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A Good Wife

76 reprints from 1843-02-01 to 1885-09-30

From The Radical


A Good Wife
Is to man, wisdom and courage and strength. No condition is hopeless-, when the wife possesses firmness, de­cision, energy and economy. Man is strong, but his heart is not ada­mant, lie delights in enterprise and action, but to sustain him, he need a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He expends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost point of endurance, by perpetual collision, irritation and disappointment. To recover his equanimity and composure, home must be to him, a place of repose, of peace, cheerfulness, of com forts: and his soul renews its strength, and again goes forth with fresh vigor, to encounter the labors and troubles of the world. Let woman know then. that she ministers at the very foun­tain of life and happiness. Her ardent spirit breathes the breath of life into all her enterprises. Her patience and constancy are mainly instrumental in carrying out to completion the best human designs. Her more delicate moral sensibility is ever at work, to purify and refine society and the nearest glimpse of heaven that mortals ever can get on earth, is that domestic circle, which her hand have trained to intelligence, virtue and love: which her gentle influence pervades, and of which her radiant presence is the centre and the sun.

1843-02-01 · Cincinnati

heart breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, and
the man sinks into despair.

Let woman know, then, that she ministers at the |

very fountain of life and happiness. It is her hand |

‘makes them poison and death. Her ardent spirit


breathes the breath of life into all her enterprise. Her

| patience and constancy are mainly instrumental in car-
-rying forward to completion the best human designs.
Her more delicate moral sensibility is the unseen powe

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1843-02-01 · Cincinnati

which is ever at work to purify and refine society. And
the nearest glimpse of heaven that mortals ever can
‘get on earth is that domestic circle, which her hands

| have trained to intelligence, virtue, and love, which her

gentle influence pervades, and of which her radiant

presence is the centre and the sun.

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1843-05-27 · Bowling Green [Mo.]

A (flood Wife
Is to mnn, wisdom and courage and
strength. No condition is hopeless-,
when the wife possesses firmness, de­
cision, energy and economy. Man
is strong, but his heart is not ada­
mant, lie delights in enterprise and
action, but to sustain him, he need a
tranquil mind and a whole heart. He
expends his whole moral force in the
conflicts of the world. His feelings
are daily lacerated to the utmost point
of endurance, by perpetual collision,
irrit.ilinn oti;I -rlisaDaointtn. tit. To

recover his equanimity ana compo
sure, home must he to him, a place if
repose, ol peace, cheerfulness, ol com
forts: and his soul renewsils strength,
and again goes forth with fresh viuor,
to encounter the labors and troubles
of the world. Let woman know then.
that she ministers at the very foun­
tain of life and happiness. Her ar
dent spirit breaihes the breath of life
into nil her enterprises. Her pa
tience and constancy are mamlv in
strumental in carrying out to comple
tion the best human designs. Her
more delicate moral sensibility is
ever at work, to purify and refine so
ciety and the nearest cltmrsc ol
heaven that mortals ever can get en
earth, is that domestic circle, which
her hand have trained to intellicence,
virtue and love: which her gentle in
fluence pervades, and of which her
radiant presence is the centre and
the sun

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1845-06-07 · Philadelphia

ise and action, but to sustain him , ihe eye of the all-seeing God follows cheerful mind ?
i tranquil mind, and a whole heart. ’ them and watches over them in all their wan- | Have I listened with

nan know then, that she ministers derings on earth. That eye that runneth to reverence to the good instruct!

CONVENTS townsmen, who had been recently re-

cenerabed, and the accounts which he gave - i. i. 'vj* j

The following sensible remarks on the dan- confirmed them in their resolution of revisiting patience and constancy are mainly instru- ready to complain, or to be dejected on ac

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1845-07-24 · Montpelier, Vt.

sist bad domestic influences. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. lie delights in enter­
prize and action but to sustain him, he needs
a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He expend
his moral force in the conflicts of the world. Hi
feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost point of
endurance by perpetual collision, irritation and
disappointment. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place of re
pose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort, and
his soul renews its strength, and again goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labors and troub
ies of the world. But if at home he finds no res

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The Good Wife

From Mississippi free trader and Natchez gazette.

1847-01-14 · Natchez, Miss.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

The Good Wife

From Mississippi free trader and Natchez gazette.

1847-01-14 · Natchez, Miss.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1847-02-13 · Boston

one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture and |
despair. No condition is hopeless when the |
wife possesses firmness, decision, energy and |
economy. There is no outward prosperity

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1847-03-27 · Worcester [Mass.]

A bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture
and despair. No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, decision, energy and
economy. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, folly and extravagance
at home. No spirit can long resist bad domesti

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From Boston investigator.

