open import Vatras.Framework.Definitions using (𝔽; 𝔸)
open import Relation.Binary using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
To be as general as possible, we do not fix F
but only require that it
contains at least two distinct features f₁
and f₂
. To implement
configurations, equality in F
nees to be decidable, so ==ꟳ
is also required.
module Vatras.Translation.Lang.FST-to-OC {F : 𝔽} (f₁ f₂ : F) (f₁≢f₂ : f₁ ≢ f₂) (_==ꟳ_ : DecidableEquality F) where
open import Size using (∞)
open import Data.Bool as Bool using (true; false)
import Data.Bool.Properties as Bool
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List as List using (List; []; _∷_; length; catMaybes)
open import Data.List.Properties as List
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous using ([]; _∷_; _∷ʳ_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using ([]; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using ([]; _∷_)
open import Data.Maybe using (nothing; just)
open import Data.Nat using (_≟_; ℕ; _+_; _≤_; z≤n; s≤s)
import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ
open import Data.Product using (_,_; ∃-syntax)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function using (flip)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Vatras.Framework.Variants using (Rose; rose-leaf; _-<_>-; children-equality)
open import Vatras.Lang.All
open OC using (OC; WFOCL; Root; _❲_❳; all-oc)
open import Vatras.Lang.OC.Properties using (⟦e⟧ₒtrue≡just)
open import Vatras.Lang.OC.Subtree using (Subtree; subtrees; both; neither; Implies; subtreeₒ; subtreeₒ-recurse)
open import Vatras.Lang.FST using (FSTL-Sem)
open FST using (FSTL)
open FST.Impose
V = Rose ∞
open import Vatras.Framework.Relation.Expressiveness V using (_⋡_)
A : 𝔸
A = ℕ , _≟_
To prove that option calculus is not at least as expressive as feature structure trees, we construct a counter-example product line of feature structure trees that cannot be translated to option calculus.
The following counter-example embodies a form of an alternative, which describes the following variants
f₁ = true, f₂ = false: 0 -< 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >-
f₁ = false, f₂ = true: 0 -< 0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >-
f₁ = false, f₂ = false: 0 -< >- ∷ [] >-
f₁ = true, f₂ = true: 0 -< 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >-
but not
0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >-
Hence, at least one inner child is required for a valid variant of this counter-example SPL (or no children in which case there is only the root). As FSTs require a fixed root artifact, the outermost artifact is always set to 0.
counter-example : SPL F A
counter-example = 0 ◀ (
(f₁ :: ((0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , (([] ∷ []) , (([] , []) ∷ [])) ∷ [])))
∷ (f₂ :: ((0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ []) ⊚ ([] ∷ [] , (([] ∷ []) , (([] , []) ∷ [])) ∷ [])))
∷ [])
The idea of the following proof is to show that any OC expression, which
describes these variants, necessarily includes some other variant. To be
specific, we assume WFOCL ≽ FSTL
and show that there is an expression
) in FSTL whose translation has at least one configuration
(which we freely choose) that produces a variant which can never be produced in
We identified two cases:
In the
case, the OC expression also includes the following extra variant:0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >-
which as stated above, is not described by the counter-example FST. For example, the following OC expression has this problem:
0 -< 0 -< f₁ ❲ 0 -< [] >- ❳ ∷ f₂ ❲ 1 -< [] >- ❳ ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >-
In the
case, the OC expression also includes an extra variant like the following:0 -< 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ 0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >-
For example:
0 -< f₁ ❲ 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ❳ ∷ f₂ ❲ 0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ❳ ∷ [] >-
Note that, in contrast to the
case, this variant is not uniquely determined. In fact, the order of the two features isn't fixed and the configuration chosen by the proof could introduce more artifacts.
