(e) + "\n") -# return [] - -# def processArticleItem(item: ET.Element, directory: str, error_file: str): -# """ -# Extracts article details from a single PubmedArticle XML element. This is used in the process pool executor. -# Args: -# item: PubmedArticle XML element. -# Returns: -# article_data: Dictionary containing metadata for the article. -# """ -# try: -# article_data = {} - -# medline_citation = item.find('MedlineCitation') -# article = medline_citation.find('Article') -# journal = article.find('Journal') -# issue = journal.find('JournalIssue') - -# if medline_citation.find('PMID') is not None: -# article_data['pmid'] = medline_citation.find('PMID').text -# article_data['pmcid'] = None -# article_data['doi'] = None -# else: -# return article_data - -# if journal.find('ISSN') is not None: -# article_data['issn'] = journal.find('ISSN').text -# else: -# article_data['issn'] = None - -# if journal.find('Title') is not None: -# article_data['journal_title'] = journal.find('Title').text -# else: -# article_data['journal_title'] = None - -# # some articles don't have an article title -# article_title = article.find('ArticleTitle') -# if article_title is not None and article_title.text is not None: -# article_data['article_title'] = article_title.text.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') -# else: -# article_data['article_title'] = None - -# article_data['last_revised'] = f"{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Year').text}-{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Month').text}-{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Day').text}" - -# # some articles don't have all fields present for publication date -# if issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None and issue.find('PubDate/Month') is not None and issue.find('PubDate/Day') is not None: -# article_data['published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Month').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Day').text}" -# elif issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None and issue.find('PubDate/Month') is not None: -# article_data['published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Month').text}-01" -# elif issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None: -# article_data['published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-01-01" -# else: -# article_data['published'] = None - -# # extract and store abstract in a text file -# abstract = article.find('Abstract') -# abstract_filename = None -# if abstract is not None: -# abstract_text = "" -# for abstract_text_element in abstract.iter('AbstractText'): -# # if labels (objective, methods, etc.) are present, add them to the text (e.g. "OBJECTIVE: ") -# if abstract_text_element.attrib.get('Label') is not None: -# abstract_text += abstract_text_element.attrib.get('Label') + ": " -# if abstract_text_element.text is not None: -# abstract_text += abstract_text_element.text + "\n" - -# # save abstract to a text file -# abstract_filename = directory + "/" + article_data['pmid'] + ".txt" -# with open(abstract_filename, 'w') as f: -# if article_data['journal_title']: -# f.write("Journal title: " + article_data['journal_title'] + "\n\n") -# if article_data['article_title']: -# f.write("Article title: " + article_data['article_title'] + "\n\n") -# f.write("Abstract: " + abstract_text) - -# # some articles are listed, but not released yet. Adding fields for such articles to maintain uniformity. -# article_data['live'] = True -# article_data['release_date'] = None -# article_data['license'] = None -# article_data['pubmed_ftp_link'] = None -# article_data['filepath'] = abstract_filename - -# return article_data -# except Exception as e: -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in metadata extraction subprocess for PMID " + article_data['pmid'] + ": " + str(e) + "\n") -# return {'error': str(e)} - -# def getArticleIDs(metadata: list, error_file: str): -# """ -# Uses the PubMed ID converter API to get PMCID and DOI for each article. -# Queries the API in batches of 200 articles at a time. -# Also updates the metadata with the release date and live status - some articles are yet to be released. -# Args: -# metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. -# Returns: -# metadata: Updated metadata with PMCID, DOI, release date, and live status information. -# """ -# # print("In getArticleIDs()") - -# start_time = time.monotonic() - -# base_url = "" -# app_details = "?tool=ncsa_uiuc&" - -# batch_size = 200 # maximum number of articles API can process in one request - -# for i in range(0, len(metadata), batch_size): -# batch = metadata[i:i + batch_size] -# ids = ",".join([article['pmid'] for article in batch]) -# try: -# response = requests.get(base_url + app_details + "&ids=" + ids) -# data = response.json() -# records = data['records'] - -# # PARALLELIZE THIS FOR LOOP - UPDATES ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR ALL ARTICLES AT ONCE -# with Manager() as manager: -# shared_metadata = manager.dict() # Use a shared dictionary -# with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: -# futures = { -# executor.submit(updateArticleMetadata, shared_metadata, record): record -# for record in records -# } -# concurrent.futures.wait(futures) -# for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): -# record = futures[future] -# try: -# future.result() -# except Exception as exc: -# print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (record, exc)) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write(f"Record: {record}\t") -# f.write(f"Exception: {type(exc).