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A Good Wife

122 reprints from 1841-06-05 to 1899-07-28

From The Radical


A Good Wife

Is to man, wisdom and courage and strength. No condition is hopeless, when the wife possesses firmness, decision, energy and economy. Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant. He delights in enterprise and action, but to sustain him, he needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He expends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost point of endurance, by perpetual collision, irritation and disappointment. To recover his equaniminty and composure, home must be to him, a place of repose, of peace, cheerfulness, of comforts; and his soul renews its strength, and again goes forth with fresh vigor, to encounter the labors and troubles of the world. Let woman know then, that she ministers at the very countain of life and happiness. Her ardent spirit breathes the breath of life into all her enterprises. Her patience and constancy are mainly instrumental in carrying out to completion the best human designs. Her more delicate moral sensibility is ever a twork, to purify and refine society--and the nearest glimpse of heaven that mortals ever can get on earth, is that domestic circle, which her hand have trained to intelligence, virture and love; which her gentle influence pervades, and of which her radiant presence is the centre and the sun.

1841-06-05 · Boston [Mass.]

discomfiture, despair. No condition is hope-
|less when the wife possesses firmness, decision,
}energy, economy. There is no outward pros-
| perity which can counteract indolence, folly,
/and extravagance athome. No spirit can long
resist bad domestic infiuences. Man is strong

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1841-06-05 · Boston [Mass.]

) expends his whole moral force in the conflicts
|} of the world. His feelings are daily lacerated
j to the utmost point of endurance by perpetual
| collision, irritation, and disappointment. To
| recover his equanimity and courposure, home
| must be to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul renews
hes strength and again goes forth with fresh
‘vigor to encounter the labors and troubles of
| the world. But if at home he find no rest, and
'there is met by a bad temper, -sullenness, o1
gloom ; or is assailed by discontent, complaint
and reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirits
are crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks
into total despair.

Page image

1843-02-01 · Cincinnati

to those
who shut up or disappoint their affections from false
pride, or from dread of losing caste, by beginning life
precisely as their fathers and mothers did before them.

The good woman! How much this world’s happi-
ness and prosperity is contained in the compass of these
two short words! Her influence is immense. The
power of a wife, for good or for evil, is altogether irresis-
tible. Home must be the seat of happiness, or it must
be for ever unknown. A good wife 1s to man wisdom,
and courage, and strength, and hope, and endurance.
A bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture, despair.
No condition is hopeless when the wife possesses firm-
ness, decision, energy, economy. There is no out

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1843-02-01 · Cincinnati

bad domestic influence. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant. He delights in enterprise and action,
but to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind, and a
whole heart. He expends his whole moral force in
the conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily lac-
erated to the utmost point of endurance by perpetual
collision, irritation and disappointment. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must be to him a
place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort;
and his soul renews its stength and again goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labors and troubles of


the world. But if at home he finds no rest, and there |
is met by a bad temper, sullenness, or gloom; or is |
assailed by disconent, complaint, and reproaches, the |
heart breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, and
the man sinks into despair.

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1845-06-07 · Philadelphia

study and diffusion of his faith. And the to a man wisdom, and courage, and strength, ■

only earthly wish which .Monica retained in- and hope, and endurance. Man is strong ; It w a consolation to a good con-

dined her to the same destinaiion. With the hut his heart is not adamant. He delights | to a bad one, to realize the troih,

IniTA. I in enterorise and action, but to sustain him . that the eye of the all*seeing uod follows

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1845-08-01 · New York

spirit can long resist bad domestic influences. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant. He de-
lights in enterprize and action—but to sustain him,
he needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He
expends his moral force in the conflicts of the world.
His feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost point
of endurance by perpetual collision, irritation and
disappointment. ‘To recover his equanimity and
composure, HOME must be to him a place of repose,
of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul
renews its strength, and again goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labors and troubles of the

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1847-02-13 · Woodsfield, Ohio

fluences. Man is strong but his heart is not ada­
mant. He delights in enterprise andaction but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart. He expends hii whole moral force in the
conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily lac­
erated to the utmost point of endureucf by perpet­
ual collisions, irritation and disappointment. To
recover his equanimity and composure, home must
be to him a place of repose, of peace of cheerfulueas
of comfort; and his soul renews its strength and
again goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and tiouble of the world. But if at home he
find no rest and there is met by a bad temper ml-
leniiess, or gloom; or ia assailed by discontent com­
plaint and reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirit!
are crushed, hope vanishes, and the man iiukg in­
to totai despair.

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1847-02-13 · Boston

sist bad domestic influences. Man is strong |
but his heart is aot adamant. He delights in |
enterprise and action, but to sustain him he |
needsa tranquil mind, anda whole heart. |
He expends his whole moral force in the con
flicts of the world;his feelings are daily lacer-
ated to the utmost point of endurance by per-
Si petual collisions, irritation and dissappoint
ment, To recover his equanimity atid com- |
posure, home must be to hima place of re-
pose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort
and his sou! renews its strength and again |
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the}
labor and troubles of the wortd. But if at}
home he finds no rest, and there 1s met by a}
/?/})%* bad temper, sullenness, or gloom; or is assail. |
ed by discontent, complaint, and reproaches,
the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope |
vanishes, and the mind sinks into total des-

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1847-03-27 · Worcester [Mass.]

influences. Manis strong but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and action,
but to sustain him he need# a tranquil mind and
a whole heart. He expands his whole moral
force in the conflicts of the world ; his feelings
are daily lacerated to the utmost point of endu­
rance by perpetual collisions irretation and dis­
appointment To recover Ids equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place of re­
pose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort, and
his soul renews its strength and again goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labor and troub­
les of the world. But if at home he finds no rest
and there is met by a bad temper, sullennesss, or
gloom ; or is assailed by discontent, complaint
and reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirits ar

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From Boston investigator.

1847-03-31 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1847-04-08 · New York

spirit can long resist bad domestic influence. Man
is strong; but his heart is not adamant. He de¬
lights in enterprise and action, but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart. He ex¬
pends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the
world. His feelings are lacerated to the utmost point
of endurance by perpetual collision, irritations and
disappointment. To recover his equanimity and com¬
posure, home must be to him a place of repose, of
peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul re¬
news its strength, and again goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labor and troubles of the world.
But if at home he finds no rest, and there is met
with bad tempir, sullenness, or gloom, or is assailed
by discontent, complaint and reproaches, the hear

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1847-04-22 · Litchfield, Conn.