There are four relevant configurations for counter-example
because it uses
exactly two features: c₁
, c₂
, all-oc true
and all-oc false
c₁ : FST.Configuration F
c₁ f with f ==ꟳ f₁
c₁ f | yes f≡f₁ = true
c₁ f | no f≢f₁ = false
c₂ : FST.Configuration F
c₂ f with f ==ꟳ f₂
c₂ f | yes f≡f₂ = true
c₂ f | no f≢f₂ = false
In the following proofs, we will need the exact variants which can be configured
from counter-example
. Agda can't compute with ==ꟳ
so we need the following
two lemmas to sort out invalid definitions of ==ꟳ
. Then Agda can actually
compute the semantics of counter-example
compute-counter-example-c₁ : {v : Rose ∞ A} → FSTL-Sem F counter-example c₁ ≡ v → 0 -< 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >- ≡ v
compute-counter-example-c₁ p with f₁ ==ꟳ f₁ | f₂ ==ꟳ f₁ | c₁ f₁ in c₁-f₁ | c₁ f₂ in c₁-f₂
compute-counter-example-c₁ p | yes f₁≡f₁ | yes f₂≡f₁ | _ | _ = ⊥-elim (f₁≢f₂ (Eq.sym f₂≡f₁))
compute-counter-example-c₁ p | yes f₁≡f₁ | no f₂≢f₁ | true | false = p
compute-counter-example-c₁ p | no f₁≢f₁ | _ | _ | _ = ⊥-elim (f₁≢f₁ refl)
compute-counter-example-c₂ : {v : Rose ∞ A} → FSTL-Sem F counter-example c₂ ≡ v → 0 -< 0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >- ∷ [] >- ≡ v
compute-counter-example-c₂ p with f₁ ==ꟳ f₂ | f₂ ==ꟳ f₂ | c₂ f₁ in c₂-f₁ | c₂ f₂ in c₂-f₂
compute-counter-example-c₂ p | yes f₁≡f₂ | _ | _ | _ = ⊥-elim (f₁≢f₂ f₁≡f₂)
compute-counter-example-c₂ p | no f₁≢f₂ | yes f₂≡f₂ | false | true = p
compute-counter-example-c₂ p | no f₁≢f₂ | no f₂≢f₂ | _ | _ = ⊥-elim (f₂≢f₂ refl)
For proving the shared-artifact
case, we need to compute a configuration which
deselects the options guarding the inner artifacts (0 -< [] >-
and 1 -< [] >-
but selects the options leading to the shared artifact surrounding these two
_∧_ : {F : 𝔽} → OC.Configuration F → OC.Configuration F → OC.Configuration F
_∧_ c₁ c₂ f = c₁ f Bool.∧ c₂ f
implies-∧₁ : {F : 𝔽} {c₁ c₂ : OC.Configuration F} → Implies (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₁
implies-∧₁ {c₁ = c₁} f p with c₁ f
implies-∧₁ f p | true = refl
implies-∧₂ : {F : 𝔽} {c₁ c₂ : OC.Configuration F} → Implies (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₂
implies-∧₂ {c₁ = c₁} {c₂ = c₂} f p with c₁ f | c₂ f
implies-∧₂ f p | true | true = refl
We observe that any option calculus expression that describes
the variants 0 -< 0 >-
and 0 -< 1 >-
must also describe the
variant 0 -< >-
In this case, the relevant options are contained in the same, shared, option
. The goal is to prove that we can deselect all inner options and obtain this
shared artifact without any inner artifacts.
As configuration, we chose the intersection of the two given configurations. This ensures that all options up to the shared artifact are included because they must be included in both variants. Simultaneously, this excludes the artifacts themselves because each configuration excludes one of them.
shared-artifact : ∀ {F' : 𝔽}
→ (e : OC F' ∞ A)
→ (c₁ c₂ : OC.Configuration F')
→ just (0 -< rose-leaf 0 ∷ [] >-) ≡ OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₁
→ just (0 -< rose-leaf 1 ∷ [] >-) ≡ OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₂
→ just (0 -< [] >-) ≡ OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (c₁ ∧ c₂)
shared-artifact (0 OC.-< cs >-) c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂
with OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₁
| OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₂
| OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂)
| subtreeₒ-recurse cs (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₁ implies-∧₁
| subtreeₒ-recurse cs (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₂ (implies-∧₂ {c₁ = c₁})
shared-artifact (0 OC.-< cs >-) c₁ c₂ refl refl | _ | _ | [] | _ | _ = refl
shared-artifact (0 OC.-< cs >-) c₁ c₂ refl refl | _ | _ | _ ∷ _ | subtrees _ ∷ _ | () ∷ _
shared-artifact (f OC.❲ e ❳) c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂ with c₁ f | c₂ f
shared-artifact (f OC.❲ e ❳) c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂ | true | true = shared-artifact e c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂
In case we found a node corresponding to either 0 -< 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] >-
or 0 -< 1 -< [] >- ∷ [] >-
, we choose the all true configuration and
prove that there is at least one more artifact in the resulting variant.