__name__} - {exc}\n") - -# # Update original metadata after loop -# for article in metadata: -# if article['pmid'] in shared_metadata: -# # print("Shared metadata: ", shared_metadata[article['pmid']]) -# if 'errmsg' in shared_metadata[article['pmid']]: -# article['live'] = False -# else: -# article['pmcid'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['pmcid'] -# article['doi'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['doi'] -# article['live'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['live'] -# article['release_date'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['release_date'] -# #print("Updated metadata: ", article) -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in getArticleIds(): " + str(e) + "\n") -# #print("Length of metadata after ID conversion: ", len(metadata)) - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "getArticleIDs", -# properties = { -# "description": "Converting PMIDs to PMCIDs and update the ID in main metadata", -# "no_of_articles": 100, -# "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, -# } -# ) -# return metadata - -# def updateArticleMetadata(shared_metadata, record): -# """ -# Updates metadata with PMCID, DOI, release date, and live status information for given article. -# Used within getArticleIDs() function. -# """ -# if 'errmsg' in record: -# #print("Error: ", record['errmsg']) -# shared_metadata[record['pmid']] = { -# **record, # Create a copy with record data -# 'live': False -# } -# else: -# # Update shared dictionary with pmid as key and updated article data as value -# shared_metadata[record['pmid']] = { -# **record, # Create a copy with record data -# 'pmcid': record['pmcid'], -# 'doi': record.get('doi', ''), -# 'live': False if 'live' in record and record['live'] == "false" else True, -# 'release_date': record['release-date'] if 'release-date' in record else None, -# } - -# # POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# # event_name = "updateArticleMetadata", -# # properties = { -# # "description": "Updating PMCID and DOI in main metadata" -# # "no_of_articles": 1, -# # "total_runtime": round(time.time() - start_time, 2), -# # } -# # ) - -# def downloadArticles(metadata: list, dir: str, error_file: str): -# """ -# Downloads articles from PMC and stores them in local directory. -# Args: -# metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. -# Returns: -# metadata: Updated metadata with license, FTP link, and downloaded filepath information. -# """ -# # print("In downloadArticles()") -# start_time = time.monotonic() -# try: -# base_url = "" - -# updated_articles = {} - -# # Use ThreadPoolExecutor to run download_article for each article in parallel -# download_article_partial = partial(download_article, api_url=base_url, dir=dir, error_file=error_file) -# with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: -# futures = [executor.submit(download_article_partial, article) for article in metadata] -# for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): -# try: -# # print("Starting new download...") -# updated_article = future.result(timeout=15*60) # Check result without blocking -# if updated_article: -# updated_articles[updated_article['pmid']] = updated_article -# # print("Updated article: ", updated_article) -# except Exception as e: -# print("Error downloading article:", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in downloadArticles(): " + str(e) + "\n") - -# # Update original metadata with updated articles -# for article in metadata: -# if article['pmid'] in updated_articles: -# article.update(updated_articles[article['pmid']]) - -# # print("Updated metadata after download: ", metadata) - -# POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", -# event = "downloadArticles", -# properties = { -# "description": "Download articles and update metadata", -# "no_of_articles": 100, -# "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, -# } -# ) - -# return metadata - -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error downloading articles: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in downloadArticles(): " + str(e) + "\n") -# return metadata - -# def download_article(article, api_url, dir, error_file): -# """ -# Downloads the article from given FTP link and updates metadata with license, FTP link, and downloaded filepath information. -# This function is used within downloadArticles() function. -# Args: -# article: Dictionary containing metadata for the article. -# api_url: URL for the article download API. -# ftp: FTP connection object. -# Returns: -# article: Updated metadata for the article. -# """ - -# # print("Downloading articles...") -# try: -# if not article['live'] or article['pmcid'] is None: -# return - -# # Proceed with download -# # Connect to FTP server anonymously -# ftp = ftplib.FTP("", timeout=15*60) -# ftp.login() - -# if article['pmcid']: -# final_url = api_url + "id=" + article['pmcid'] -# # print("\nDownload URL: ", final_url) - -# xml_response = requests.get(final_url) -# extracted_data = extractArticleData(xml_response.text, error_file) -# # print("Extracted license and link data: ", extracted_data) - -# if not extracted_data: -# article['live'] = False -# return - -# article['license'] = extracted_data[0]['license'] -# article['pubmed_ftp_link'] = extracted_data[0]['href'] if 'href' in extracted_data[0] else None - -# ftp_url = urlparse(extracted_data[0]['href']) -# ftp_path = ftp_url.path[1:] -# # print("FTP path: ", ftp_path) - -# filename = article['pmcid'] + "_" + ftp_path.split("/")[-1] -# local_file = os.path.join(dir, filename) - -# try: -# with open(local_file, 'wb') as f: -# ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + ftp_path, f.write) # Download directly to file - -# # print("Downloaded FTP file: ", local_file) -# article['filepath'] = local_file - -# if filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): -# extracted_pdf_paths = extractPDF(local_file, dir, error_file, article['pmcid']) -# #print("Extracted PDFs from .tar.gz file: ", extracted_pdf_paths) -# article['filepath'] = ",".join(extracted_pdf_paths) -# os.remove(local_file) - -# except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: -# print("Download timeout reached.") - -# ftp.quit() - -# # print("\nUpdated metadata after download: ", article) -# return article -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error in article download subprocess: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in download_article() PMID " + article['pmid'] + ": " + str(e) + "\n") -# return None - -# def extractPDF(tar_gz_filepath: str, dest_directory: str, error_file: str, pmcid: str): -# """ -# Extracts PDF files from the downloaded .tar.gz file. The zipped folder contains other supplementary -# materials like images, etc. which are not extracted. -# Args: -# tar_gz_filepath: Path to the .tar.gz file. -# Returns: -# extracted_paths: List of paths to the extracted PDF files. -# """ -# try: -# # print("Extracting PDF from: ", tar_gz_filepath) -# extracted_paths = [] -# with, "r:gz") as tar: -# for member in tar: -# if member.isreg() and".pdf"): -# tar.extract(member, path=dest_directory) -# #print("Extracted: ", -# original_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, -# new_filename = pmcid + "_" + os.path.basename( -# new_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, new_filename) -# #print("New path: ", new_path) -# os.rename(original_path, new_path) -# extracted_paths.append(new_path) - -# return extracted_paths -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error extracting PDF: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in extractPDF() PMCID - " + pmcid + ": " + str(e) + "\n") -# return [] - -# def extractArticleData(xml_string: str, error_file: str): -# """ -# Extracts license information and article download link from the XML response. -# This function process XML response for single article. -# Args: -# xml_string: XML response from PMC download API. -# Returns: -# extracted_data: List of dictionaries containing license and download link for the article. -# """ -# # print("In extractArticleData") - -# try: -# root = ET.fromstring(xml_string) -# # if there is an errors (article not open-access), return empty list (skip article) -# if root.find(".//error") is not None: -# return [] - -# records = root.findall(".//record") -# extracted_data = [] -# href = None - -# for record in records: -# record_id = record.get("id") # pmcid -# license = record.get("license") -# links = record.findall(".//link") - -# for link in links: -# if link.get("format") == "pdf": -# href = link.get("href") -# break -# # if PDF link not found, use the available tgz link -# if not href: -# href = links[0].get("href") - -# extracted_data.append({ -# "record_id": record_id, -# "license": license, -# "href": href -# }) - -# return extracted_data -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error extracting article data: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in extractArticleData(): " + str(e) + "\n") -# f.write("XML String: " + xml_string + "\n") -# return [] - -# def upload_file(client, bucket_name, file_path, object_name, error_file, upload_log): -# """ -# Uploads a single file to the Minio bucket. -# """ -# try: -# client.fput_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path) -# print(f"Uploaded: {object_name}") -# with open(upload_log, 'a') as f: -# f.write("uploaded: " + file_path + "\n") -# os.remove(file_path) -# except Exception as e: -# #print(f"Error uploading {object_name}: {e}") -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in upload_file(): " + str(e) + "\n") - -# def uploadToStorage(filepath: str, error_file: str): -# """ -# Uploads all files present under given filepath to Minio bucket in parallel. -# """ -# # print("in uploadToStorage()") -# try: -# bucket_name = "pubmed" - -# found = MINIO_CLIENT.bucket_exists(bucket_name) -# if not found: -# MINIO_CLIENT.make_bucket(bucket_name) -# print("Created bucket", bucket_name) -# # else: -# # print("Bucket", bucket_name, "already exists") -# #upload_log = error_file.split("_")[0] + ".txt" -# upload_log = "all_papers.txt" -# # Get all files to upload -# files = [] -# for root, _, files_ in os.walk(filepath): -# for file in files_: -# file_path = os.path.join(root, file) -# object_name = file_path.split("/")[-1] -# files.append((MINIO_CLIENT, bucket_name, file_path, object_name, error_file, upload_log)) - -# # Use concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor with limited pool size -# with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: -# # Submit files in batches of 10 -# for i in range(0, len(files), 10): -# batch_files = files[i:i+10] -# futures = [executor.submit(upload_file, *args) for args in batch_files] -# done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(futures, timeout=180) - -# for future in not_done: -# future.cancel() # Cancel the future if it is not done within the timeout - -# for future in done: -# try: -# future.result() # This will raise any exceptions from upload_file -# except Exception as e: -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in upload_file(): " + str(e) + "\n") - -# # for future in futures: -# # future.result() # This will raise any exceptions from upload_file - -# return "success" -# except Exception as e: -# #print("Error uploading to storage: ", e) -# with open(error_file, 'a') as f: -# f.write("Error in uploadToStorage(): " + str(e) + "\n") -# return "failure" +import asyncio +import concurrent.futures +import ftplib +import gzip +import json +import os +import shutil +import tarfile +import threading +import time +import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET +from functools import partial +from multiprocessing import Manager +from urllib.parse import urlparse + +import pandas as pd +import requests +import supabase +from minio import Minio +from posthog import Posthog + +POSTHOG = Posthog(sync_mode=False, project_api_key=os.environ['POSTHOG_API_KEY'], host="") + +SUPBASE_CLIENT = supabase.create_client( # type: ignore + supabase_url=os.getenv('SUPABASE_URL'), # type: ignore + supabase_key=os.getenv('SUPABASE_API_KEY') # type: ignore +) + +MINIO_CLIENT = Minio(os.environ['MINIO_URL'], + access_key=os.environ['MINIO_ACCESS_KEY'], + secret_key=os.environ['MINIO_SECRET_KEY'], + secure=True) + + +def extractPubmedData(): + """ + Main function to extract metadata and articles from the PubMed baseline folder. + """ + start_time = time.monotonic() + + ftp_address = "" + #ftp_path = "pubmed/baseline" + ftp_path = "pubmed/updatefiles" + file_list = getFileList(ftp_address, ftp_path, ".gz") + print("Total files: ", len(file_list)) + + # with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: + # futures = [executor.submit(processPubmedXML, file, ftp_address, ftp_path) for file in file_list[131:133]] + # for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): + # try: + # future.result() + # except Exception as e: + # print("Error processing file: ", e) + + files_to_process = getFilesToProcess(file_list) + + for file in files_to_process: + status = processPubmedXML(file, ftp_address, ftp_path) + print("Status: ", status) + + end_time = time.monotonic() + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="total_pubmed_extraction_runtime", + properties={ + "total_runtime": end_time - start_time, + }) + + return "success" + + +def getFilesToProcess(file_list: list): + last_processed_response = SUPBASE_CLIENT.table("pubmed_daily_update").select("*").order( + "created_at", desc=True).limit(1).execute() # type: ignore + last_processed_file =[0]['last_xml_file'] + print("Last processed file: ", last_processed_file) + files_to_process = [] + + for file in file_list: + if file == last_processed_file: + break + files_to_process.append(file) + + return files_to_process + + +def processPubmedXML(file: str, ftp_address: str, ftp_path: str): + """ + Main function to extract metadata and articles from the PubMed baseline folder. + """ + start_time = time.monotonic() + try: + print("Processing file: ", file) + gz_filepath = downloadXML(ftp_address, ftp_path, file, "pubmed") + gz_file_download_time = time.time() + + # extract the XML file + if not gz_filepath: + return "failure" + xml_filepath = extractXMLFile(gz_filepath) + + xml_id = xml_filepath[7:-4].replace(".", "_") + destination_dir = xml_id + "_papers" + csv_filepath = xml_id + "_metadata.csv" + error_log = xml_id + "_errors.txt" + + for i, metadata in enumerate(extractMetadataFromXML(xml_filepath, destination_dir, error_log)): + metadata_extract_start_time = time.time() + + batch_dir = os.path.join(destination_dir, f"batch_{i+1}") + os.makedirs(batch_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # find PMC ID and DOI for all articles + metadata_with_ids = getArticleIDs(metadata, error_log) + metadata_update_time = time.time() + print("Time taken to get PMC ID and DOI for 100 articles: ", + round(metadata_update_time - metadata_extract_start_time, 2), "seconds") + + # download the articles + complete_metadata = downloadArticles(metadata_with_ids, batch_dir, error_log) + print("Time taken to download 100 articles: ", round(time.time() - metadata_update_time, 2), "seconds") + + # store metadata in csv file + df = pd.DataFrame(complete_metadata) + + # add a column for the XML file path + df['xml_filename'] = os.path.basename(xml_filepath) + + if os.path.isfile(csv_filepath): + df.to_csv(csv_filepath, mode='a', header=False, index=False) + else: + df.to_csv(csv_filepath, index=False) + + before_upload = time.time() + # upload current batch to minio + print(f"Starting async upload for batch {i+1}...") +, error_log)) + with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: + future = executor.submit(uploadToStorage, batch_dir, error_log) + after_upload = time.time() + + print("Time elapsed between upload call: ", after_upload - before_upload) + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="uploadToMinio", + properties={ + "description": "upload files to minio", + "total_runtime": after_upload - before_upload, + }) + + print("Time taken to download 100 articles: ", round(time.time() - metadata_extract_start_time, 2), "seconds") + + post_download_time_1 = time.monotonic() + + # upload metadata to SQL DB + df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath) + complete_metadata = df.to_dict('records') + final_metadata = [] + unique_pmids = [] + for item in complete_metadata: + for key, value in item.items(): + if pd.isna(value): # Or: math.isnan(value) + item[key] = None + + # check for duplicates + if item['pmid'] not in unique_pmids: + final_metadata.append(item) + unique_pmids.append(item['pmid']) + print("Final