1847-03-31 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

Article 8 -- No Title

From Home Journal (1846-1856)

1847-04-03 · New York

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1847-04-08 · New York

A bad one is contusion, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. No condition is hopeless, when the wife
possesses firmness, decision, energy, and economy

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1847-04-22 · Litchfield, Conn.

rance. A bad one is confusion, weak­
ness, discomfiture and despair. No con­
ditien is hopeless, when the wife posses­
ses firmness, decision, energy and ecoo-

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one is confusion, weaknes.,discomfiture and
dispair. No condition is hopeless when the
wile possesses firmness, decision, energy,
economy. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indulgence, folly and
extravagance at home. No spirit can long
resist bad domestic influence. Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant, he delights in
enterprise and action, but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart,
lie expends his whole moral force in the
conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily
lacerated to the utmost point of endurance
by perpeiuil collision, irritations and disap­
pointment. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place of
repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort,
where his soul renews its strength and again
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter labor
and troubles of this world. But if at home
he finds no rest, and there is met with bad
temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is assailed
by discontent.complaint and reproaches, the
heart breaks, the spirits aro crushed, hope van­
ishes, and the man sinks in total despair.
SHERIFF'S Sale. By virtue of a Fieri facias
issued out of the offiee of the Clerk of the Vander

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1847-11-24 · DuBuque, Iowa

sion, weakness, discomfiture, und despair.
No condition is hopeless, when tbe wife
poseeeseB firmness, decision, energy, econo­
my. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolcncs, lolly, and extrav­
agance at home. No spirit can long resist
bad domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his Heart is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action, but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart.
He expends his whole moral force in the
canfiicts of the world. His feelingn are dai­

  1. lecerated, to the utmost point of endur­
    ance, by perpetual coliioion ?, irritations,
    and disappoiutmei/ts. To recover his equa­
    nimity and composure, home must be to him
    a place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness,
    of comfort, and his soul renews its strength
    and goes lorth with fresh vigor to encounter
    the labor and troubles of the world. But if
    at home he finds no rest and is there met
    With bad temper, suilenness, and gloorn, of
    assailed by discontent, complaint, and re­
    proaches. the heart breaks, the spirits ar
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From Ladies' Wreath, a Magazine devoted to Literature, Industry and Religion (1846-1859)

1848-10-01 · New York

[This text is not available under an open license.]

The Good Wife

From The Ohio observer.

1850-03-27 · Hudson [Ohio]

[This text is not available under an open license.]

From The daily crescent.

1850-04-23 · [New Orleans, La.]

or it must be for ever unknown. A good wife is
to a man wisdom and courage, and strength and
endurance. A bad one is confusion, weakness,
discomfiture and despair. No condition is hope-
less wien the wife possesses firmness, decision and
economy. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, extravagance and folly
at home. No spirit can long endure bad domestic
influence. Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and action;
but to sustain him needs a tranquil mind, and a
whole heart. He expends his whole moral force
in the conflicts of the world. To recover his
equanlmity and composure, home must be to him
a plate of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of
comfort, and his soul renews its strength, and
again goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and troubles of the world. But if at home
he finds no rest, and is there met with bad temper
sullenness, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent,
or complaint, or reproaches, the heart breaks, the
spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, and the ma

From The Texas Republican.

1850-06-27 · Marshall, Tex.

A had one is confusion, weakness, discom
fiture and despair. No condition is hope­
less when the wife possesses firmness, de.
cision, and economy. There is no out
ward prosperity which can counteract in
dolence, extravagruce and folly at home
No spirit can long endure bad
fluence. Man is strong, but his heart i­
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action; but to sustain him needs a tranquil
mind, and a whole heart. He expends hi
whole moral force in the conflicts of the
world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place
of repose, of po e, of cheerfulness, of
comfort, and houl renews its strength
and again goes forth with fresh vigor to
ounter the labor and troubles of the
world. But if at home he finds no rest,
and is there met with bad temper, sullen
ness, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent,
or complaint, or reproaches, the hear


From Boston investigator.

1850-07-10 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

From Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (Hobart, Tas. : 1847 - 1854)

1850-07-10 · Hobart, Tasmania

confusion, weakness, discomfiture, and
despair. No condition is hopeless when
the wife has firmness, energy and
economy. Man is strong, but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but, to sustain he needs a
tranquil mind and a whole heart. He
expends all his moral force in I he
moral conflicts of the world. His
feelings are lacerated lo the utmost
point of endurance by perpetual
collision, irritation, and
disappointment. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must be
to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul
renews its strength, and again goes
forth with fresh vigour to encounter the
labour and troubles of the world. But if
at home he finds no rest, and there is
inet with bad temper, sullenness, or
gloom, or it is assailed by discontent,
complaint, anil reproaches, the heart
breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope
vanishes, and the man sinks into tota

