This document describes the list of all available conditional operators in src/conditionalOperators/index.ts.
Flags are a way to change the behavior of operators, per property in the context.
: Case insensitive. By default, all conditional operators are case sensitive. Using this flag will perform a case insensitive comparison.
const context = {
Examples given here use the
function, which is what's called internally bycontextMatcher
to check if the context matches the filter.const check = (context: object, rule: string, value: any, options: IMap = defaultOptions)
This operator compares two elements and return true if they are strictly equal (for primitives/scalar types). For complex types (objects, arrays) the comparison is made based on the context (strictly equal as well). Also, this operator is the default operator if none are explicitly defined.
- equals
- eq
const context = {
'city__flags':['i'], // The "city" attribute will be matched using "case insensitive" flag
check(context, 'school_name__eq', 'Unly'); // true
check(context, 'school_name__equals', 'unly'); // false
check(context, 'school_city__equals', 'LYON'); // true
check(context, 'school_city__equals', 'lyon'); // true
check(context, 'school_city__equals', 'lYOn'); // true
check(context, 'school', {'name':'Unly','postal_code':69000,}); // false
check(context, 'school', {'name':'Unly', 'city':'lyon', 'postal_code':69000,}); // true
Check if two objects are strictly different.
- notEquals
- ne
const context = {
check(context, 'school_name__ne', 'Unly'); // false
check(context, 'school_name__notEquals', 'unly'); // true
check(context, 'school_city__notEquals', 'LYON'); // false
check(context, 'school_city__notEquals', 'lyon'); // false
check(context, 'school_city__notEquals', 'lYOn'); // false
check(context, 'school__ne', {'name':'Unly','postal_code':69000,}); // true
check(context, 'school', {'name':'Unly', 'city':'lyon', 'postal_code':69000,}); // false
Check if a string start with another.
- startsWith
- sw
const context = {
check(context, 'school_name__sw', 'Un'); // true
check(context, 'school_name__sw', 'un'); // false
check(context, 'school_city__sw', 'LY'); // true
check(context, 'school_city__sw', 'ly'); // true
Check if a string finish by another.
- endsWith
- ew
const context = {
check(context, 'school_name__sw', 'ly'); // true
check(context, 'school_name__sw', 'LY'); // false
check(context, 'school_city__sw', 'ON'); // true
check(context, 'school_city__sw', 'on'); // true
String: Checks if the string contains a given string. Array: Checks if the array contains a specific element. Object: Checks if the object contains a specific element.
- contains
- inside
- in
const context = {
"campus":[42, "Unly"],
check(context, 'school_name__in', 'aul'); // true
check(context, 'school_location__in', {'city':"lyon"}); // true
check(context, 'school_campus__in', 42); // true
check(context, 'school_campus__in', 'Unly'); // true
check(context, 'school_campus__in', 'unly'); // true
The opposite of "contains". String: Checks if the string does not contain a given string. Array: Checks if the array does not contain a specific element. Object: Checks if the object does not contain a specific element.
- notContains
- notIncludes
- nin
const context = {
"campus":[42, "Unly"],
check(context, 'school_name__nin', 'aul'); // false
check(context, 'school_location__nin', {'city':"lyon"}); // false
check(context, 'school_campus__nin', 42); // false
check(context, 'school_campus__nin', 'Unly'); // false
check(context, 'school_campus__nin', 'unly'); // false
Check if a value is greater than another.
- greaterThan
- gt
const context = {
check(context, 'GPA__gt', 2); // true
check(context, 'GPA__gt', '2'); // true TODO check not sure behaviour
Check if a value is greater or equal than another.
- greaterThanEquals
- gte
const context = {
check(context, 'GPA__gte', 3); // true
check(context, 'GPA__gte', '3'); // true TODO check not sure behaviour
Check if a value is less than another.
- lessThan
- lt
const context = {
check(context, 'GPA__lt', 4); // true
check(context, 'GPA__lt', '4'); // true TODO check not sure behaviour
Check if a value is less or equal than another.
- lessThanEquals
- lte
const context = {
check(context, 'GPA__lte', 3); // true
check(context, 'GPA__lte', '4'); // true
String: Checks if the string is inside a given string. Array: Checks if a specific element is inside an array. Object: Checks if a specific element is inside an object.
- isInside
- isIn
const context = {
"campus":[42, "Unly"],
check(context, 'school_name__isIn', ["Paul", "jake"]); // true
The opposite of "inside". String: Checks if the string is inside a given string. Array: Checks if a specific element is inside an array. Object: Checks if a specific element is inside an object.
- isNotInside
- isnIn
const context = {
"campus":[42, "Unly"],
check(context, 'school_name__isnIn', ["Paul","Jake"]); // false
It is possible to mix both a conditional operator (as seen previously), with a "batch" operator to check a condition for a set of data.
Batch operator that checks if the condition is matched by all items in the data set. If any item fails to validate the condition, then it's a mismatch.
- every
const context = {
{'name':'Roger', 'GPA':3, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Paul', 'GPA':1, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Robert', 'GPA':2, "promotion":2021}
check(context, 'students_promotion__every_eq', 2021); // true
check(context, 'students_promotion__every_gte', 1); // true
check(context, 'students_promotion__every_lte', 2); // false
Batch operator that checks if the condition is matched by any of the items in the data set. If any item succeed to validate the condition, then it's a match.
- some
const context = {
{'name':'Roger', 'GPA':3, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Paul', 'GPA':1, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Robert', 'name__flags': ['i'], 'GPA':2, "promotion":2021}
check(context, 'students_name__some_eq', 'robert'); // true
check(context, 'students_name__some_eq', 'roger'); // false
check(context, 'students_promotion__some_eq', 2); // true
check(context, 'students_promotion__some_lte', 1); // true
Batch operator that checks if the condition is matched by none of the items in the data set. If any item succeed to validate the condition, then it's a mismatch.
- none
const context = {
{'name':'Roger', 'GPA':3, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Paul', 'GPA':1, "promotion":2021},
{'name':'Robert', 'name__flags': ['i'], 'GPA':2, "promotion":2021}
check(context, 'students_GPA__none_gte', 4); // true
check(context, 'students_GPA__none_gte', 3); // false
check(context, 'students_name__none_eq', 'Louis'); // true
check(context, 'students_name__none_sw', 'Rog'); // false