metadata: ", len(final_metadata)) + + try: + response = SUPBASE_CLIENT.table("publications").upsert(final_metadata).execute() # type: ignore + print("Uploaded metadata to SQL DB.") + except Exception as e: + print("Error in uploading to Supabase: ", e) + # log the supabase error + with open(error_log, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in Supabase upsert: " + str(e) + "\n") + + post_download_time_2 = time.monotonic() + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="uploadToSupabase", + properties={ + "description": "Process and upload metadata file to Supabase", + "total_runtime": post_download_time_2 - post_download_time_1, + }) + + # upload txt articles to bucket + # print("Uploading articles to storage...") + # #destination_dir = "/home/avd6/chatbotai/asmita/ai-ta-backend/papers" + # #error_log = "all_errors.txt" + #, error_log)) + # with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: + # future = executor.submit(uploadToStorage, destination_dir, error_log) + # print("Upload started asynchronously.") + + post_download_time_3 = time.monotonic() + + # delete files + # os.remove(csv_filepath) + # os.remove(xml_filepath) + # os.remove(gz_filepath) + print("Finished file: ", file) + + except Exception as e: + print("Error processing XML file: ", e) + with open("errors.txt", 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in proccesing XML file: " + file + str(e) + "\n") + + end_time = time.monotonic() + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="processPubmedXML", + properties={ + "total_runtime": end_time - start_time, + }) + + +def downloadXML(ftp_address: str, ftp_path: str, file: str, local_dir: str): + """ + Downloads a .gz XML file from the FTP baseline folder and stores it in the local directory. + Args: + ftp_address: FTP server address. + ftp_path: Path to the FTP folder. + file: File to download. + local_dir: Local directory to store the downloaded file. + Returns: + local_filepath: Path to the downloaded file. + """ + try: + # create local directory if it doesn't exist + os.makedirs(local_dir, exist_ok=True) + + # connect to the FTP server + ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_address) + ftp.login() + ftp.cwd(ftp_path) + + local_filepath = os.path.join(local_dir, file) + with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as f: + ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + file, f.write) + + # print(f"Downloaded {file} to {local_filepath}") + + ftp.quit() + return local_filepath + except Exception as e: + print("Error downloading file: ", e) + return None + + +def getFileList(ftp_address: str, ftp_path: str, extension: str = ".gz"): + """ + Returns a list of .gz files in the FTP baseline folder. + Args: + ftp_address: FTP server address. + ftp_path: Path to the FTP folder. + extension: File extension to filter for. + Returns: + gz_files: List of .gz files in the FTP folder. + """ + try: + # connect to the FTP server + ftp = ftplib.FTP(ftp_address) + ftp.login() + + # Change directory to the specified path + ftp.cwd(ftp_path) + + # Get list of file entries + file_listing = ftp.nlst() + + ftp.quit() + + # Filter for files with the specified extension + gz_files = [entry for entry in file_listing if entry.endswith(extension)] + gz_files.sort(reverse=True) + print(f"Found {len(gz_files)} files on {ftp_address}/{ftp_path}") + + return gz_files + except Exception as e: + print("Error getting file list: ", e) + return [] + + +def extractXMLFile(gz_filepath: str): + """ + Extracts the XML file from the .gz file. + Args: + gz_filepath: Path to the .gz file. + Returns: + xml_filepath: Path to the extracted XML file. + """ + start_time = time.monotonic() + try: + # print("Downloaded .gz file path: ", gz_filepath) + xml_filepath = gz_filepath.replace(".gz", "") + with, 'rb') as f_in: + with open(xml_filepath, 'wb') as f_out: + shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="extractXMLFile", + properties={ + "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, + }) + + return xml_filepath + except Exception as e: + print("Error extracting XML file: ", e) + return None + + +def extractMetadataFromXML(xml_filepath: str, dir: str, error_file: str): + """ + Extracts article details from the XML file and stores it in a dictionary. + Details extracted: PMID, PMCID, DOI, ISSN, journal title, article title, + last revised date, published date, abstract. + Args: + xml_filepath: Path to the XML file. + Returns: + metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. + """ + print("inside extractMetadataFromXML()") + start_time = time.monotonic() + try: + # create a directory to store papers + os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) + + tree = ET.parse(xml_filepath) + root = tree.getroot() + metadata = [] + + with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: + futures = [] + article_items = list(item for item in root.iter('PubmedArticle')) # Convert generator to list + + for item in article_items: + future = executor.submit(processArticleItem, item, dir, error_file) + article_data = future.result() + metadata.append(article_data) + + if len(metadata) == 100: + # print("collected 100 articles") + yield metadata + metadata = [] # reset metadata for next batch + + if metadata: + yield metadata + + # print("Metadata extraction complete.") + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="extractMetadataFromXML", + properties={ + "no_of_articles": 100, + "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, + }) + except Exception as e: + #print("Error