1850-09-14 · Canton, Miss.

despair. No condition hopeless w hen the

;if possesbes firrnnetr, de'cisinrr, rtergy tnd
economy . Thiers it hit outw'ar'd rocpeu'ty
which can coU t'eret itadolence, foil and ex­
travagance at home.' ' No spirit cih lu'fig re­
tist bad domestic inftieheel. Mantl tt'rdfij,
but his heart. Vs hot adamant, fit detlgli'ls
enterprise tnd action, but tb Sustain him he

needs 1 tranquil tuitid tnd fohole Heart. He

expends hit whole moral Krce Ih the conflict
of the world', hil feelings are daily lacerated

to the utmost piirit of endurtuce by perpetual

collisions ahd irritation. To recover eeuam

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The Good Wife

From Bangor daily Whig & courier.

1850-11-30 · Bangor, Me.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1850-12-06 · Hartford [Conn.]

bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture
and despair. No condition is hopeless when
the wife possesses firmness, decision and
economy. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence, extravagance,
and folly at home. Man is strong, but his
heart isnot adamant. He delights in enter-
prise and action ; but to sustain him he needs
a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He ex-
pends his whole moral force in the conflict of
the world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place of

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The Good Wife

From New Hampshire statesman.

1851-01-03 · Concord [N.H.]

[This text is not available under an open license.]

one is confusion, weakness, and despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wife possesses
firmless, decision and economy. There is no
outward prosperity which can counteract indo­
lence, extravagance and folly at home. No spir­
it can long endure bad domestic influence.—
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enlerprizo and action ; but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a
whole heart. He expends his moral force in
the conflicts of the world, to recover his equani­
mity and composure, home must be to him a
place of repose, of peace, cheerfulness, of com­
fort, and his soul renews its strength and again
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter tiie
labor and troubles of the world. But if at home
be finds no rest, and is there met with bad tem­
per, sullenness or gloom, or reproaches, the
heart breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope van­
ishes, and the man sinks into despair.

Page image

1851-02-09 · New York [N.Y.]

rance. A bad one is confusion, weakness,
discomfiture ail'd despair. No condition is
hopeless when the wife possesses firmness,
decision and economy. There is no outward
prosperity which can counteract indolence,
extravagance and folly at home. No spirit
can long endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprize and action; but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a
whole heart, lie expends his whole moral
force in the conflicts of the world. To reco­
ver his equanimity and composure, home must
be to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul re­
news its strength again and goes forth with
fresh vigor to encounter the labors and trou­
bles of the world. But if at home he finds
no rest, and is there met with bad temper,
sullenness or gloom, or is assailed by discon­
tent, or complaint, or reproaches, the heart
breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope vanishes

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The God Wife

From Bangor daily Whig & courier.

1851-02-12 · Bangor, Me.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

From Lynchburg Virginian.

1851-03-06 · Lynchburg [Va.]

A bad one is confusion, weakness, and de­
spair. No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, decision and econ­
omy. There is no outward prosperity which
folly at home. No spirit can long endure
bad domestic influence. Man is strong,
but his heart not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action; but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart.
He expends his mortal forcein the conflicts
of the world, to recover his equanamity
and composure, home must be to him a
place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of
comfort, and his soul renews its strength
again, goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun­
ter the labor and troubles of the world.
But if at home he finds no rest, and is there
met with bad temper, sullenness or gloom,
or reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirits
are crushed, hope- vanishes, and the man
sinks into despair.EC

1851-03-10 · Alexandria, D.C.

sion, weakness discomfiture and despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wife possesses
firmness, decision and economy. There is n

Page image

From The Hillsborough recorder.

1851-03-19 · Hillsborough, N.C.

ccupation, and never

prophecy of his farewell words tings clill
prophecy of his farewell words rings sill
car wrt mr
eeae oeeoo
TD $4t tS SEAFAF aFone ItinS t ssiI
magnificent storm of Buena Vis.
e a
can birth that cinnof name the three tran

scendant stats of chivairy, who lelf quench-
ed in blood that day? Aye, who fell, but
they tell such a nartinn sunbusst or
e o
ene ar ans san
an on
over the field of glery,
arden! Clay! Yell!
The do wie.The power of a wife
I strong, but his lieart is not adamant. 10
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and
its i eitettiee altt atiols uut tts
a whole heart. He expends his whole
moral force in the conflicts of the world.
To recover his equanimity and compo­
sure, home must be to him a place of re
pose, of peace, and cheerfulness, of com
fort; and his soul renews his strength,
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and trouble of the world.
ut if at home he finds no rest, and is
tere met with bad temper, sullenness or
gloom, or is assailed by discontent, or com
plaint, or reproaches, the heart breaks, the
spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, and
the man sinks into despair.