Man ia strong—but his heart is not ada­
mant. He delights in enterprise nnd ac­
tion, but to sustain him he needs a tran­
quil mind and n whole heart. He ex­
pends his whole morel force ia the con*
flicta of the world. His feelings arc lac­
erated to the utmost point of endurance
by perpetual collision, irritations and
disappointment. To recover his equa­
nimity and composure, home n.ustbe to
him a place of seposn, of peace, of clieer­
fulncss, of comfort, end his soul renews
its strci gth, and again goes forth with
fresh vigor to cncoun'er the labor and
troubles of tbo world. But if at homo he
finds no ie»t, nnd thero is mot with bad
temper, sullenneas, or gloom, or is assail­
ed by discontent, complaint nnd res
pmeeboe, the heart breaks, tbo spirits
are crushed, hope vanishes, and tho ma

Page image

mestic influence. Man os strung, but his
heart is not adamant He delights iu enter­
prise arid action, but to sustain him he .needs
a tranquil rriiud.and a whole heart. Jie ex
pends his <wlmle moral force in the conflicts
ol the world. He. fueluqgs are daily lacerated
tome utmost point el’miaucanee by perpetu­
al collision, irritations and disappointment.—
To recover It is equanimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of repose, id
peace, of cheerful ness, of comfort, .and his
soul renews its strength and again goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the lnlwr and
troubles of the world. JUtt if at home lie finds
no rest, and there is tin t with bad temper,
stilleimess, or gloom, or is a» ailed by a dis
content, complaint and reproaches, the heart
breaks, the spirit* are crushed, hope vanishe

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1847-10-19 · Alexandria, D.C.

wife ia to a man wisdom, and courage, and
strength, aid hope, end endurance. A bad one
is ooofosion, weakness, discomfiture and despair
. Ho oooditioa is hopelesa when the wife possesses J
ftimoess, decision, energy, economy. There is
ao outward prosperity which can counteract'

indolence, folly and extravagance at home. No ;
spirit can Jong resi«t bad domestic influence.— !
Man «strong, but his heart is not adamant. He
deliphts in enterprise and action, but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart.
He expends his whole moral force in (he con
flicts of the world. His feelings are daily lacer­
ated to the utmost point of endurance by perpe­
tual collision, irritations and disappointment.—
To recover his equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose, ol peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul renews it*»
strength and 3£n»ngoes forth with fresh vigor to
encounter the labor and troubles of the world.—
But if at home he finds no rest, aod there is met
with bad temper, sulleness, or gloom, or is as­
tailed b ν discontent, complaint and reproaches,
the heart break·, the spirits are crushed, hope
vanishes, and the man sinks into total despair.

Page image

From The northern galaxy.

1847-11-30 · Middlebury, Vt.

sion, weakness, discomfiture, and despair.
No condition is hopeless when the wife
possesses firmness, decision, energy and
economy. There is no outward prosperi­
ty which can counteract indolence, folly
and extravagance at home. No spirit can
ong resist bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action; but
to sustain him, he needs a tranquil mind
and a whole heart. He expends his whole
moral force in the conflicts of the world
His feelings are lacerated to the utmost
point of endurance by perpetual collisions
and disappointment. To recover his equa­
nimity and composure, home must be to
him a place of repose, of peace, of cheer­
fulness, of comfort; and his soul renews
its strength, and again goes forth with
fresh vigor to encounter the labor and
froubles of the world. But if at home he
finds no rest, and there is met with bad
temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is assail­
ed by discontent, complaint, and reproach­
es, the heart breaks, the spirits are crush-
ed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks into
total despair.
of his excursions during the harvest, the
King of England passed a field where h

1847-12-18 · Philadelphia

discomfiture and despair. No condition is
hopeless when the wife possesses firmness.

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1847-12-18 · Philadelphia

Man is strong, hut his heart is not adamant, the alcohol will be poisoning and ruining you.
He delights in enterprise and action, but to No my child, be a teetotaler and follow the
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a laws of your Maker and your being. Then
whole heart. He expends his whole moral j you will be safe. Then you will he happy,
force in the conflicts of the world. His feel- j

ings are daily lacerated to the utmost endu-j <S(lflTircn’S JfrlCUU.

ranee by perpetual collision, irritations and I____ __

disappointment. To recover his equanimity | Copied for the Episcopal Recorder.

and composure, home must be lo him a place ^

of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of com- Jxlary s Beauty,

fort, and his soul renews its strength, and Where can it b«, dear mother,

again goes forih wUh fresh vigor to encounier

the labor and troubles ot the world. But if And brighter are my eyes,

at home he finds no rest, and there is met with Yet children throng around her,

Page image

one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture, and
despair No condition is hopeless when the
wife possesses firmness, decision, energy, and
economy, l nere is no outwara prosperity
which can counteract indolence, tolly, an

Page image

resist bad domestic influence. - Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant. ' He delights in
enterprise and action; but to sustain him, he
needs a tranquil'' mind and a whole heart.
He expends his whole moral force in the con-
Iflicts ofthe world. His feelings are lacerated
to the utmost point of endurance by perpetual
collisions and disappointment. , To recover
his eauaritmity and composure, home must
be to iiim a place of repose, of peace, oi
cheerfulness, 'of comfort; and his soul renews
its strength, and. again goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the- labor and, troubles
of the world But if at home he finds no rest,
and there is met with bad temper, suflenriess,
or gloom,-er is assailed by discontent,- com
plaint, and reproaches, the heart breaks, the

nni-igpirits are crushed, hope vanishes arid th

Page image


From Preston Chronicle

1849-05-12 · Preston, England

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1849-07-13 · Brattleboro, Vt.

extravagance at home. Man is slfo"rig,,Dutr
he, is not adamant. Ho delights in enter-,
'prise and, action, but to tustiiri him ho,
needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart.­
He etnendi bis entire physics! and intelw
leetuai force in tbe conflict! of the world ;'
his feelings are daily lacerated, to tbe ut
'most point of endurance by perpetual col-"
li.iu,!,. iniltlioii .ami disappointment., TtT-recover
bi equanimity and composure,
hdtne must be 10 him a place of repoie, of
cheerfulness, of comfort, and hit ion! reP
news lis strength, and goes 'forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labor and troubles
of the world,, But if at home he ftndt'nc)
rest, and ia there met by a bid temper; iui-,
leness. or doom! or is harratsed br dis
order, profuseness, or neglect, the heart
breaks, the spirits are crusnea, nope van­
ishes, and the man. sinks into ibiftlesiness,'
and finally despair. - , . ',
Female lNpLtitNcr.. How much induy
ence .women exerciso in society I Ifier,
need nob busy nor bestir themselves jo in-,
crease Uf the responsibility under wnic