extracting metadata: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in main metadata extraction function: " + str(e) + "\n") + return [] + + +def processArticleItem(item: ET.Element, directory: str, error_file: str): + """ + Extracts article details from a single PubmedArticle XML element. This is used in the process pool executor. + Args: + item: PubmedArticle XML element. + Returns: + article_data: Dictionary containing metadata for the article. + """ + try: + article_data = {} + + medline_citation = item.find('MedlineCitation') + article = medline_citation.find('Article') + journal = article.find('Journal') + issue = journal.find('JournalIssue') + + if medline_citation.find('PMID') is not None: + article_data['pmid'] = medline_citation.find('PMID').text + article_data['pmcid'] = None + article_data['doi'] = None + else: + return article_data + + if journal.find('ISSN') is not None: + article_data['issn'] = journal.find('ISSN').text + else: + article_data['issn'] = None + + if journal.find('Title') is not None: + article_data['journal_title'] = journal.find('Title').text + else: + article_data['journal_title'] = None + + # some articles don't have an article title + article_title = article.find('ArticleTitle') + if article_title is not None and article_title.text is not None: + article_data['article_title'] = article_title.text.replace('[', '').replace(']', '') + else: + article_data['article_title'] = None + + article_data[ + 'last_revised'] = f"{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Year').text}-{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Month').text}-{medline_citation.find('DateRevised/Day').text}" + + # some articles don't have all fields present for publication date + if issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None and issue.find('PubDate/Month') is not None and issue.find( + 'PubDate/Day') is not None: + article_data[ + 'published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Month').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Day').text}" + elif issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None and issue.find('PubDate/Month') is not None: + article_data['published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-{issue.find('PubDate/Month').text}-01" + elif issue.find('PubDate/Year') is not None: + article_data['published'] = f"{issue.find('PubDate/Year').text}-01-01" + else: + article_data['published'] = None + + # extract and store abstract in a text file + abstract = article.find('Abstract') + abstract_filename = None + if abstract is not None: + abstract_text = "" + for abstract_text_element in abstract.iter('AbstractText'): + # if labels (objective, methods, etc.) are present, add them to the text (e.g. "OBJECTIVE: ") + if abstract_text_element.attrib.get('Label') is not None: + abstract_text += abstract_text_element.attrib.get('Label') + ": " + if abstract_text_element.text is not None: + abstract_text += abstract_text_element.text + "\n" + + # save abstract to a text file + abstract_filename = directory + "/" + article_data['pmid'] + ".txt" + with open(abstract_filename, 'w') as f: + if article_data['journal_title']: + f.write("Journal title: " + article_data['journal_title'] + "\n\n") + if article_data['article_title']: + f.write("Article title: " + article_data['article_title'] + "\n\n") + f.write("Abstract: " + abstract_text) + + # some articles are listed, but not released yet. Adding fields for such articles to maintain uniformity. + article_data['live'] = True + article_data['release_date'] = None + article_data['license'] = None + article_data['pubmed_ftp_link'] = None + article_data['filepath'] = abstract_filename + + return article_data + except Exception as e: + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in metadata extraction subprocess for PMID " + article_data['pmid'] + ": " + str(e) + "\n") + return {'error': str(e)} + + +def getArticleIDs(metadata: list, error_file: str): + """ + Uses the PubMed ID converter API to get PMCID and DOI for each article. + Queries the API in batches of 200 articles at a time. + Also updates the metadata with the release date and live status - some articles are yet to be released. + Args: + metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. + Returns: + metadata: Updated metadata with PMCID, DOI, release date, and live status information. + """ + # print("In getArticleIDs()") + + start_time = time.monotonic() + + base_url = "" + app_details = "?tool=ncsa_uiuc&" + + batch_size = 200 # maximum number of articles API can process in one request + + for i in range(0, len(metadata), batch_size): + batch = metadata[i:i + batch_size] + ids = ",".join([article['pmid'] for article in batch]) + try: + response = requests.get(base_url + app_details + "&ids=" + ids) + data = response.json() + records = data['records'] + + # PARALLELIZE THIS FOR LOOP - UPDATES ADDITIONAL FIELDS FOR ALL ARTICLES AT ONCE + with Manager() as manager: + shared_metadata = manager.dict() # Use a shared dictionary + with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: + futures = {executor.submit(updateArticleMetadata, shared_metadata, record): record for record in records} + concurrent.futures.wait(futures) + for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): + record = futures[future] + try: + future.result() + except Exception as exc: + print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (record, exc)) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write(f"Record: {record}\t") + f.write(f"Exception: {type(exc).