The Good Wife

From The Ohio observer.

1851-03-26 · Hudson [Ohio]

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1851-03-26 · Staunton, Va.

weakness, discomfiture and despair. No condition
is hopeless when the wife possesses firmness, rie­
' cision and economy. There is no outw ard pros-

Page image

one is confusion weakness, and despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wife possesses
firmness, decision and economy. There is no
outward prosperity which can counteract indo­
lence, extravagance and folly at home. No
spirit can long endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action ; but lo
I sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a
I whole heart. He expends his moral force in
I the conflict of the world, to recover his equani­
! mity and composure: home must be to him a
: place of repose, of peace,cheerfulness, of coin­
; fort, and his soul renews its strength and again
i goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter tho
I labor and troubles of the world. But if at
1 home he finds no rest, and is there met with
j bad temper, sullcnnessorgloom, or reproaches,
j the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed, hopo
' vanishes, and the man sinks into despair.

Page image

1851-07-13 · Washington [D.C.]

wpskne**. diacomflture and de^air. No condition i*
hopeless when the wife possesses firmness, deciaion, en­
ergy, economy There M no outwaril prosperity which
can counteract indolence, folly, and extravagance at
home. No apirit can long reaiat had domestic influence.
Man ia atrong, hut bin heart ia not adamant. He delight*
[ in enterpriaa and action, hut to atiatain hun he need* a
tranquil mind and a whole heart. He expend* hi* whole
moral fore* in the cnnflicta of the world. Hi* feelings are
daily lacerated to the utmoat point of endurance br per­
petual colliaion, irritationa, and disappointment. Tore­
cover hia equanimity and compoaure, hyme mtiat be to
him a place of repoae. of peace, of cheerfulneas, of com­
fort, and his soul renews its strength, end again goes forth
with freah vigor to encounter the labor and troublea ol
the world. But if at home he finds no reat, and there is
met with bad temper, ullennea?, or glooin,or u assailed
by discontent, complaint, and reproach
-*, the hear

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From The Hinds County gazette.

1852-01-01 · Raymond, Miss.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1852-01-07 · Port Tobacco, Md.

ever unknown. A good wife is to a man,
wisdom, and courage, and strength, and en­
i durance, A had one is confu-ion, weakness,
| discomfiture, and despair. No condition is
i hopeless where the wife possesses firmness
! and economy. There is no outward pros­
perity which can counteract indolence, ex­
travagance and folly at home. No spirit
| can long endure had domestic influence.—
! Man is strong, hut his heart is not adamant.
| He delights in enterprise and action ; but to
j sustain him he needs a tranquil mind, and
ia whole heart. He needs his moral force
in the conflicts of the world. To recover
; his rqnanimity and composure, home must
• be to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort ; and his soul re­
i news its slrengli again, and goes forth with
; fresh vigor to encounter the labor and trou­
! hies of life. But if at home he finds no rest,
and is there met with bad temper, snllenes

Page image

1852-05-19 · Grand Haven, Mich.

one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. No condition is hopeless, when tho
wife possesses firmness, decision and economy.
There is no outward prosperity which can
counteract indolence, extravagance, and folly at
home. No spirit can long endure bad domes­
tic influence. Man is strong, but his heart Is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and ac­
tion; but to sustain him, ho needs a tranquil
mind and a whole heart. He expends his whole
moral force in the conflicts of tho world. ' To
recover his equanimity and composure, homo
must bo to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul renews
its strength again, and goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labor and troubles of
tho world. But if at home he finds no rest,
and there is met with bad temper, sullenness, or
gloom, or is assailed by discontent, or com­
plaint, or reproaches, the heart breaks, the spir­
its are crushed, hope vanishes, and tho ma

Page image

1854-12-13 · Clearfield, Pa.

confidence and all her happiness in the man
she loves. There you see her in the sphere
for which she was originally designed by tho
Creator, and which she is so well adapted to
bless and adorn. There yon behold her min­
istering at the very fountain of life and hap­
piness, the affectionate wife and mother, train­
ing up her children to thought and virtue, pi­
ety and benevolence, and preparing them to
discharge the important duties, and fulfil the
high destiny of citizens of the United State a,
with honor to themselves and all connected"
with them by ties of association or kindred. )
The domestic circle, where the presence of;
woman is the centre and the sun by which it
is irradiated, is the nearest glimpse of heaven
that mortals can get in this life. It is there tba