Page image

1849-07-28 · Syracuse

comfiture, and despair. No condition is hope-
less, when the wife has firmness, energy, and
economy. Man is strong; but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action, but to sustain him, he needs a tranquil
mind, and a whole herri. He expends all his
moral force in the moral confliets of the world.
His feelings are lacerated to the utmost point
of endurance, by perpetual collision, irrita-
tion, and disappointment. To recover his
equanimity and eomposure, home must be to
him a place of repose, of peace, of cheerful-
ness, of comfort; his soul, then, renews his
strength, and he again goes forth with fresh
vigour to encounter the labor and troubles of
the world. But if at home he finds no rest,
and there is met with bad temper, or is assail-
ed by discontent, complaint, and reproaches,
the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed,
hope vanishes, and the man sinks into des-

Page image

must be forever unknown. A good wife is to
a man wisdom and courage, and strength
and endurance. A bad one if confusion,
weakness, discomfiture and depair. No eon-’
ditiom is hppeless/when the wife possesses
firmness.decision and economy. There it ino
outward prosperity which can couuterauf in­
dolence. folly, and extravagance at home.—
| No spirit can long resist bad domestic influ­
ence. Mali is strong, but his heart is notad-,
jatnant. lie delights in enterprise and action
jbut to sustain him he needs a tranquil mtipd
jand a whola heart, lie expends bis whole
moral force in the conflict of the world. iTo
recover his equanimity and composure, hcirtic
b>ust be to him a place of repose, of peace,
f cheerfulness, of comfort, and his souhre­
iews its strength, and again goes forth with
fresh vigor encounter the labor and trim
lies of the world. But, if at homo he finds
o rest, and ia there met with bad temper,
"illenneas, or gloom, or is assailed by discon­
,t, or oouiplaint, or reproaches, the heart
■eaks, the spiritsarc crushed, Intpe vanishes,
and the man sinks into despair:

Page image

1850-01-17 · Newport, R.I.

spair. No condition is hopeless when
the wife possesses firmn ss, decision,
and economy. ‘l'here is nv outwar

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1850-01-17 · Newport, R.I.

No spirit can long endure bad domes­
tic influence. Man is strong, but his
heart is'not adamant. He delights in en­
terprise and action, but to sustain him
he needsa tranquil mind and whole
heart He expends his whole moral
l force in the conflict of the world. To
recover his equanimity and composure,
| howme must be to hin: a place of rcpose,
of peace, of cheerfulnees, of comfort,
and his soul renews its strength, and
again goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and troubles of the
| world, Butif at home hc finds no
rest, and is there met with bad temper,
“ sullenness, or gloom, or s assailed by
discontent, or complaint, or reproaches
the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed;
l hope vanishes, and the man sinks into
| despair,

Page image

From Sunbury American.

1850-02-23 · Sunbury, Pa.

unknown. A good wife is to a man wisdom
and courage, and strength and endurance. A
bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture
and despair. No condition is hopeless whe
the wife possesses firmness, decision and
economy. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence, extravagance
and folly at home. No spirit can long endure
bad domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action; but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind, and a whole heart. He
expends his whole moral force in the conflicts
of the world. To recover his equanimity
and composure, home must be to him a place
of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of com­
fort, and his soul renews its strength, and
again goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun­
ter the labor and troubles of the world. But
if at home he finds no rest, and is there met
with bad temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is
assailed by discontent, or complaint, or re

proaches, the heart breaks, the spirits are
crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sink

The Good Wife

From Bangor daily Whig & courier.

1850-11-30 · Bangor, Me.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1851-02-20 · New York

R. Carter & Brothers. 8vo. pp. 800. u j i r ^ l- r i came. On his return from the room where the man fully fluted column, some 25 feet m diameter and He expends his whole moral force in the conflicts GOOD and CHEAP JOB PRZNTllfO. Anthr.2000lbs.• 6.60 a 7.00

A fine specimen of the good old Btyle of Expository a'ssenters had left something ol a heretic taint upon lay he met the superintendent of the house and 25 or 30 feet high ; all of stalactic matter, of the world. To recover his equanimity and TORN A. GRAY, 79 FULTON STREET.corner of Gold, cocoa.

caching, which we wuh there were more of. Dr. 1“ a letter dated London, 1775, she thus the following scene occurred • /Vteaf—“ I am’told Entering this cave under a jutting rock near the composure, home must be to him a place of repose, J having greatly enlarged his establishme^^^^ ‘’fh

Page image

discomfiture and despair. No condition is
hopeless, when the wife possesses firmness,
decision and economy. There is no outwar

Page image

ean long endure bad domestio influence.
Man if strong.but his heart is not adamant.
He delights it) enterprise and aetion; but to
sustain him he needs e tranquil mind and a
whole heart. He expends his whole moral
force in the conflicts of the world. Tore

Page image

1851-03-10 · Alexandria, D.C.

spirit can long endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant —
He delights in enterprise and action; but to
sustain him lie needs a tranquil inind and a
whole heart. He expends his whole moral
lorce in the conflicts of the world. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home must be
to him a place of repose, of peace, of cheer­
fulness, ot comfort, and his soul renews its
strength again, and goes forth w ith fresh vigor
to encounter the labor and troubles of ihe world.
But it at home he finds no rest, and is there met
with bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or is as­
sailed by discontent, or complaint, or reproa­
ches, the heart breaks, the spirits are crush­
ed, hope vanishes; and the man sinks into des

Page image

1851-03-13 · Indianapolis

A mm
mestic influence. Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and action; but
to sustain mm he needs a tranquil mind and a w hole
heart, lie expends his whole mo. al Ibrce in the con­
flicts of the world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place of repose, of
peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul re­
news its strength again and goes forth with fresh vig­
or to encounter the labor and troubles of the world.
But if at home he rinds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenncss or gloom, or is assailed by
discontent, or complaint, or reproaches, the hear
nreaKs, the spirits are crushed, hope vanishes, an

Page image

1851-03-26 · Staunton, Va.

dure bad domestic influence. Man is strong but,
his heart is not adamant. He delights in entei- j
prise and action; but to sustain him he needs a
! tranquil mind and a u'ltule heart. He expends Ins
whole moral force in the conflicts of the world.—
To recover his equanimity and composure, home
i must be to him a place of repose, of peace, and
! cheerfulness, of comfort: and his soul renews us
' strength, and goes forth with fresh vigor toencoun­
ter the labor and trouble of the world. But it at
j home he finds no rest, and is there met with a
temper, sullenness or gloom, or is assailed by dis­
content, or complaint, or reproaches, the heart
| breaks, the spirits are crushes, hope vanishes, and
the man sinks into despair.
A Tcist._At the late Franklin celebration a

Page image

From The Rutland herald.

