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202 lines (140 loc) · 10.5 KB

Change log

0.24.0 (2024-07-03)

  • Add AccountUserArchive model to the admin interface.
  • Drop support for Django 3.2.
  • Add support for Django 5.0.
  • Add convert_mariadb_uuid_fields command to convert UUID fields for MariaDB 10.7+ and Django 5.0+. See the documentation of this command for more information.
  • Move app settings to their own file, and set defaults for some settings.
  • Add additional customization for WorkspaceAdapters. Users can override the before_anvil_create, after_anvil_create, and after_anvil_import methods to run custom code before or after creating or after importing a workspace.

0.23.0 (2024-05-31)

  • Do not track previous groups for inactive accounts.
  • Add an audit error if any group membership records exist for inactive accounts.
  • Add the ability to unlink a user from an account.

0.22.1 (2024-05-22)

  • Maintenance: specify different numpy version requirement for python 3.12.

0.22.0 (2024-03-11)

  • Add customizeable get_extra_detail_context_data method for workspace adapters. Users can override this method to provide additional context data on a workspace detail page.
  • Add filtering by workspace type to the admin interface.
  • Set max_length for ManagedGroup and Workspace models to match what AnVIL allows.
  • Track requester pays status for Workspace objects.

0.21.0 (2023-12-04)

  • Add docs dependencies to hatch via pyproject.toml.
  • Add requests as a direct dependency instead of as an extra to google-auth.
  • Rename existing tables to include "Staff" in the name, in preparation for adding tables that are viewable by non-staff users.
  • Rename the list_table_class property of Workspace adapters to list_table_class_staff_view.
  • Add a new required list_table_class_view property to Workspace adapters. This table will be shown to users with anvil_consortium_manager_view permission, and list_table_class_staff_view will be shown to users with anvil_consortium_manager_staff_view permission.
  • Allow users with anvil_consortium_manager_view permission to see the WorkspaceDetail, WorkspaceList, WorkspaceListByType, and WorkspaceLanding views.

0.20.1 (2023-11-09)

  • Bugfix: Fix WorkspaceClone and WorkspaceImport views to work with a WorkspaceData model that has a second foreign key to Workspace.

0.20 (2023-11-08)

  • Switch to using pyproject.toml where possible.
  • Use hatch for backend building.
  • Rename permissions and associated auth mixins.
    • anvil_project_manager_edit -> anvil_consortium_manager_staff_edit
    • anvil_project_manager_view -> anvil_consortium_manager_staff_view
    • anvil_project_manager_limited_view -> anvil_consortium_manager_view
    • AnVILConsortiumManagerEditRequired -> AnVILConsortiumManagerStaffEditRequired
    • AnVILConsortiumManagerViewRequired -> AnVILConsortiumManagerStaffViewRequired
    • AnVILConsortiumManagerLimitedViewRequired -> AnVILConsortiumManagerViewRequired
  • Bugfix: Allow Workspace Data objects to have a second foreign key to Workspace.
  • Remove ACM Home link from navbar.

0.19 (2023-10-27)

  • Add filtering in list views.
  • Bugfix: Print the correct number of "ok" instances in audit emails. 0.18 introduced a bug where the email included "0 instance(s) verified even if there was more than one verified instance.
  • Bugfix: ManagedGroupMembershipAudit does not unexpectedly show errors for deactivated accounts that were in the group before they were deactivated.
  • Bugfix: ManagedGroupMembershipAudit now raises the correct exception when instantiated with a ManagedGroup that is not managed by the app.
  • Bugfix: ManagedGroupAudit does not report missing groups where the app is only a member.
  • Bugfix: Allow groups not managed by the app to be added as child groups of another group, and allow workspaces to be shared with them.

0.18 (2023-10-03)

  • Include a workspace_data_object context variable for the WorkspaceDetail and WorkspaceUpdate views.
  • Refactor auditing classes.
  • Add ability to specify a custom Workspace form in the workspace adapter.
  • Add informational text to tables on Detail pages.
  • Add a new "Limited view" permission. This permission is not yet used anywhere in the app, but can be used by projects using the app (e.g., to show a custom page to users with this permission).

0.17 (2023-07-11)

  • Import ManagedGroup membership from AnVIL when importing a ManagedGroup and the members already have records in the app.
  • Sort available workspaces alphabetically in the WorkspaceImport view.
  • Synchronize dropdown items in navbar and links in cards on home page.

0.16.4 (2023-06-16)

  • Bugfix: Move autocomplete query if statement to adapter methods so that adapter methods can handle forwarded values even when a query is not passed. get_autocomplete_queryset methods should be updated to process the query parameter.

0.16.3 (2023-06-13)

  • Bugfix: Fix failing ManagedGroup.anvil_audit_membership when a group is both a member of and admin of another group.

0.16.2 (2023-06-12)

  • Bugfix: Display "not in app" table correctly in emailed AnVIL audit report.