Page image

From The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859)

pair. No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, decision,
energy, economy. There is no outward
prosperity which can counteract
indolence, folly, and extravagance at
home. No spirit can long resist bad do.
mestic influences. Hlan is strong, but
his heari is not adamant. Ho delights in
enterprise and action, but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart. He expends his whole moral force
in the conflicts of the world. His
feelings are easily lacerated to the
utmost point of endurance by perpetual
collision, irri tation, and
disappointment. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must be
to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, ofcomfort; and his soul
renews its strenogth, and again goes
forth with fresh vigour to encounter the
labours and troubles of the world. But
if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met by a bad temper, sulleness, or
gloom, or is assailed by discontent, the
heart breaks, the spirits are crushed,
hope vanishes, and the man sinks inot

From Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860)

discomfiture, dispair. No condition is
hopeless when the wifo possesses
firmness, decision, energy, economy.
There is no outward prosperity which con
counteract in-dolence, folly,
extravagance, at homo. .No spirit can
long.resist bad domestic influences. Man
is strong, bur, his heart is not
adamant, lie delights in enterprise nnd
action, but to sustain him he needs ii
tranquil mind and a whole heart. Ile >
expends his whole moral force in the
c..inflicts of the wurld. His feelings
aro easily lacerated to tho utmost point
of endurance by perpetual col-lision,
irritation, and disappointment. To re-
cover his equanimity and composure, homo
must bo to bim a placo of reposo, of
peace, of cheerful-ness, of comfort ;
and his soul renews its strength and
again goes forth wi;h fresh vigor to
encoun-ter the labours and troubles of
the world. But if at homo he finds no
rest, and is there mot by a bad tamper,
sulleness, or gloom, or is assailed hy
discontent, tho heart breaks, the
spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, and
the man sinks into total despair. ¡ To

1855-11-14 · Ebensburg, Pa.

spair. No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, decision, energy, econ­
omy. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, folly, and extrava­
gance at home. No spirit can long exist bad
domestic influences. Man is strong, but bis
heart is not adamant. He delights in enter­
prise and action, but to sustain him he needs a
tranquil mind and a whole heart He expends
his moral force in the conflict of tho world.
His feelings are easily lacerated to the utmost
point of endurance by perpetual collision, ir­
ritation and disappointment. ' To recover his

equanimity and composure, home must be to
him a place of repose, of cheerfulness, of com­
fort ; and his soul renews his strength, and
again goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the labor and troubles of the world.- Bat if
at home he finds no rest, and is there met by
a bad temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is as
sailed by discontent, complaint, and reproach­
es, the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed,
hope vanishes, and the man sinks in total de­
spair? - Let woman know, then, that she
ministers at the very fountain of life and hap­
piness. It is her hand that deals out, wit

Page image

1855-11-14 · Ebensburg, Pa.

ty is the unseen
power which is ever at work to purify and re­
fine society. And the nearest glimpse of
Heaven that mortals ever get on earth is that
domestio circle which her hands have trained
to intelligence, Virtue, and love, which her
gentle influence pervades, and of which, her
radient presence is the centre and the fun

Page image

1855-12-07 · Bedford, Pa.

confusion, weakness, discomfiture, despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wite possesses
firmness, decision, energy, economy. There is
no outward prosperity which can counteract in­
dol-nee, folly, and extravagance at home. No
spirit can long exist bad domestic influences.—
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.—
He delights in enterprise and action, but to sus­
tain him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart, fie expands it is moral force in the con­
flicts of the world. His feelings are easily lac­
erated to the utmost point of endurance bv per­
petual collision, irritation and disappointment.
To recover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to trim a place of repose, of cheer­
fulness, of comfort ; arid his soul renews his
strength, and again goes forth with fresh vigor
to encounter the labor and troubles of the
world. But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met by a bad temper, sullenness or gloom,
or is assailed by discontent, complaint, and re­
proaches, tlie heart breaks, the spirits are crush­
ed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks in tota

Page image

1855-12-07 · Bedford, Pa.

ters at the very foimtaim of life and happiness.
It is her hand that deals out, with overflow-in"
cup, its soul-refreshing water*, or casts in the
branch of bitterness, which make* them jioison
and death. Iler ardent spirit breathes the breath
of life into all enterprise. Ker patience and
constancy are mainly instrumental in carrying
f Tward to completion the best human designs.
Her more delicate moral sensibility is the un

Page image

1856-10-31 · Baton Rouge, La.

can endure bod domestic influence.—
Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. lie delights in enterprise
and action ; but to sustain him be
needs a tranqui I mind, and a whole
heart. lie needs his moral force in
tbo conflicts of the world. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose, of
peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort;
and bis soul renews ils strenc/lfi a'i î 11
UHU iiis «oui ri llt,WS H» Hi.rt.iigi.iJ Hg.nn j
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met with bad temper, sullenness,
or gloom, or is assailed by discontent
or complaint, hope vanishes, arid h

Page image

1862-06-20 · Rockville, Md.