1851-07-10 · Rutland, Vt.

home. No spirit can long endure bad
domestic ifluence. Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant. He de
lights in enterprise and action; butt
sustain him he needs a ronquil mind
e ee e o
anil wholc ltalt. e eAlaili
whole moral force in the conflicts of
the world. To recover his equanimity
and composure, hote must be to hinh
place of cheerfulliess of comfort and
his soul renews its strength again and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun
ter the labor and troubles of the worid
But if at home he find no rest, and
is thery lict with bad temper sullen-
nces of grooin, tf ih assuited by discon
Give You Child a Newstaes
he reads of name and things whicit


From Lloyd's Illustrated Newspaper

1851-10-19 · London, England

[This text is not available under an open license.]


From Lloyd's Illustrated Newspaper

1851-10-19 · London, England

[This text is not available under an open license.]


From Trewman's Exeter Flying Post

1851-11-20 · Exeter, England

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1851-12-01 · Cincinnati

discomfiture, and despair. No condition is hope-
less when the wife possesses firmness, decision, en-
ergy, economy. Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and action, but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a
whole heart. His feelings are daily lacerated to
the utmost point of endurance by perpetual colli-
sion, irritations, and disappointment. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must be to him a
place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of com-
fort, and his soul renews its strength, and again
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of the world. But if at home he finds
no rest, and is there met with bad temper, sullen-
ness, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent, com-
plaint, and reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirits
are crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks into
total despair.

Page image

good wife is. to a man, wisdom, and courage,
and strength, and endurance. A bad oue
U confusion, weakness, discomfiture, and
despair. No condition is hopeless where
the wife possesses firmness, decision and con'i­
my There is no outward prosperity which
roan counteract indolence, extravagance and
lolly, at home. No spirit can l(*g, endure
bad domestic influence. Man iswtrobg, but
his heart is not adamant, lie delights iu
enterprise and action ; but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind, and a wholejlieart.—
He needs his moral force in tlfo conflicts of
the world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, hpnte .must, be to liijj'u place of
repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, bf comfort ;
and his soul renews its strength again, and
goes forth with fresh rigor to encounter the
labor and troubles of life. But if at hom

Page image

1852-01-01 · Boston

comfiture, and despair. No condition is hopeless,
when the wife possesses firmness, decision and
economy. ‘There is no outward prosperity whic

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1852-01-01 · Boston

influence. Man is strong, but his heart is not ada-
mant. He delights in enterprise and action ; but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a
whole heart. He expands his whole moral force
in the conflicts of the world. To recover his

equanimity and composure, home must be to him a|

place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of com

Page image

1852-01-01 · Boston

fort; and his soul renews its strength again, and|explain difficulties, the meaning of things, and the

goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of the world. Butif at home he finds
no rest, and there is met with bad temper, sullen-
ness, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent, or
complaint, or reproaches, the heart breaks, the

Page image

1852-01-15 · Columbus, Miss.

domestic influence. Man is strong, but his
heart is hot adamant. - He delights in enter
prise and action; but to sustain, him he needs
a tranquil mind, and a whole heart. lie
needs his moral force in the conflicts of the
world.'! To recover his equanimity and com­
posure, home must be to him a place of re­
pose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort;
and his'soul renews its strength again, and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and troubles of life.! - But if at hom

Page image

1852-03-08 · Washington [D.C.]

despair. No condition is hopeless, when the
wife possesses firmness, decision, and economy

Page image

1852-03-08 · Washington [D.C.]

mestic influenco. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action; but to sustain him, ho needs a tranquil
mind and a whole heart. He expends his wholo
moral force in the conflicts of tho world. To
recover his equanimity and composure, home
must bo to him a place of repose, of peace, of
cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul renews its
strength again, and goos forth with fresh vig­
or to encounter the labor and troubles of the
world. But if at homo he finds no rest, and
there is met with bad temper, sullenness, or
gloom, or is assailed by discontent, or com­
plaint, or reproaches, the heart breaks, tho
spirits aro crushed, hope vanishes, and tho ma

Page image


From Belfast News-Letter

1852-09-20 · Belfast, Ireland

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1853-11-12 · Thibodaux, La.

known. A good wife is to a man wisdom and
courage, and strength and endurance. A bad
one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture and
utter despair. No condition is hopeless where
the wife possesses firmness, decision, and econ­
omy. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, extravagance, and
folly at home. No spirit can long endnre bad
domestic influence. Man is strong, but his
heart is not adamant. He delights in enter­
prise and action ; but to sustain him he needs a
tranquil mind, and a whole heart. He needs
his moral force in the conflicts of the world. To
recover his equanimity and composure, home
mast be to him a place of repose, of cheerful­
ness, of peace, of comfort; and his soul renews
its strength again, and goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home he finds no rest, and is there
met with bad temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is
assailed by discontent or complaint, hope van­
ishes, and he sinks into despair.

Page image

1855-11-14 · Ebensburg, Pa.

overwflowing cup, its soul-refreshing waters,
or casts in -the branch of bitterness, which
makes them' poison and death. Her ardent
spirit breathes the breath of life into all en­
terprise. Her patience and constancy are
mainly instrumental in carrying forward to
completion the best human designs. Her
more delicate moral sensibility is the unsee

Page image

From Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860)

to his dinner without insisting on
seeing a pron/ nf the pudilintf. Tho
nearest glimpso of heaven that mortals
over get on earth, is that domcsti".
circlo which ¡ woman's hands havo
trained to intelligence, virtue, and
love, which her gontlo influence per!
vades, and of which her radiant presence
is thc centro and tho sun. STRASG

1855-12-07 · Bedford, Pa.

seen power which is ever at work to purify and
refine society. And the nearest glimpse of
Heaven that mortals ever get on earth is that
domestic circle which her hands have trained to
intelligence, virtue, and love, which h-r gen­
tle influence pervades, and of which her radi­
ent presence is the centre and the sun

Page image

1856-06-13 · Wilmington, N.C.

domestic influence. Man is strong, but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and action ;
but to Fustain him he needs a tranquil mind, and a
whole heart. He needs his moral force in the con­
flicts of the world. To recover his equanimity and
composure home must be to him a place of repose, of

Page image

1856-06-13 · Wilmington, N.C.

peace, of cheerfullness, of comfort : and his soul re

news its strength again, and goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home he finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is assailed by
discontent or complaint, hope vanishes, and he sink

Page image

1856-12-09 · Baton Rouge, La.

ein". i M mii is strong but hi? lieait. is
not adamant. He delights in enter­
prise and action ; but to sustain him
lie needs a tranquil mind, and a whole
heart. He needs his moral force in
the confi eis of the world. To recov­
er his equanimit y and composure
home mu-t be to him a place of re
p'ise, of pence of cheeifulness, of
comfort; nnd his soul renews its
utreliglh ngllili and goes forth with
tr» sh \ igor to eiicountei the labor and
troubles of life But if a: home be
fi'ifh no rest, and is (here met with
bad temper, Hullenness, or gloom, or is
as-ailed by discontent or con phiiiit,
hope vanishes, and he sinks into de

