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Installing 3DUSE

List of 3DUSE dependencies

Direct dependencies

Optional dependencies

General introduction to building 3DUSE

3DUSE is build (compiled, linked, installed) cmake. Here is a short list of option flags that can be used to customize the building 3DUSE:

  • BUILD_GUI_QT4 and BUILD_GUI_QT5 enable to build the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of 3DUSE respectively with using QT4 or QT5
  • Flags of the form BUILD_CityGML<something>QtPlugin (e.g. BUILD_CityGMLCutQtPlugin or BUILD_CityGMLSunlightQtPlugin) toggle the build of optional 3DUSE plugins (based on QT plugin mechanism). Unsurprisingly enough the BUILD_ALL_PLUGINS option flag will trigger the build of all plugins.
  • BUILD_DOCUMENTATION enables the building of the Doxygen based documentation of 3DUSE.
  • BUILD_EMBARKED_OSG-QT_32 and BUILD_EMBARKED_OSG-QT_34 enable to build a 3DUSE embarked version of the interface of OpenSceneGraph (OSG) within QT

Ubuntu install (Ubuntu 14.04)

Installing dependencies

  • Note: a Docker-aware impatient might make good use of this DockerFile
  • Classic package installation with apt-get command:
    • sudo apt-get install qt4-default libopenscenegraph-dev libassimp-dev
    • sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
    • When building with the PCL extension (BUILD_PCL set to ON within cmake):
      • Install sub-dependencies: apt-get install libeigen3-dev libflann-dev libqhull-dev
      • Easy (recommended for newbie) Point Cloud library installation out of 3DUSE provided [tarball]( (pre-configured sources):
        • cd /tmp && wget
        • tar zxf pcl-pcl-1.7.2.travis-trusty.tgz && cd pcl-pcl-1.7.2/buildR
        • sudo make install
      • Alternatively (more advanced installer) proceed with PCL standard installation (out of git repository): refer e.g. to LarryLisky's install notes.
  • Manual installation of LASlib
    • With access rigths to /usr/local/:
      • cd 3DUSE/externals/laslib
      • mkdir Build && cd Build
      • cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make
      • sudo make install
      • Proceed with building of 3DUSE
    • Without access rights to /usr/local/:
      • cd 3DUSE/externals/laslib
      • mkdir Build && cd Build
      • cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/local/LASlib (or choose an alternate installation directory in your home directory or a stable direcory why proper access rights)
      • cd 3DUSE
      • mkdir Build && cd Build
      • ccmake .. -DLASLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=~/local/LASlib/include -DLASLIB_LIBRARY=~/local/LASlib/lib/liblaslib.a
  • Manual installation of gdal (3DUSE currently uses gdal version 1.11.4 and is not aligned with versions
    • cd /tmp
    • wget
    • tar zxvf gdal-1.11.4.tar.gz
    • cd gdal-1.11.4
    • mkdir $HOME/local/
    • ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/gdal-1.11.4
    • make
    • make install

Building from sources

  • git clone
  • cd 3DUSE
  • mkdir Build && cd Build
  • ccmake ..
  • Position the following configuration variables:
    • GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR=$HOME/local/gdal-1.11.4/include
    • GDAL_LIBRARY=$HOME/local/gdal-1.11.4/lib/
  • make

Post-install goodies (not 3DUSE related):

  • QtCreator : apt-get install qtcreator

Mac OS X install

Installing dependencies

  • Obtain and install Homebrew
  • brew upgrade boost
  • brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz(X11 server)
  • brew install gdal
  • brew install open-scene-graph
  • Install OSGQT
    • Important note: contratry to what is written in this issue brew install open-scene-graph --with-qt won't work with recent (say above OSG version 3.5.X) !
    • Installation should be made out of osgQT independent library:
      mkdir /usr/local/stow
      cd /tmp
      git clone
      cd osgQt
      mkdir Bin
      cd Bin
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/osgqt ..
      make instal
      cd /usr/local/stow
      stow osgqt
      You might run into this issue (3DUSE complains about osgQt not found) which can be solved (among other solutions) with providing an extra -DOSGQT_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/libosgQt5.dylib cmake flag when configuring 3DUSE.
  • brew install assimp
  • Install laslib:
    • The careful version with stow (brew install stow):
      • cd 3DUSE/externals/laslib
      • mkdir Build && cd Build
      • cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/laslib
      • make install
      • `cd /usr/local/stow``
      • `stow laslib``
    • The careless version:
      • cd 3DUSE/externals/laslib
      • mkdir Build && cd Build
      • cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/laslib
      • make install

Assert that proj and geos sub-dependencies where installed (e.g. with brew list | grep <pkg> or brew info <pkg>). Otherwise install them manually:

  • brew instal proj (which is proj4)
  • brew install geos

Optional installations

  • GUI support: either with Qt4 or Qt5
    • Qt4:
      • Prior to El Capitan (10.10): brew install qt (which installs Qt4)
      • Starting with Sierra (10.12): brew install cartr/qt4/qt (refer to Homebrew-qt4
    • Qt5: brew install qt5
  • Documentation: brew install doxygen graphviz
  • PCL extension (BUILD_PCL set to ON within cmake): brew install homebrew/science/pcl --without-vtk --without-apps

Building from sources

  • git clone
  • cd 3DUSE
  • mkdir Bin && cd Bin
  • cmake ..
  • make

Preparatory notes for OSX Mojave (10.14.5)