confusion, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. No condition i.s hopeless where
the wife possesses firmness, decision and
economy. No spirit can long endure bad
domestic influence. Man i, trong, but
Ins heart is not adamant, lie delights
in enterprise and action ; but to sustain
him, ho need* a tramjuil mind and a
whole heart. Ho needs his moral furco
in the conflicts of tlio world. To recover
his (‘|uauiiiiity and composure, homo
must be to him a place of repose, of cheer­
fulness, of comfort; and bis soul renews
his strength again, and goes forth with
fresh vigor to oncounb r the labors and
troubles of life. Put if at borne be finds
t no rest and is thoro mot with bad tem­
per, sullen ness or gloom, or is assailed by
discontent or complaint, hopo vanhlus,
| and lie sinks into despair.
Never think" of raising your repu­
j tation by deductio

Page image

From Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918)

1865-11-21 · Bendigo, Victoria

ever unknown. A good wife is to a man
wisdom and courage ; a bad one is
confusion, weakness, discomfiture, and
despair. No condition is hopeless when
the wife possesses firmness, decision
and economy. There is no outward
prosperity which can counteract
indolence, extravagance, and folly at
home. No spirit can long endure bad
domestic influence. Man is strong, but
liis heart is not adamant. He delights
ill enterprise and action ; but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and
a whole heart. He expands his whole
moral force in the conflicts of the
world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place
of repose, of peace, of cheerfulifcss,
of comfort; and his soul renews its
strength again, and goes forth with
fresli vigor to encounter the labor and
troubles of the world. But, if at home
he finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sulienness, or gloom, or is
assailed by discontent, or complaint, or
reproaches, the heart breaks, th

From The daily mountaineer.

1865-12-06 · Dalles, Or.

A bad one is confusion, weak­
ness, discomfiture and despair. No
condition is hopeless, when the wife
possesses firmness, decision, energy
and economy. There is no outward
prosperity which can counteract in­
dolence, folly and extravagance at
home. No spirit can long resist bad
domestic influence. Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant. Man
delights in enterprise and action, but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil
mind and a whole heart. He expends
his whole moral force in the conflicts
of the world; his feelings are often
lacerated to the utmost point of en
durance by perpetual collisioh, irrita­
tions and disappointment. To recover
his equinimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose,
peace, cheerfulness, comfort, where
his soul renews its strength and again
goes forth with fresh vigor, to encoun­
ter the labor and trouble of the world.
But, if at home he finds no rest, and

is there met with bad temper, sullens

nese or gloom, or is assailed by dis
content, complaint and reproaches
the heart breaks, the spirits are crush.

ed, hope forever banished, and th

1866-06-13 · East Saginaw, Mich.

ance A bad ono is confusion, weak­
ness, discomfiture' and despair. , No (
condition is hopolcos 'when the wile
possesses firmness, decision, energy,
and economy. Thcro is no outward
prosperity which, can counteract indo­
lence, folty and extra vaganco at homo. ,
No spirit can Tesist buxl domestic in,­
ilucnco. ' Man "fs strong, but his heart
is not adamant. Man delights in en­
terprise and action, but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind and "a
whole heart. IIo expends his whole
moral forco .iu tho, contliets of the
'world; His feelings aro often lacerated
'ti the utmost point of endurance by
perpetual colision, irritation a .d dis­
appointment. To recover his equa­
nimity aud composur.0, home must bo
to him. a. plaee'of reposoV peace, cheer­
fulness, comfort, where his bouI re­
news its strength, and ho again goes
forth with fnJsh vigor, to encounter
the labor and trouble of tho world.
15 ut if at homo ho finds no rest, and
is there mot with bad temper, 6ullen­
ness or gloom, or is assailed by dis­
content, complaint and reproaches,
tho heart breaks, the spirits - are
crushed, hope forever vanishes, an

Page image

A Good Wife.

From Christian Advocate (1866-1905)

1866-08-09 · Chicago

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1866-08-25 · Des Arc, Ark.

sion, weakness, discomfiture and despair. No
condition is hopeless when a wife possesses
firmness, decision, energy and economy.

Page image

From Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908)

1866-11-29 · Ipswich, Queensland

unknown. A good wife is to a man wiadone
and courage; a bad one is confusion,
weakness, dis. comnfiturk, anmid
despair. No condition is hopeless when
the wife possesses firmness, decision,
and economy. There is no outward
prosperity whic can counteractl
indolence, cetravgance, and folly at
homer No spirit; can long rendure bad
domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He delights in
eclnterprise ad action; but to sustain
him hie needs a tranquil minid and wholo
hebart. He expends hIis whole moral
force in the con8flicts of the world. To
recover his equanimity and composure,
lhome must be to himi a place of repose,
ofpeace, of clheerfclra s, of comfort;
aud hIis soul renews its st.rength
again, and goes forth with fresh rigour
to encounter he labouorse nd troubles of
the world. But ifat Ihoai e le finds no
rest, and is there met with bad
temp?e'r, sullcaers, or gloom, or is
assailed by disconscst, or complaint, or
reproaches, the heart breake, tile
spiris asre crushed, hope vanishes, and
the man silnks into despair. Irswecit

1867-04-25 · Yorkville, S.C.