Page image

1856-12-26 · Athens, Tenn.

forever. A good wife is to a man, wisdom and
courage, and strength and endurance. A bad
one is eonfusion, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. No condition, is hopeless, where
the wife possesses firmness, decision, snd
economy. There ie no outward" prosperity
which can counteract indolence, extrav­
agance, and folly 'at borne. No spirit can
endure bad domestic influence, Man is
strong but his heart is not adamant He de­
lights in enterprise and action; but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind, and a whole
heart He needs his moral in th conflicts of
the world. To recover his. equanimity and
composure, horn must be to him a plae of
repose, and of peace, of cheerfulness, of com­
fort; his soul renews its strength again, and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and trouble of life. But if at bom be
find no rest, and i there met with bad tern
per, (ullannes or gloom, or is assailed by
discontent or complaint, hope vanishes, and
he sinks in dispsir. '
TsANsrror Venus. In 18S1 th transit of
Venus takes place. By the transit of Venns
is ment what is generally understood by a

Page image

From Memphis daily appeal.

1857-05-03 · Memphis, Tenn.

ever. A good wife is to a man, wisdom and
courage, and strength and endurance. A bad
one is confusion, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. No condition is hopeless where the
wife possesses decision and economy. There
is no outward prosperity which can counteract
indolence, extravagance, and folly at home. No
pirit can endure bad domestic infuence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant. He
delights in enterprise and action; but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind, and a whole
heart. He needs his moral force in the con
flicts of the world. To recover his equanimity
and composure, home must be to him a place of
repose, of peace, cheerfniness, of comfort; and
his soul renews its strength again and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of life. But if at home he finds no
rest, and is there met with bad temper, sulliness
or gloom, or is assailed by discontent or com
plaint, hope vanishes and he sinks into despalr.
Here is a picture of Sunday life in Chicago
furnished by the Times

A Wife's Power

From Lowell daily citizen and news.

1857-05-04 · Lowell, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

forever. A good wife is to a man,
wisdom and courage, and strength and
endurance. A bad one is confusion,
weakness, discomfiture, and despair.
No condition is hopeless where the
wife possesses decision and economy.
There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, extravigance
and folly at home. No spirit can en^
dure bad domestic influence. Man is
strong, but Iiis heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action;
but to sustain him he needs a tranquil
mind and a whole heart. He needs
his moral force in the conflicts of the
world. To recover his equanimity
and composure, he must have peace
cheerfulness, comfort; and his soul re*
news its strength again, and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of life. But if at home
he finds no rest, and there is met wit

Page image

From The Winchester home journal.

1857-07-04 · Winchester, Tenn.

domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adantant. He delights
in enterprise and action, but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind, and a
whole heart. He needs his whole force
in the conflicts of the world. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home to
him must be a place of repose, of peace,
of cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul
renews its strength again and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and troubles of life. But if at home he
finds no rest, and is there met with bad
temper, sulleness or gloom, or is assailed
by discontent or complaint, hope vanishe

1857-07-08 · Steubenville [Ohio]

ence. Man is strong, but hip heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action ; but lo sustain hiu he needs a
tranquil mind and whole heart. He
needs bis moral in the cof diets of the
world. To recover his equanimity and
coihposure, home must baa place of re­
pose, cheerfulness, peace comfort, and
his soul renews its strength again, and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the troubles and tabor of life., But if at
flume he finds no rest arjd is there met
with bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or
is assailed with disconten or complaint,
hope vanishes and he sinks into despair.
-mm 1
New Orleans and the Sabbath.
The lower Board of Councils, in New O

Page image

1857-07-22 · Raleigh, N.C.

known forever. A good wif is to a man
wisdom and courage, and strength and en­
durance, -i A bad one is confusion, weakness,
discomfiture and despair. No condition is
hopeless where the wife possesses decision
and economy. There , is no outward pros­
perity which can counteract indolence, ex­
travagance, and folly at home. No spirits
can endure bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant. He
delights in enterprise and action, but to sus
tain him he needs a tianquil mind, and a
whole heart. He needs his moral force in
the conflicts of the world. To recover his
equanimity and compoeure, home must be
to him a place of repose, of peace, cheerful­
ness, of comfort; and his soul renews its
strength again and goea forth with fresh vis-

r to encounter the labors and troubles of

lite. .But it at home he finds no rest, and
is there met with bad temper, sullenness or
gloom, or is assailed 'by discontent or com­
plaint, hope vanishes and he sinka into de­
spair. -

Important to Grain . Dealers How to

Kill Weayil.
The Iftteet FrethrtTefS'eonfain an im

portant statement of certain experiments

made to ascertain the fact that anjethetics

(the substances, such as ether, cloroform.

Page image

1858-05-28 · Athens, Tenn.

ure and despair. No condition is hopeless,
when the wife possesses firmness, decision
and economy. There is no outward pros­
perity which can counteract indolence, ex­
travagance nnd folly at home. No spirit can
long endure bad domestic influence
The working days in Switzerland are
from fourteen to nineteen houis. Tho wa­
ges for children five cents a day; women

Page image

1858-07-01 · New York

mesticinfluence. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action; but to sustain him he needs a
tranquil mind and a whole heart. He needs
his moral in the conflicts of the world. To
recover his equanimity and composure, home
must be a place of repose, cheerfulness, peace,
comfort; and his soul renews its strength’
again, and goes forth with fresh vigor to en-
counter the troubles and labor of life. But if
at home he finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenness, or gloom, or is assailed
with discontent or complaint, hope vanishes,
and he sinks into despair

Page image

From The home journal.

