All notable changes to the "vscode-iot-device-cube" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Update dependent pacakge versions to resolve security vulnerabilities.
- Serialport unable to work on VS Code, Electron v7.[#980]
- glob not found issue.
- SSH.exec API exit properly after execute a command.
- Upload a folder from local file system to server through ssh.
By coorperating with Azure IoT Device Workbench's dependency vscode-iot-device-cube-sdk (version 0.0.21), IoT Device Cube extension now is able to help Azure IoT Device Workbench extension to upload folder from container to device such as Raspberry Pi, and to config DevKit in a container. Related changes are listed as follows.
Add command 'iotcube.unzipFile' to unzip a folder
Add class of 'SerialPortCtrl' to control serialports on local machine
- Update extension logo
- Initial release