As discussed at the definition of counter-example
, the order of the artifact
nodes is not uniquely determined. Hence, there are two distinct cases in
, which we abstract over using the v
argument. Moreover, we only
prove that there is one more artifact in the variant. In addition, there can be
additional options, only present in the all true configuration, which is why we
only prove that there is at least one more
more-artifacts : ∀ {F' : 𝔽}
→ (cs : List (OC F' ∞ A))
→ (cₙ : OC.Configuration F')
→ (v : Rose ∞ A)
→ 0 -< v ∷ [] >- ∷ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse cₙ
→ 1 ≤ length (OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (all-oc true))
more-artifacts (a OC.-< cs' >- ∷ cs) cₙ v p = s≤s z≤n
more-artifacts (e@(f OC.❲ e' ❳) ∷ cs) cₙ v p with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (all-oc true) | ⟦e⟧ₒtrue≡just e
more-artifacts (e@(f OC.❲ e' ❳) ∷ cs) cₙ v p | .(just _) | _ , refl = s≤s z≤n
This is the main induction over the top most children of the OC expression. It
proves that there is at least one variant, configurable from an expression with
children cs
, which is not included in our counter-example
. For this result,
it requires two configurations which evaluate to the two alternative variants.
For simplicity, though not actually required for the final result, it also takes
a configuration showing that the semantics of the expression includes a variant
without children. This eliminates a bunch of proof cases (e.g., having an
unconditional artifact).
The idea is to find a child which exists in at least one of the variants
configured by c₁
or c₂
. Hence, we do a case analysis on whether a given
option exists when evaluated with the configurations c₁
and c₂
(we can
rule out artifacts because OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₃
evaluates to []
so there
are no unconditional artifacts in cs
). Note that evaluating the configuration
for this option alone is not enough to guarantee that there is an artifact
because options can be nested arbitrarily deep without artifacts in between.
Hence, we almost always use a with
clause to match on the final result of the
semantics (OC.⟦_⟧ₒ
If an option evaluates to an artifact in exactly one of the configurations, we
know there must be a second option in cs
evaluating to an artifact in the
other configuration. In this case, called more-artifacts
, we count the top
level child artifacts when the OC expression is evaluated using the all true
If an option evaluates to an artifact for both c₁
and c₂
it must also
evaluate to an artifact for the intersection (_∧_
) of these configurations.
The resulting variant can't include the child artifacts of the c₁
and c₂
variants forcing it to have exactly one shape. In this case, called
, we return the exact variant to which the expression evaluates
under the intersection of c₁
and c₂
induction : ∀ {F' : 𝔽}
→ (cs : List (OC F' ∞ A))
→ (c₁ c₂ c₃ : OC.Configuration F')
→ 0 -< rose-leaf 0 ∷ [] >- ∷ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₁
→ 0 -< rose-leaf 1 ∷ [] >- ∷ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₂
→ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₃
→ 2 ≤ length (OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (all-oc true))
⊎ 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂)
induction (_ OC.-< _ >- ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ ()
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₁ in ⟦e⟧c₁ | OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₂ in ⟦e⟧c₂ | OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₃
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing with induction cs c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing | inj₁ p with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (all-oc true)
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing | inj₁ p | just _ = inj₁ (ℕ.≤-trans p (ℕ.n≤1+n _))
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing | inj₁ p | nothing = inj₁ p
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing | inj₂ p with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (c₁ ∧ c₂) | OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₁ | subtreeₒ e (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₁ implies-∧₁