1859-12-22 · Winchester, Tenn.

can long endure had domestic influ­
ence. Man is strong, his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action; but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind, and a whole
heart. He needs his moral force in
the conflicts of the world. To recoy­
er his equnaimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of re
pose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of
comfort; and his soul renews its
strength again, and goes forth with
fresh vigor to encounter the labor and
troubles of life. But if at home he
finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or is
assailed by discontent or complaint,
hope vanishes, and he sinks into de­
spair.Ei sie

1860-02-02 · Lewistown, Pa.

long endure bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action ; but
to sustain him he needs u tranquil mind,
and a whole heart. He needs his moral
force in conflicts of the worli. To recov­
er his equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose, ef peace,
of cheerfulness, of comfort; autl his soul
renews its strength again and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter theiaborand
troubles of life But if at home he finds
no rest, and ia there met with bad temper

Page image

1860-11-28 · Oxford, Miss.

wife is to s man, wisdom and courage, and
strength and endurance. A bad one is con­
fusion, weakness, discomfiture, and despair.
No condition is hopeless, where the wife
possesses firmness, decision, and economy.
There is no outward prosperity which can
counteract indolence, extravagance and folly
at home. No spirit can endure bad domes
tic influence. Man is strong, hut his heart
is not adamant. lie delights iu eiiterpriza
anil action ; hut to sustain him he needs s
tranquil mind, and a whole heart. lie needs
his moral force in the conflicts of the world.
To recover his equanimity snd composure,
home must bo to him s place of repose, of
cheerfulness, of comfort ; and his soul renews
rta strength again, and goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter tho labor and troubles of
life. But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met with had temper, sullcnness, or
gloom, or is. assailed by discontent or com­
plaint, hope vanishes and he sinks into des
pair. i
Never tell a child that she is handsome,"
was the heading of a few words upon educa­
tion which we read in a newspaper the other
day. Why not I Do yon suppose you ca

Page image

1862-04-24 · Junction City, Kan.

good wife is to a man-, wisdom and courage
and strength and endurance. A bad one is

confusion, weakness, discomfiture, and des
pair. No condition is hopeless where the
wife possesses firmness, decision and econ­
omy. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence, extrava­
gance and folly at home. No spirit can
long endure bad domestic influeoce. Matt
is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action ; but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind,
and a whole heart. He need) bis moral
force in the conflicts of the world. Td
recover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of reposo, of
peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort ; and his
soul renews his strength again, and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labors and troubles of life. But if at homo
he finds no rest, and there met with bad
temper, sullcncss or gloom, or is assailed
by discontent or complaint, hope vanishe

Page image

1862-05-02 · Delaware, Ohio

ence. Man is ttroug, but bis hsart U not ad­
amant. He delights in enterprise und aetion;
but to sustain hiui he isecds a tranquil mind

ami a wnoie ueart: lie needs his moral Torcc
in the coi.fiicts of the wot Id. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must be to

him a place of repose, of peace, of clicerfulness,
of comfort; and his soul renews its slivn"-th
again, and goes forth with fresh vigor to e:i­
couuter the labor and troubles of lire. Hut
if at home he finds no rest, and is there met
with a bad temper, sullenness or filorm, or is
availed by discontent or complaint, hope van­
ishes, and be sinks into despair.

Page image

1862-05-14 · Clearfield, Pa.

unknown. A good wife is to a man, wisdom
and courage, and strength and endurance. A
bad ono'is confusion, weakness, discomfiture,
and despair. No condition is hopeless wbero
the wile possesses firmness, decision and econ­
omy. There is no outward prosperity which
can counteract indolence, extravagance and
fully at home. No spirit can long endure bad
domestic influence. Man is strong, but bis
heart is not adamant. He delights in enter­
prise nml action ; but to sustain him he Deeds
u tranquil mind, and a whole heart. Ho needs
hid moral force iu tho Conflicts of the world.
To recover his equanimity aud composure,
homo must bo to him a place ot repose, of
peace, of cheerfulness, ot comfort; and bia
soul renews his strength again, and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labors and
troubles of- lile. But if at homo he fiuds n

Page image

1862-06-07 · Bel Air, Md.

long endure bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant.—
He delights in enterprise and. action; but
to sustain him, he needs a tranquil mind
and a whole heart. He needs bis moral
force in the conflicts of the world. To
recover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of repose, of
cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul re­
news his strength again, and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the labors
and troubles of life. But if at home he
finds no rest, and is there met with bad
temper, sullenless or gloom, or is assailed
by discontent or complaint, hope vanishes,
and he sinks into despair.
Warlike Enterprise.—The Emper­
or Napoleon remarked at St Helena:—
“Generals are rarely eager to give battle;
they choose their positions, establish them

Page image

From Council Bluffs bugle.

1862-06-18 · Council Bluffs, Iowa

domestfe influence, Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action; but to sustaln him,
he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart.He expends his whole moral force
in the conflicts of the world. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose, of
peace, tof cheerfulness, of comfort; and
his soul renews its strength again and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter
again the troubles of the world. But if
at home he finds no rest, and is there met
with a bad temper, sullenness or gloom,
or is assailed to discontent, or complaint,
or reproaches, the heart brakes, the spir-­
its are crushed, hope vanishes, and th

1862-06-20 · Bellows Falls, Vt.

forever unknown. A good wife is to a man
g wisdom and courage, and strength and en
durance- A bad one is confusion, weakness,
discomfiture, and despair. No condi ion is
hoPeles8 where the wile possesses firmness,
decuion, an economy. There is no outward
P"" that can counteract indolence,
extravagance and folly at home. No spir
il can long endure bad domestic influence
Man is 6,rong. but his heart is not adamant,
IIe dcligIll " enterprise and action ; but
to 8Ustain ,lim 1,8 nee(la tranquil mind
and a whole heart. He needs his moral
force in the conflicts of the world. To re-
cover llia equanimity and composure, home
musl De 10 mm l"ace ot repose, of peace,
?f cheerfulness, of comfort; and his soul
rene'9 his strength again, and goes forth
will fres' vigor to encounter the labors and
troubles of life. But if at home he finds
no rest and 13 ,here met w!ln baJ temper,
sulIen"e3s or g'oom, or is assailed by dis-
cogent or complaint, hope vanishes, and h

Page image

1862-07-10 · Dowagiac, Mich.

unknown. A good wife is to a man wis­
dom and courage, and strength and en­
durance. A bad one is confusion, weak­
ness, discomfiture, and dispair. No
condition is hopeless where the wife
possesses firmness, decision, and econo­
my. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence, ex­
travagance, and folly at home. No
spirit can long endure bad domestic
influence. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant. He delights in enter-
j prise and action; but to sustain him,
he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart. He needs his moral force in the
conflicts of the W"i iJ. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose, of
peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort; and
his soul renews his strength again, and
' goes forth with fresh viror to encoun
ter the labors and troubles of life. Bu

Page image

From The independent.

1862-09-27 · Oskaloosa, Kan.

wife is to a man wisdom and courage,
and strength and endurance, a bad one
is confusion, weakness, discomfiture
and despair. No condition is hopeless
where the wife possesses firmness, de-
cission and economy. There is no out­
ward prosperity which can counteract
insolence, extravagance and folly at
home. No spirit can long endure bad
domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He delights
in enterprise and action; but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind and a
whole heart. He needs his moral force
in the conflicts of the world. To re­
cover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of repose,
of peace and cheerfulness and comfort;
and his soul renews its strength again,
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met with bad temper, sullenness
or gloom, or is assailed by discontent or
complaint, hope vanishes and he sink

Sentiment, Wit, and Humor

From Boston investigator.

