Code from QuantEco
Use float number as soon as you can. Just as in MMT, calculations on the Float
type and Int
type have siginificant difference. It is because the Int
type recalls a second-level code to define it.
Convert float to Int. There are cases that we need Int
number such as the index in a loop. For example, we want to simulate a continous time-dependent markov chain. We need to discret the time and use Int((tf-ti)/deltaT)
to determine the total number of steps. But tf
and ti
are float
numbers, and it might raise the errror Inexact typeError Int()
. The solution is to use round(Int, xxx)
ti = 2.3
delta = 0.01
> InexactError: Int64(229.99999999999997)
round(Int, ti/delta)
> 230
Built-in funciton
n = 1000000
@time ep = rand(n);
0.001511 seconds (2 allocations: 7.629 MiB)
Naive sytle
ep = zeros(n)
@time for i in 1:n
ep[i] = randn()
0.126833 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 76.278 MiB, 6.07% gc time)
Better style
@time begin
ep = zeros(n)
for i in eachindex(ep)
ep[i] = randn()
0.124869 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 76.278 MiB, 6.24% gc time)
Function eachindex
does not make the loop run faster, but make the code more flexibility.
Loop directly over arrays.
ep_sum = 0.0
@time for ep_val in ep[1:end]
ep_sum = ep_sum + ep_val
ep_mean = ep_sum / n
0.137116 seconds (4.00 M allocations: 83.916 MiB, 10.05% gc time)
Loop over indexes. There is a litter slower.
@time begin
ep_sum = 0.0
for j in eachindex(ep)
ep_sum += ep[j]
ep_mean = ep_sum / n
0.145290 seconds (5.00 M allocations: 91.537 MiB, 9.92% gc time)
Natural code. Julia allows to write code in a natural language manner. For example we want to define a linear function y(x) = px + q
in Julia. We can write in a function
p = 0.1
q = 0.2
function f(x)
return p * x +q
or in the following manner
p = 0.1
q = 0.2
f(x) = p * x + q
Broadcast. Mathematica has wonderful list operations and its functions can act on a list. Julia has the broadcast operator .
that does the same thing.
xx = [0., pi/6., pi/2.]
# is equivalent to
# broadcast(sin, xx)
# and map(sin, xx)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
Named parameters. In MMT, there are two types of parameters in a function, the necessary paramters and the additional paramters which provides modification to the function and often have default values. In Julia, the two types of parameters are seperated by ;
in the argument.
function binomial_rv(n, p; m=1000)
xlis = [binomial_r(n, p) for _ in 1:m]
Shorhand notation for If
Julia allows to write the if
environment in a more compact form which does not affect the speed. For example,
u = rand()
# Usual form
if u < 0.5
count +=1
count = 0
# Compact form
count = u < 0.5 ? count + 1 : 0
Looping without Indices
To loop through pairs from two sequences, use zip()
men = ("Caesar", "Brutus")
women = ("Portia", "Calpurnia")
for (man, woman) in zip(men, women)
println("$woman is the wife of $man")
Portia is the wife of Caesar
Calpurnia is the wife of Brutus
If you need the index as well, use enumerate
for (i, man) in enumerate(men)
woman = women[i]
println("$woman is the wife of $man")
Portia is the wife of Caesar
Calpurnia is the wife of Brutus
Generators For those functionsthat accepts iterators and arrays, use the former to avoid allocating and storing any temporary values.
xs = 1:10000
f(x) = x^2
@btime sum([f(x) for x in $xs])
@btime sum(f.(xs))
@btime sum(f(x) for x in xs) %Drop the [] brackets.
8.037 μs (2 allocations: 78.17 KiB)
9.378 μs (6 allocations: 78.28 KiB)
138.846 ns (2 allocations: 48 bytes)
Notice that the first two cases are nearly identical, but the third has a speedup of over 80x and use far more less memory.
Take part of a sequence.
Julia provides first
and last
to take the first element and last element of a set. But it is usually not enough. Take a simulation of jump processs under continous measurement for example. We would store the results by a four-value tuple (work, meas, reality, t)
. Here work
means work on the system at time t
, meas
for the measurement outcome which can be wrong, and reality
is for the true state of the system. As we generate a sequence of the four-value tuple, we would like operate on the lists by different conditions.
The squence of work and time is easy. Just use the broadcast
worklis = first.(wholelis)
timelis = last.(wholelis)
The sequence of middle elements can be taken by generator. (Other more elegant way?)
measlis = [x[2] for x in wholelis]
realitylis = [x[3] for x in wholelis]
Pattern match. Say, we want to take all elements that satisfy a rule, Julia provides an elegent way by broadcast
x = rand(100)
x[x .> 0.5] # Take all elements that are >0.5.
For complex functions, use findall
function. findall
return a list of indexes of the desired elements.
xlis = rand((100, 100))
xlis(findall(x->x[2] > 0.5, xlis))
Join vectors. Use vcat
xlis = rand(10)
ylis = rand(12)
zlis = rand(13)
vcat(xlis, ylis, zlis)
Operations in String.
A quick way to print the value of a variable in a string is to use $
x = 10
"x = $x"
"x = 10"
A quick way to concatenate (join) two strings is to *
: return the time cost. If you want to evalute a body of code, add begin
and end
@time begin
: return the average cost after many round evaluation.
from the package BenchmarkTools
. Detail version of btime
checks the unstable variable type in your code. The unstable variable is colored in red. So you better add annotation such as xx::Float
to your variable.
from the package ProfileView
. It will generate a graph containing many colored blocks, each corresponding to a line of your code. The bad code is colored in red.
You can use save_object()
and load_object()
from package JDL
, or use writedlm()
and readdlm()
from package DelimitedFiles
For the data saved for Julia, I use JDL
; for the date saved for MMT, I use DelimitedFiles
x = [1, "a"]
save_object("xlis.jdl2", x)
y = load_object("xlis.jdl2")
writedlm("xlis.csv", x)
y = readdlm("xlis.csv)
I/O files to other directory. See JuliaDataScience. First obtain your working directory and then use joinpath
function. Say your are working on a script main.jl
under a directory "Project", and you want to save data in a subdirectory "Project/Data". Following code does the job.
xlis = rand(10)
root = dirname(@__FILE__)
> "/Users/mac/Nutstore Files/Research/Auxillary Tools/Julia/2023 Information
datapath = joinpath(root, "Data/")
save_object(joinpath(datapath, "xlis.jld2"),xlis)
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