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | nothing | nothing | inj₂ p | nothing | nothing | neither = inj₂ p
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | just _ | nothing with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₂ | ⟦e⟧c₂ | OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (all-oc true) | subtreeₒ e c₂ (all-oc true) (λ f p → refl)
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | nothing | just _ | nothing | just _ | _ | .(just _) | both _ = inj₁ (s≤s (more-artifacts cs c₁ (rose-leaf 0) p₁))
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | just _ | nothing | nothing with OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ c₁ | ⟦e⟧c₁ | OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (all-oc true) | subtreeₒ e c₁ (all-oc true) (λ f p → refl)
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | just _ | nothing | nothing | just _ | _ | .(just _) | both _ = inj₁ (s≤s (more-artifacts cs c₂ (rose-leaf 1) p₂))
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | just _ | just _ | nothing with List.∷-injectiveʳ p₁
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | just _ | just _ | nothing | _ with OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂) in ⟦cs⟧c₁∧c₂ | OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse c₁ | subtreeₒ-recurse cs (c₁ ∧ c₂) c₁ implies-∧₁
induction (e@(_ OC.❲ _ ❳) ∷ cs) c₁ c₂ c₃ p₁ p₂ p₃ | just _ | just _ | nothing | _ | .[] | .[] | [] = inj₂ (
0 -< [] >- ∷ []
≡⟨ Eq.cong₂ _∷_ refl ⟦cs⟧c₁∧c₂ ⟨
0 -< [] >- ∷ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂)
catMaybes (just (0 -< [] >-) ∷ (flip OC.⟦_⟧ₒ (c₁ ∧ c₂)) cs)
≡⟨ Eq.cong catMaybes (Eq.cong₂ _∷_ (shared-artifact e c₁ c₂
(Eq.trans (Eq.cong just (List.∷-injectiveˡ p₁)) (Eq.sym ⟦e⟧c₁))
(Eq.trans (Eq.cong just (List.∷-injectiveˡ p₂)) (Eq.sym ⟦e⟧c₂)))
refl) ⟩
catMaybes (OC.⟦ e ⟧ₒ (c₁ ∧ c₂) ∷ (flip OC.⟦_⟧ₒ (c₁ ∧ c₂)) cs)
OC.⟦ e ∷ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂)
The results of the induction
show that OC has no equivalent to the FST
expression. The proof evaluates the FST expression on all relevant
configurations which results in contradictions in every case.
impossible : ∀ {F' : 𝔽}
→ (cs : List (OC F' ∞ A))
→ (c₁ c₂ : OC.Configuration F')
→ ((c : OC.Configuration F') → ∃[ c' ] OC.⟦ Root 0 cs ⟧ c ≡ FSTL-Sem F counter-example c')
→ 2 ≤ length (OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (all-oc true))
⊎ 0 -< [] >- ∷ [] ≡ OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (c₁ ∧ c₂)
→ ⊥
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) with alternative⊆e (all-oc true)
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) | c' , e' with OC.⟦ cs ⟧ₒ-recurse (all-oc true) | c' f₁ | c' f₂
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ (s≤s ())) | c' , e' | _ ∷ [] | _ | _
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) | c' , () | _ ∷ _ ∷ _ | false | false
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) | c' , () | _ ∷ _ ∷ _ | false | true
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) | c' , () | _ ∷ _ ∷ _ | true | false
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₁ p) | c' , () | _ ∷ _ ∷ _ | true | true
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) with alternative⊆e (c₁ ∧ c₂)
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) | c' , e' with c' f₁ | c' f₂ | Eq.trans (Eq.cong (0 -<_>-) p) e'
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) | c' , e' | false | false | ()
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) | c' , e' | false | true | ()
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) | c' , e' | true | false | ()
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e (inj₂ p) | c' , e' | true | true | ()
With a little plumbing we can now conclude that there are Feature Structure Trees (FST) with no Option Calculus (OC) equivalent.
WFOC⋡FST : ∀ {F' : 𝔽} → WFOCL F' ⋡ FSTL F
WFOC⋡FST WFOC≽FST with WFOC≽FST counter-example
WFOC⋡FST WFOC≽FST | Root a cs , e⊆alternative , alternative⊆e with e⊆alternative c₁ | e⊆alternative c₂ | e⊆alternative (λ _ → false)
WFOC⋡FST {F'} WFOC≽FST | Root 0 cs , e⊆alternative , alternative⊆e | (c₁ , p₁) | (c₂ , p₂) | (c₃ , p₃) =
impossible cs c₁ c₂ alternative⊆e
(induction cs c₁ c₂ c₃ (children-equality (compute-counter-example-c₁ p₁))
(children-equality (compute-counter-example-c₂ p₂))
(children-equality p₃))