1862-10-15 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1862-11-20 · St. Clairsville, Ohio

A good wife is to a man wisdom and courage,
and strength and endurance. A bad oue is
eonfusiou, weakness, discomfiture and
despair. . No conii'.i in ia hojiutess where
thu wife posossos firmness, decision, and
economy. There is uo outward prosperity
which can counteract iudolcnce extrav­
egance anil, folly at home. No spirit can
long endure bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant
He delights in enterprise and action; but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind, and
a whole heart. He needs his moral force in
the conflicts of the world. To recover his
equanimity and composure, home must bo
to him a nlace of repose, of cheerfulness.
of oomfort: and his soul reoews his strength
again, and goes forth with fresh vigor to
encounter the labors aud troubles of life.
But if at homo he finds no rest, and is there
met with bad temper, iullennoss or gloom

Page image

A Wife's Power

From Newark advocate.

1862-12-26 · Newark [Ohio]

[This text is not available under an open license.]

A good wife is to a man wisdom and cou'r=
age, and strength and endurance. A bad
?tifc is confusion', weakness, discomfiture, !
and 'despair. No ''condition is' hopeless1
where the wife possesses firmness, deci- '?
sion, an'd economy. There is no Outward'}
prosperity which can countcract Indolence,
exlravigance and folly at home. No spirit
can long endure bad domestic inHuence.
Man is strong, but bis heart is not ada­
mant. He delights in enterpeise and ac­
tion ; but to sustain bitn he needs a trau­
>{uil mind, and a whole hWrt. lie needs
his moral force in th'e conflicts of- .the ^
world. To recover his equanimity and.
composure, home must-be to him
of repose, of cheerfulness, of comfort-: and
his son! renews bis strength again, and
goes forth, with fresh vigor to encounter
the labors and. troubles of life. . Bat if at.
home he'finds no rest, und is there me

Page image

1863-08-09 · New York [N.Y.]

wife is to a man wisdom and courage, and strength and
endurance. A bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfit­
ure and despair. No condition is hope’ess where the wife
possesses firmness, decision and economy. There is no
outward prosperity which can counteract indolence, ex­
travagance and folly at home. No spirit can long endure
bad domestic influence. Man is strong, but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and action ; but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and whole heart
lie needs his moral force in the conflict with the world.
To recover his equanimity and composure, home must be
to him a place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness,tif
comfort: and his soul renews its strength again and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor and troubles
of life. But if at home he finds no rest and is there met
with bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or is assailed by dis­
content or complaint, hope vanishes, and he sinks into
despair.” This article considering the singular term em­
ployed throughout it greets us from rather a strange
source—no less than that organ of mormonism, the
Deseret Neus. Unfortunately the philosopher is an advo -
cate for that wretched system, than which there is no
greater curse, or surer destruction to woman and the do­
mestic happiness of our race in general on earth. We en

Page image

From Sioux City register.

1864-01-16 · Sioux City, Iowa

long endure bad domestic influence. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adament.
He delights in enterprise and action, but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind,
and a whole heart. He needs his moral
force in the conflicts of the worid. To
recover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to him a place of repose,
of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort; and
his soul renews its strength again, and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the labor and troubles of life. But if at
home he finds no rest, and is there me

1864-07-02 · London, England

No spirit can long endure bad domestic influence. Man is
strong, but his heartis not adamant. He delights in enter-
ptise and action; but to sustain him he needs a whole hear

Page image

From The independent.

1864-07-23 · Oskaloosa, Kan.

known. A good wife is to a man, wis

dom and courage, and strength and en

durance. A bad one is confusion, weak­
ness, discemfiture, and despair. No

condition is hopeless where the wile
possessess firmness, decision, and econ
omy. There is no outward prosperity

hich can counteract indolence, extra­
vagance, and folly at home. No spirit
can long endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not ada
mant. He delights in enterprise and
action; but to sustain him, he needs a
tranquil mind and a whole heart. He
needs his moral force in the conflicts of
the world. To recover his equanimity
and composure, home must be to him
a place of repose, of peace, of cheerful­
ness, of comfort; and his soul renews
his strentgh again, and goes forth with
fresh vigor to encounter the labors and
troubles of life. But if at home he finds
no rest, and is there met with bad tem­
per, sullenness or gloom, or is assailed

by discontent or complaint, hope van­
ishes, and he sinks into despair.

1866-08-25 · Des Arc, Ark.

tic inilueuces. Man is strong but bis heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action, but to sustain him he needs a tranquil
mind and a whole heart. He expends liis
wliole.moral force in (he conflicts of the world.
Ilis feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost
point of endurance by perpetual collisions, ir­
ritation and disappointment. To recover bis
equanimity and composure, borne must be to
him a place of repose, of peace, of cheerful­
ness, of comfort; and his soul renews its
strength, and again goes forth with fresh rig­
or to encounter the labor and troubles of the
world. But if at home he finds no rest, and
is there met by a bad temper, sullcnness, or
gloom; or is assailed by discontent, complaint
and reproach, the heart breaks, the spirits
arc crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sink

Page image

1867-04-13 · Louisville, Ky.

' tween Fourth and Fifth. al2 d3

strong, but his heart is not adamant He
delights in enterprise and action; bnt to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and
a wholp heart He ncHl hi* morals in
the conflicts of the world. To recover hi

Page image

A Wife's Power

From The Daily news and herald.

1867-04-18 · Savannah, Ga.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

From Natchitoches spectator.

1868-01-30 · Natchitoches, La.

young dream" often turns out to be the
A million of bales of cotton, from
India are at present on the way to Liv­
erpool. Uncle Sam will have to wake up.
A woman in Richmond, Va., sent out
her daughter for a loaf of bread, and
forty-eight hours after the sly lass re­
turned with the loaf and a husband.
A loafer, probably.

A WIeE's PoWIR.The power of a
wife for good or evil is irresistable.
Home must be the seat of happiness, or
it must be unknown. A good wife is to
a man wisdom and courage, and strength
and endurance. A bad one is confusion,
weakness, discomfiture and despair.
No condition is hopeless when the wife
possesses firmness, decision and econo­
my. There is no outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence, extrava­
gance and folly at home. No spirit ca

From Natchitoches spectator.

1868-01-30 · Natchitoches, La.

endure bad domestic influences. Man
is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action;
but to sustain him he needs a tranul
hind and a whole heart. He needs his
morals in the conflicts of the world. To
recover his equanimity and compost ro,
home must be a place of ropose on e­
fulness, peace, comfort; and his soul re­
news its strength again, and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the trou­
bles and labor of life. But if at home
he finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or com­
plaint, hope vanishes and he in
into desair.