0.16.1 (2023-06-09)

  • Bugfix: correctly import AnVIL groups when the service account is both a member and an admin of the group.
  • Bugfix: Fix failing ManagedGroup.anvil_audit_memership when the service account is not directly an admin of the group (but is via membership in another group).

0.16 (2023-06-01)

  • The run_anvil_audit management command now sends html emails instead of only text emails.
  • Move view mixins to their own source file (

0.15 (2023-04-18)

  • Add a new permission, anvil_consortium_manager_account_link, which is required for a user to be able to link their AnVIL account.
  • Handle groups that the app service account is not part of when auditing ManagedGroups.
  • Add information about deactivating and reactivating Accounts to documentation user guide.
  • Sort workspaces by name in the WorkspaceTable.
  • Remove billing project from the workspace name in WorkspaceTable, since it has its own column already.
  • Add a view to autocomplete by workspace type.

0.14 (2023-03-23)

  • Track whether an AnVIL workspace is locked or not.
  • Add a new workspace landing page showing the registered workspace types.
  • Move workspace type links from the navbar to a new workspace landing page, because the navbar gets unwieldy when there are large number of registered workspace types.
  • Add a new required "description" field for Workspace adapters.

0.13 (2023-03-03)

  • Bugfix: require records with access=OWNER to have can_compute=True for WorkspaceGroupSharing objects.
  • Add information about deleting GroupAccountMembership, GrooupGroupMembership, and WorkspaceGroupSharing records to the documentation User guide.
  • Add the run_anvil_audit management command to run AnVIL audits.

0.12.1 (2023-02-16)

  • Add form Mixin class that adds select2-bootstrap-5-theme to form media.

0.12 (2023-02-13)

  • Support Django 4.1.*.
  • Fix broken links in group membership detail pages.
  • Add last update date to GroupGroupMembership, GroupAccountMembership, and WorkspaceGroupSharing tables.
  • Load workspace data form media in workspace editing templates.
  • Bugfix: Accessible workspaces for an account only includes workspaces that are shared with groups they are in.
  • Add a view to show a graph-based visualization of ManagedGroups.
  • Show a graph-based visualization of group relationships in the ManagedGroupDetail view.

0.11 (2023-01-24)

  • Copy notebooks when cloning a workspace.
  • Links to workspaces on AnVIL open in a new tab.
  • Prevent users from linking a Google service account to their user account.
  • When importing a workspace, create WorkspaceGroupSharing records if the workspace is shared with a group and that group is already in the app.

0.10 (2023-01-23)

  • Update anvil_api to use Rawls and Sam APIs for most API calls. These APIs were recommended over the Firecloud API by Terra support.
  • Modify AnVILAPIMockTestMixin to use the responses.RequestMock object instead of just adding to responses.
  • In tests, require that all registered requests are actually requested.
  • Add a default __str__ method to BaseWorkspaceData.
  • Add a django-simple-history history field to BaseWorkspaceData. Any model inheriting from BaseWorkspaceData to have history, which is consistent with other models in the app.
  • Add the Account.get_accessible_workspaces method.
  • Show the workspaces accessible to an Account in the AccountDetail view.

0.9 (2023-01-09)

  • Bug fix: Do not allow ManagedGroup or Workspace instances to be deleted if referenced in another model by a protected foreign key.
  • Add a customizable adapter for Accounts. This requires setting the ANVIL_ACCOUNT_ADAPTER setting in your settings file.
  • Various UI updates: the detail box on object detail pages now uses a description list instead of an unordered list.

0.8 (2022-12-27)

  • Change Workspace link on AnVIL to use instead of
  • Add ability to send a notification email when a user links their AnVIL account.
  • Display the linked user in the AccountTable table.
  • Show a link to the linked user on the AccountDetail page.

0.7 (2022-12-07)

  • Add ability to clone a workspace on AnVIL.

0.6 (2022-11-29)

  • Add ability to update BillingProject, Account, ManagedGroup, and Workspace, and workspace data models.
  • Add an extendable __object_detail.html template intended to be used by object detail templates.

0.5 (2022-11-22)

  • Add an optional note field to the BillingProject, Account, ManagedGroup, and Workspace models.
  • Add a user guide to the documentation.

0.4 (2022-11-09)

  • Only show links to views requiring edit permission if the user has that permission.
  • Add a get_absolute_url method for WorkspaceData which returns the absolute url of the associated workspace.
  • Add a required "workspace_detail_template_name" field for workspace adapters.
  • Add Workspace and ManagedGroup methods to check whether a group has access to a workspace.
  • Rename the WorkspaceGroupAccess model to WorkspaceGroupSharing, which is more consistent with AnVIL terminology.
  • Reword "access" to "sharing" in WorkspaceGroupSharing-related views and templates.
  • Add more views for creating WorkspaceGroupSharing, GroupAccountMembership, and GroupGroupMembership objects using url parameters.

0.3 (2022-09-27)

  • Show groups that a group is part of on the ManagedGroup detail page.
  • Add methods and views to audit information against AnVIL.

0.2 (2022-09-12)

  • Add account linking functionality

0.1 (2022-08-31)

  • First release