The following is a must when working on (but alas it does not suffice to get3DUSE compiled):

  • OSX 10.14.5 (Mojave)
  • homebrew (brew config): 2.1.11 (37714b5ce1e4909d4d61de2af98343c7012f7cd9)
  • Before the cmake configuration of you might need to define
    export Qt5_DIR=/usr/local/opt/qt/     # Because qt5 is keg only
  • For GUI support with Mojave you should forget about Qt4 and opt for Qt5 brew install qt5

Windows install

Supported Windows platforms:

Installing dependencies

  • Visual Studio Express 2015:
    • dowload LIRIS local copy
    • Unrar the downloaded archive file (e.g. with 7-zip
    • Enter the extracted folder (Express 2015 up2 pour Wndowds Desktop) and launch the installer wdexpress_full.exe
    • On first invocation Visual Studio will ask for an email/passwd to "Connect to Visual Studio". Simply close this connection sub-window and proceed. You will be automatically granted with a 30 days free evaluation license. After this trial period:
      • lauch Visual Studio,
      • go to the Help menu,
      • select the "A propos Microsoft Visual Studio..." entry
      • select the "State of the license" link (at the top of window)
      • on the right column (not the Connect youself one) proceed by providing e.g. some Outlook junk email (google on Outlook email in order to create it).
    • That pesky Express 2015 might complain from time to time that your licensed expired. In fact it didn't but MicroSpank is just "making sure" (hey it's a free version but they still keep you leash). In the right section of the pop-up window select "Search for a license update" provide the same email you already gave away (refer to previous section) and proceed with MicroSpank's lenghty (you might have to give your password three times, receive email codes...) "verification process".
  • 3DUSE binary kit:
    • download binary installer
    • extract content (installation will require 3.1 Go of free disk space) to a target directory which full path name length (from C:\) must be shorter than 50 characters: placing the extracted directory, named VCITY_local_vs2015_64, into C:\ or C:\Programs is ok (avoid unstable directories like "Desktop" or "My Documents").
    • Note: the extracted directory name (VCITY_local_vs2015_64) can be renamed if you need to.
  • Obtain 3DUSE sources:
  • Cmake version 3.4.3. (this version is Visual Studio 2015 aware):
    • Extract cmake from VCITY_local_vs2015_64\_utils_\
    • Extract NSIS from `VCITY_local_vs2015_64_utils_\nsis-2.50-setup.exe``
  • Setting 3DUSE related environment variables:
    • Warnings: for those upgrading from a previous 3DUSE version, make sure to remove any 3DUse related variable. Also make sure to remove any previously set vs2012 variable

Optional dependencies

Set up environment variables

In order to build the "solution" you will first need to setup the following new environment variables (in order to define the building context i.e. in order to indicate where the dependency libraries are to be found):

  • VCITY_KIT_ROOT to be C:/VCITY_local_vs2015_64.
  • BOOST_ROOT to be %VCITY_KIT_ROOT%/boost_1_59_0
  • When building with Qt5: QT5_DIR to be %VCITY_KIT_ROOT%/Qt/Qt5.6.0/5.6/msvc2015_64

Watch out: notice that for the above variables used path definitions where the separator is a (/) character and NOT backslash (\) character ! (Note: this is because those variables are used by CMake which internally uses the Unix convention for path separators)

Once the "solution" is build (see below), and for the impatient user, in order to run the application you will also need to:

  • Add a traling";C:\VCITY_local_vs2015_64\_bin_" to your PATH environment variable (in order for the dynamic loader to find the dynamic libraries of the application dependencies)
  • Assuming you build the solution in e.g. the c:\Users\MyLogin\3DUSE\MyBuild directory add the following entries to your PATH environment variable:
  • Release mode c:\Users\MyLogin\3DUSE\MyBuild\Release
  • Debug mode c:\Users\MyLogin\3DUSE\MyBuild\Debug

Watch out: notice that for the above run time variables the separator is now classically for Windows a backslash (\) character !

Tips and notes:

  • in order to assert that the environement variables are properly set open a dos command and either use set and look for the variable(s) you are checking or check a specific variable with e.g. echo %BOOST_ROOT%.
  • When editing your PATH environment variable (and for versions of Windows requiring the edition of the pull PATH as a string) don't forget to add the proper `";" as path separator
  • Note that prepending (as opposed to trailing) your PATH variable with the above mentionned directory paths might be safer (it will avoid possible conflicts with otherwise installed versions of QT or Graphviz...)

Building from sources

  • Clone the sources with some git client e.g.

  • Proceed with using cmake (cmake-gui.exe)

    • Configure stage warning: on the pop-up window that raises when configuring the cmake project assert that cmake detects the generator as being "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64". Not only assert that the generator is Visual Studio 2015 (which is the 14th of Visual Studio) but also assert that the generated code is 64 bits (Win64). If it is not properly set then set it manually (with the rolling down menu).
    • Set the optional cmake build flag BUILD_EMBARKED_OSG-QT_34to ON.
    • Unless you are a developer working on improving the regression tests, turn the cmake build flag BUILD_UNMATURE_TESTSto OFF.
    • Open (with Visual Studio) the resulting project 3DUSE.sln located in your build subdirectory (Bin most often) and generate the solution

Run the regresion tests

Select the RUN_TESTS project and launch (right click) the tests by invoking Debug->Start a new instance