^ No condition is hopelesswhen the wife possesses
irmness, decision ana economy. There is no outward
prosperity which can counteract indolence, *
extravagance and folly at home. Nospirit cap enlure
baa domestic influences. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant He delights in enterprise
and action; but to sustain him he needs a
ranquil mind and a whole heart. He needs his
morals in the conflicts ox the world. To recove

Page image

1867-07-03 · Edgefield, S.C.

The night?,
cb ":< objecttfd to giving it tourne whlmut I
? prescription, evidently fearing I meant ?
tb o'?.trov irtvself
.. ?Vb?:.v." I. -: do 1 look Irke a ?ran 1
who would kill hi-nW?*1 . '
(iazii!^ at mc steadily for'half a minute
bc replied.
J don't know. Seems to me if I looked
like you I should be greatly tempted to

A WIFE'S POWER.-Thc power of a
wife for good or evil is irrcsistabje. IToir.e
must bo tsie scat of happiness, or it must
be -unknown/ A good wife is to a man
wisdom and courage, and strength and
endurance. A bad one is confusion,
weakness, dis??hifitnre and despair.
No condition is hopeless when inc wife
possesses firmness, decision and economy.
There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, extravagance
and folly at home. No spirit cnn endure
bad domestic influences. Man is strong,
but ins heart is not adamant. He de?ijihts
in enterprise and action; but to sustain
hiin he needs a tranquil mind andu whole
heart. Ho, needs his riiora's in the con­
flicts of the world. To recover his equan­
imity and composure, home must be a
place of repose, cheerfulness, peace, csm

Page image

sion, discomfiture and despair. 1
No condition is hopeless when
the wife possesses firmness, decis- j
ion and economy. There is no
outward prosperity which can !
counteract indolence, extra va- !
gance and folly at home. No spirit ;
can endure bad domestic influen i
ces. Man is strong bnt his heart,
is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise aud action ; but to sus- j
tain him he needs a tranquil mind j
aud a whole heart. He needs his
morals in the conflict of the world.,
To recover bis equanimity and
composure, home must be a place j
ot repose, cheerfulness, peace and
comfort ; and his soul renews' its
strength again and goes forth
with fr esh vigor to encounter the
troubles and labor of life. But at
home he finds no rest and is there
met with bad temper sollen uess,
or gloom, or complaint, hope van­
ishes, and lie sinks into despair

Page image

A Quiet Home and a Good Wife

From The Hinds County gazette.

1872-10-16 · Raymond, Miss.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

A Quiet Home and a Good Wife

From The Hinds County gazette.

1872-10-16 · Raymond, Miss.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

can long endure bad influence. Man is
strong, but his heart is not adamant, lie
delights in enterprise and action, but to sus­
tain lent ho needs a tranquil mind; and
especially if he is an intelligent in an, with a
whole head, he needs his moral force ia the
conflict of life. To recover ins composure,
home must be a place of peace and comfort.
I here Ids sou! renews its strength, and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of life. But if at home he finds
uo rest, and is there met with had temper

Page image

1873-05-07 · Newberry, S.C.

lieart, breaks, the spirits aire cruslh­
ed, 101)e V.anLtishies, and tile ma
sinks into fatal (lespair.
Let womilan know, then, that
she ministers at.the Ver), Fountain
of lif'e :i happiness. I L is bei
haind that Iwdles Out, withi over.­
flowing Cup, its sout.refreshing
waterls, o1 elasts in tle braneh of
bitternieSS, which makes themn poi­
Sl aIlil death. Her ardent spil it
breahes tle breath of' life into all
elLer-prise. Ier pationce and
Constancy ar0 mainly ilstrimlilent.
ill in carryiing forward to coliple
tioln, the best hulitmilan designs. Iter
m1lovo doicato m1tora11l senisibilitoy i.
the uinseent power, which is ever
at work to plurify' and refine so.
cilty. Aud the nearest glimpse o
hieaven, that morals eve- got on
earth, is that domesti cCircle
which li' hands havo trainl(ed tc
Itell ige nce, vir'tie, al( love, Whie1
lier gentle infIllelte pervades, all(I
of which her radiant presenco is
tho coltiro an1)d tite suin

Page image

1873-07-05 · Philadelphia

jand reproaches, the heart breaks, the
spirits are crashed, hope vanistes, and
the roan winks inte total ce apati

Int woman know, then, that she minis
ters at the very fountain of life aud hapypi
news. Itis her hand that lades oat, wit

Page image

1873-08-05 · Volcano, W. Va.

