- Rewrote almost all the code of the web panel to make it easier for others to edit
- Added new functionality called IP Blocking with its own page that allows blocking IP addresses from connecting to the web panel
- Added constant verification of the hashed password during login sessions, ensuring that any change to the password results in all users being logged out
- Added an error log option to the config for enabling or disabling error logging
- Changed the error logging function to only log vital error information
- Rewrote datatables server side class to be shorter, more optimized and safer
- Added further XSS mitigation to both the endpoint, the pages, the APIs and the datatable server side output
- Added many strict headers that improve browser security
- Added meta tags and headers alongside the current robots.txt to further discourage search engine indexing
- Added line graph showing the total amount of online miners over time based on hashrate history reporting
- Added pie graph showing the amount of GPU Miners and CPU Miners
- Added pie graph showing the statuses of the miners
- Remade some of the statistics to have better clarity
- Added automatic SQLite database and database folder permissions checks that will display an error if they do not have the required permissions
- Merged and removed many unused or unnecessary assets
- Replaced SweetAlert2 with another plugin due to its malicious behaviour on .ru, .su, .by and .рф domains
- Changed miner types to the more clear CPU Miner and GPU Miner types
- Added new miner datatable field called Extra Data that will receive data such as resource reporting in future miner versions
- Added logout button to the top navigation menu
- Added all missing translations for all supported languages
- Added language selection to the login page
- Changed the terminology from Active to Mining
- Improved the miner endpoint performance
- Moved miner statistics to a new "Statistics" page
- Added more statistics such as GPU, CPU, Version and Algorithm graphs
- Fixed "Hide Offline Miners" bug
- Reworked endpoint again for better performance
- Added inactive journal size limit and higher cache limit
- Reduced WAL file growth and added cleaning
- Changed SQLite synchronous mode to OFF for higher performance
- Added Spanish translation (Xeneht)
- Greatly improved database performance
- Greatly improved endpoint performance
- Added configurable hashrate history feature
- Added "Total Hashrate" graphs for each algorithm
- Added individual "Hashrate History" to each miner
- Added miner status statistics
- Fixed datatable width scaling
- Added "Hide Offline Miners" option
- Fixed status priority for offline and error statuses
- Added Russian translation (marat2509)
- Added Ukrainian translation (Zem0rt)
- Added support for reporting the executable name of the program that triggered "Stealth" and displaying it in the status text
- Added offline miner removal tool which removes miners who have been offline for longer than the chosen number of days
- Added support for new miner ID per build to allow for running multiple miners of the same type at the same time
- Added Polish translation (Werlrlivx)
- Changed database settings to allow for better performance during large amounts of activity
- Changed offline status time threshold from five minutes to three minutes
- Changed endpoint text when the request isn't from the miner to reduce confusion
- Changed string sanitation away from FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING due to PHP 8.1 deprication
- Moved database to its own folder to allow for broader database file blocks
- Added new field "Version" that shows the miner version
- Added new field "Active Window" that shows the currently active foreground windows title
- Added new field "Run Time" that shows how long the current session of the miner has been running for
- Added "First Connection" field that shows the date and time when the miner first connected
- Added new miner statuses "Starting" and "Error"
- Added text next to the "Offline" status that shows how long the miner has been offline
- Added error text when an XMR miner cannot connect to its pool
- Added German and French datatable translation files
- Fixed miner table ordering
- Added French translation (Kolhax)
- Added German translation (leisefuxX)
- Fixed null hashrate datatable formatting error
- Changed project versioning to x.x.x formatting
- Added functionality to remove miners from the list
- Added JSON validation functionality to warn when saving incorrect configurations
- Added username display into the miner list
- Added "Auto refresh" toggle button for automatic miner list refreshing
- Added robots.txt file to stop search engines from indexing the web panel
- Added directory listing block in .htaccess for better privacy
- Added previously ignored "Logs" folder back
- Changed "Default" configuraiton into "Default ethminer" and "Default xmrig" configurations to allow different default configurations for the two different miners
- Fixed possible database "corruption" when null hashrates were submitted
- Fixed broken miner searching and sorting
- Added Unique ID generation on the panel side instead of the miner side
- Changed all file calls to be relative to allow easier deployment of the panel in subfolders
- Removed unnecessary configuration options due to everything being relative now
- Added GPU and CPU to the miners datatable
- Added GPU and CPU to the database
- Added unamwebpanel.db into the .htaccess and web.config files as a forbidden path to secure the SQLite database on Apache and IIS servers without having to place the database in a non-public folder
- Removed recommendation to move the database file to a non-public folder due to the added protection files for Apache and IIS
- Downgraded web panels required PHP version to 7.0
- Added miner type to the miners datatable to make it easier to differentiate what base miner it is using
- Fixed broken miner status condition
- Initial release