__name__} - {exc}\n") + + # Update original metadata after loop + for article in metadata: + if article['pmid'] in shared_metadata: + # print("Shared metadata: ", shared_metadata[article['pmid']]) + if 'errmsg' in shared_metadata[article['pmid']]: + article['live'] = False + else: + article['pmcid'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['pmcid'] + article['doi'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['doi'] + article['live'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['live'] + article['release_date'] = shared_metadata[article['pmid']]['release_date'] + #print("Updated metadata: ", article) + except Exception as e: + #print("Error: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in getArticleIds(): " + str(e) + "\n") + #print("Length of metadata after ID conversion: ", len(metadata)) + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="getArticleIDs", + properties={ + "description": "Converting PMIDs to PMCIDs and update the ID in main metadata", + "no_of_articles": 100, + "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, + }) + return metadata + + +def updateArticleMetadata(shared_metadata, record): + """ + Updates metadata with PMCID, DOI, release date, and live status information for given article. + Used within getArticleIDs() function. + """ + if 'errmsg' in record: + #print("Error: ", record['errmsg']) + shared_metadata[record['pmid']] = { + **record, # Create a copy with record data + 'live': False + } + else: + # Update shared dictionary with pmid as key and updated article data as value + shared_metadata[record['pmid']] = { + **record, # Create a copy with record data + 'pmcid': record['pmcid'], + 'doi': record.get('doi', ''), + 'live': False if 'live' in record and record['live'] == "false" else True, + 'release_date': record['release-date'] if 'release-date' in record else None, + } + + # POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id = "pubmed_extraction", + # event_name = "updateArticleMetadata", + # properties = { + # "description": "Updating PMCID and DOI in main metadata" + # "no_of_articles": 1, + # "total_runtime": round(time.time() - start_time, 2), + # } + # ) + + +def downloadArticles(metadata: list, dir: str, error_file: str): + """ + Downloads articles from PMC and stores them in local directory. + Args: + metadata: List of dictionaries containing metadata for each article. + Returns: + metadata: Updated metadata with license, FTP link, and downloaded filepath information. + """ + # print("In downloadArticles()") + start_time = time.monotonic() + try: + base_url = "" + + updated_articles = {} + + # Use ThreadPoolExecutor to run download_article for each article in parallel + download_article_partial = partial(download_article, api_url=base_url, dir=dir, error_file=error_file) + with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: + futures = [executor.submit(download_article_partial, article) for article in metadata] + for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): + try: + # print("Starting new download...") + updated_article = future.result(timeout=15 * 60) # Check result without blocking + if updated_article: + updated_articles[updated_article['pmid']] = updated_article + # print("Updated article: ", updated_article) + except Exception as e: + print("Error downloading article:", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in downloadArticles(): " + str(e) + "\n") + + # Update original metadata with updated articles + for article in metadata: + if article['pmid'] in updated_articles: + article.update(updated_articles[article['pmid']]) + + # print("Updated metadata after download: ", metadata) + + POSTHOG.capture(distinct_id="pubmed_extraction", + event="downloadArticles", + properties={ + "description": "Download articles and update metadata", + "no_of_articles": 100, + "total_runtime": time.monotonic() - start_time, + }) + + return metadata + + except Exception as e: + #print("Error downloading articles: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in downloadArticles(): " + str(e) + "\n") + return metadata + + +def download_article(article, api_url, dir, error_file): + """ + Downloads the article from given FTP link and updates metadata with license, FTP link, and downloaded filepath information. + This function is used within downloadArticles() function. + Args: + article: Dictionary containing metadata for the article. + api_url: URL for the article download API. + ftp: FTP connection object. + Returns: + article: Updated metadata for the article. + """ + + # print("Downloading articles...") + try: + if not article['live'] or article['pmcid'] is None: + return + + # Proceed with download + # Connect to FTP server anonymously + ftp = ftplib.FTP("", timeout=15 * 60) + ftp.login() + + if article['pmcid']: + final_url = api_url + "id=" + article['pmcid'] + # print("\nDownload URL: ", final_url) + + xml_response = requests.get(final_url) + extracted_data = extractArticleData(xml_response.text, error_file) + # print("Extracted license and link data: ", extracted_data) + + if not extracted_data: + article['live'] = False + return + + article['license'] = extracted_data[0]['license'] + article['pubmed_ftp_link'] = extracted_data[0]['href'] if 'href' in extracted_data[0] else None + + ftp_url = urlparse(extracted_data[0]['href']) + ftp_path = ftp_url.path[1:] + # print("FTP path: ", ftp_path) + + filename = article['pmcid'] + "_" + ftp_path.split("/")[-1] + local_file = os.path.join(dir, filename) + + try: + with open(local_file, 'wb') as f: + ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + ftp_path, f.write) # Download directly to file + + # print("Downloaded FTP file: ", local_file) + article['filepath'] = local_file + + if filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): + extracted_pdf_paths = extractPDF(local_file, dir, error_file, article['pmcid']) + #print("Extracted PDFs from .tar.gz file: ", extracted_pdf_paths) + article['filepath'] = ",".join(extracted_pdf_paths) + os.remove(local_file) + + except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: + print("Download timeout reached.") + + ftp.quit() + + # print("\nUpdated metadata after download: ", article) + return article + except Exception as e: + #print("Error in article download subprocess: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in download_article() PMID " + article['pmid'] + ": " + str(e) + "\n") + return None + + +def extractPDF(tar_gz_filepath: str, dest_directory: str, error_file: str, pmcid: str): + """ + Extracts PDF files from the downloaded .tar.gz file. The zipped folder contains other supplementary + materials like images, etc. which are not extracted. + Args: + tar_gz_filepath: Path to the .tar.gz file. + Returns: + extracted_paths: List of paths to the extracted PDF files. + """ + try: + # print("Extracting PDF from: ", tar_gz_filepath) + extracted_paths = [] + with, "r:gz") as tar: + for member in tar: + if member.isreg() and".pdf"): + tar.extract(member, path=dest_directory) + #print("Extracted: ", + original_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, + new_filename = pmcid + "_" + os.path.basename( + new_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, new_filename) + #print("New path: ", new_path) + os.rename(original_path, new_path) + extracted_paths.append(new_path) + + return extracted_paths + except Exception as e: + #print("Error extracting PDF: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in extractPDF() PMCID - " + pmcid + ": " + str(e) + "\n") + return [] + + +def extractArticleData(xml_string: str, error_file: str): + """ + Extracts license information and article download link from the XML response. + This function process XML response for single article. + Args: + xml_string: XML response from PMC download API. + Returns: + extracted_data: List of dictionaries containing license and download link for the article. + """ + # print("In extractArticleData") + + try: + root = ET.fromstring(xml_string) + # if there is an errors (article not open-access), return empty list (skip article) + if root.find(".//error") is not None: + return [] + + records = root.findall(".//record") + extracted_data = [] + href = None + + for record in records: + record_id = record.get("id") # pmcid + license = record.get("license") + links = record.findall(".//link") + + for link in links: + if link.get("format") == "pdf": + href = link.get("href") + break + # if PDF link not found, use the available tgz link + if not href: + href = links[0].get("href") + + extracted_data.append({"record_id": record_id, "license": license, "href": href}) + + return extracted_data + except Exception as e: + #print("Error extracting article data: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in extractArticleData(): " + str(e) + "\n") + f.write("XML String: " + xml_string + "\n") + return [] + + +def upload_file(client, bucket_name, file_path, object_name, error_file, upload_log): + """ + Uploads a single file to the Minio bucket. + """ + try: + client.fput_object(bucket_name, object_name, file_path) + print(f"Uploaded: {object_name}") + with open(upload_log, 'a') as f: + f.write("uploaded: " + file_path + "\n") + os.remove(file_path) + except Exception as e: + #print(f"Error uploading {object_name}: {e}") + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in upload_file(): " + str(e) + "\n") + + +def uploadToStorage(filepath: str, error_file: str): + """ + Uploads all files present under given filepath to Minio bucket in parallel. + """ + # print("in uploadToStorage()") + try: + bucket_name = "pubmed" + + found = MINIO_CLIENT.bucket_exists(bucket_name) + if not found: + MINIO_CLIENT.make_bucket(bucket_name) + print("Created bucket", bucket_name) + # else: + # print("Bucket", bucket_name, "already exists") + #upload_log = error_file.split("_")[0] + ".txt" + upload_log = "all_papers.txt" + # Get all files to upload + files = [] + for root, _, files_ in os.walk(filepath): + for file in files_: + file_path = os.path.join(root, file) + object_name = file_path.split("/")[-1] + files.append((MINIO_CLIENT, bucket_name, file_path, object_name, error_file, upload_log)) + + # Use concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor with limited pool size + with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: + # Submit files in batches of 10 + for i in range(0, len(files), 10): + batch_files = files[i:i + 10] + futures = [executor.submit(upload_file, *args) for args in batch_files] + done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(futures, timeout=180) + + for future in not_done: + future.cancel() # Cancel the future if it is not done within the timeout + + for future in done: + try: + future.result() # This will raise any exceptions from upload_file + except Exception as e: + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in upload_file(): " + str(e) + "\n") + + # for future in futures: + # future.result() # This will raise any exceptions from upload_file + + return "success" + except Exception as e: + #print("Error uploading to storage: ", e) + with open(error_file, 'a') as f: + f.write("Error in uploadToStorage(): " + str(e) + "\n") + return "failure"