A bad one is confusion, weakness, dis­
comfiture, despair. No condition is
hopeless, when the wife possesses
lirmness, decision, energy, economy.
There is no outward prosperity, whicH
can counteract indolence) lolly and ex­
travagance at home. &o spirit can
long resist bad domestic influences.
Man is strong; hut His heart Is not
adamant. He delignts in enterprise
and action ; but, to! stisUin him, he
needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart. He expends nis whole moral
forcc in tlie co'nfjic't? o't the world.'
His feelings are daily lacerated, to the
utmost point of endurance, by per­
petual collision, irritation and disap­
pointment. To recover his equanim­
ity and composure, home mu.t be to
him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness; of comfort; where his
soill feriews Its strength, and again
goes fdrth, with lr?*sh vigor, to encoun­
ter th'il labors and troiibles o'f tlie world.
But; if at Hoirle he finds no' rest, and
tlte'fe is met by a b^d temper, sullen­
rieos or gloom; or is assailed by dis­
content, complaint and reproaches, the
heart breaks, the spirits are crushed)
hope vanishes, and the man sinks into
total despair.
Let woman know, then, that she
ministers at the very fountain of life
and happiness.' It is her hand tha

Page image

Sentiment and Humor

From Boston investigator.

1873-11-26 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1878-12-21 · London, England

is confusion, weakness and despair.

No condition is hopeless when the wife pos-
sesses firmness, energy, sseneet: There is n

Page image

1878-12-21 · London, England

breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope vanishes,
and the man sinks into total despair.

Let the wife know, then,.that she ministers
at the very fountain of life and happiness. It is
her hand that gives the cup of refreshing water,
or casts into that eup .the branch, of ‘ bitternéss
which makes it poison and death. Her ardent
spirit breathes.the breath of life. into all enter-
prise. Her patience and constancy are mainly
instrumental in carrying forward to completion
the best human designs. Her more delicate
moral sensibility isthe unseen power which is
ever at work to purify and refine society. And
the nearest glimpse of heaven that mortals get
on earth is that domestic circle which she has
trainéd to intelligenee, virtue and love ; which
her radiant presence is the centre:and the'sun.

Page image

From Vermont watchman and State journal.

1879-11-05 · Montpelier, Vt.

sion, weakness and despair. No condition

is hopeless when the wife possesses firmness,

From Vermont watchman and State journal.

1879-11-05 · Montpelier, Vt.

resh vigor to encounter the troubles
of the world. But if at home he finds no
rest; is met by a bad temper, sullenness or
gloom, the heart breaks, the spirits are
crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks
into total despair. Let the wife know, then,
that she ministers at the very fountain of
life and happiness. It is her hand that

From Vermont watchman and State journal.

1879-11-05 · Montpelier, Vt.

into that cup the branch of bitterness which
makes it poison and death. Her ardent

spirit breathes the breath of life into all

enterprise. Her patience and constancy are
mainly instrumental in carrying forward to

completion the best human designs. Her

more delicate moral sensibility is the un-

From Vermont watchman and State journal.

1879-11-05 · Montpelier, Vt.

seen power which is ever at work to purify

and refine society. And the nearest glimpse

of heaven that mortals get on earth is that

domestic circle which she has trained to in­
telligence, virtue and love; which her gen

tle influence pervades and of which her ra­
diant presence is the center and the sun.

1880-01-17 · Augusta, Maine

A bad one is confusion, weakness and de-
spair. No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, energy, economy

Page image

1880-01-17 · Augusta, Maine

the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed,
hope vanishes. and the man sinks into total
despair. Let the wife know, then, that she
ministers at the very fountain of life and
happiness. It is her hand that gives the
cup of refreshing water, or casts into tha

Page image

1880-01-17 · Augusta, Maine

cup the branch of bitterness which makes
it poison and death. Her ardent spirit
breathes the breath of life into all enter-
prise. Her patience and constancy are
mainly instrumental in carrying forward
to completion the best human designs.
Her more delicate moral sensibilit
unseen power which is ever at work to pur-
ify and refine society. And the nearest
glimpse of heaven that mortals on
earth is that domestic circle which she

The , “Fair exchange
rthery." Ghhitctehuhiae

is the | making

John Wesleys Chapel and Grave.

The cable recently announced th

Page image


From Boston investigator.

1880-03-10 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

About Women

From Milwaukee daily journal.

1885-01-15 · Milwaukee, Wis.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

A Wife's Power

From Boston investigator.

1885-09-30 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]