A chicken thief, at Steubenville, Ohio.
recently, took twelve hens, and lert

1871-12-09 · Clarksville, Tenn.

dure bud domestic influence. Man Is
strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights In enterprise and action,
but to sustain him he needs a tran­
quil mind; and especially If he is an
intellectual man with a whole heart,
he needs Ids moral forces In the con­
flicts of life. To recover his compos­
ure, home must lie a place f peace, of
cheerfulness ana oi comfort, l ucr

Page image

From The home journal.

1871-12-14 · Winchester, Tenn.

pirit can long endure had domestic
influence. Man is strong, but his
heart is not adamant. He delights
in enterprise and action, but to ens-
iterorise and action, Bt.t
in him he needs a tranquil muind;
id epecially ir he is an inreliectuil
an, with a whole heart, he need
mout fouse teetet t
laln him he needs a tranquil mnind;
his moral forces in the conflicts
life. To recover his composure,
home must be al place of peace, of
heerfulness and of comfort. There
his soul renews its strength and goe
forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the labor and troubles of life. But i

From Macon beacon.

1871-12-16 · Macon, Miss.

Man is strong, but his
not adamant. He delights
in enterprise and action, but to sus­
taln him he needs a tranquil mind;
and epecially if he is an intellectual
nan, with a whole heart, he need-
his moral forces in the conflicts of
life. To recover his composure,
home must be a place of peace, of
cheerfulness and of comfort. There
his soul renews its strength and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the labor and troubles of life. But if
at home he finds no rest, and is ther

1872-01-01 · Philadelphia

wife is toa man wisdor
a bad one is confusio and despair.
No condition is hope! man where the
wife possesses firmness, d id economy.
which can
counteract indolence, extravagance, and folly
at home. No spirit endure bad
domestic influence. M

is not adamant. H

There is no outwar

strong, but his
heart lelights in enter-
prise and action, but to sustain him he needs a
tranquil mind; and esp if he is an in-
tellectual man, with a whole heart, he needs
forces in the flicts of life. T

Page image

1872-01-01 · Cincinnati

endure bad domestic influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but to sustain him he needs a tranquil
mind; and especially if he is an intellectual man,
with a whole heart, he needs his moral forces in the
conflicts of life. To recover his composure, home
must be a place of peace, of cheerfulness, and of
comfort ; there his soul renews its strength and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the labor and
troubles of life. But if at home he finds no rest, and
is there met with bad temper, jealousy, or gloom, or
is assailed by complaints and censure, hope vanishes
and he sinks into despair. Such is the case with to

Page image

1872-05-25 · Jackson, Tenn.

endure bad in dunce. Man is strong,
bat his heart is not adamant, lie
delights ia enterprise and action,
but to sustain him he needs a tran­
quil mind; and eterially if he is an
intellectual man, with a whole head,
no rru nis moral Forces in tne eon
fiicta of life. To recover his co

Page image

1872-06-06 · Pulaski, Tenn.

endure bad influence. Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant. He
delights in enterprise and action,
but to sustain hira he needs st ran
quil mind; and especially if he is an
intellectual man, with a whole head,
he needs his moral forces in the con­
flicts of life. To recover hi3 com-
posurciioine must be . a place 'of
peace, ot comfort., I here Ins soul
renews its strength and goes forth
with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and troubles of life. But if at
home he finds no rest, and is ther

Page image

From The Jasper weekly courier.

1872-08-16 · Jasper, Ind.

spirit can long endure bad influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise
nd action, but to sustain him he needs
a tranquil mind; and especially if he is
an intelligent man, with a whole head,
he needs his moral forces in the con­
flicts of life. To recover his composure,
home must be a place of peace and com­
fort. There his soul renews its strength,
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and troubles of life

From Clearfield Republican.

1872-10-23 · Clearfield, Pa.

ence. Man is strong, but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but to sustain him he
needs a tranquil mind; and especially
if he is an intellectual man, with a
whole head, he needs his moral forces
in the conflicts of lite. To recover
his composure, home must be a place
of peace; of cheerfulness and comfort.
There his soul renews its strength and
goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun­
ter the labor and troubles of life
But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met with bad temper, and sul

1872-12-06 · Portland, Or.

endure bad influence. Man is strong
but his heart is not adamant. He de­
lights in enterprise and action, but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind;
nnd especially if he is an intellectual

man, with a whole head, he needs his
moral forces in the conflicts of life. T

Page image

No spirit can ronjr endure bad influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not ada­
mant. He delights in enterprise and
action, but to sustain him he needs
tranquil mind ; and especially it he is
an intelligent man, whole head, he needs
his moral force in the conflict of life.
To recover his composure, home must
be a place of peace and comfort. There
his soul renews its strength, and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter the
labor and troubles of life. If at home
he finds no rest, and is there met with
bad temper, sullenness, jealousy and
gloom, or assailed with complaints and
censure, hope vanishes, and he sinks in­
to despair. Such is the case with to

Page image

1873-02-02 · New York [N.Y.]

endure bad influence. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant. He delights in enterprise, and ac«
tion, but to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind;
and especially if he ia an intelligent man, whole
head, he needs his moral force in the conflict of life.
To recover his composure, home must be a place o

Page image

From The Dallas daily herald.

1873-03-09 · Dallas, Tex.

bad domestic influence. Man is strong,
but he is not adamant. He delights in
enterorise and action, but to sustain him
he needs a trauquil mind and a whole
heart. He needs his morads in his con­
flicts with the world. To recover hi

1873-03-11 · Charlotte, N.C.

can long endure bad influence. Man is
strong, but his heart is not adamant. He
delights tn enterprise and action, but to
sustain iiim lie needs a tranquil mind; and
especially il he is an intelligent man, with
a whole head, lie needs his moral force in
the coirllict of life. To recover his compo­
suie, home must be a place of peace and
comfort. There his soul renews its strength,
and goes forth with fresh vigor to encoun­
ter the labors and troubles ot life. But if
at home he finds no rest, ind is there me

Page image

From Dallas herald.

1873-03-15 · Dallas, Tex.

bad domestic influence. Man is strong,
but he is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action, but to sustain him
he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart. He needs his morals in his con­
flicts with the world. To recover h

From Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907)

home. No spirit can long endure bad
influence. Man is strong, hut his heart
is not adamant. He delights in
enterprise and action, but to sustain
him he needs a tranquil mind : and
especially if he is an intelligent man,
with a whole head, ho needs his moral
force in the conflict of life. To
recovor his composure, homo must bo a
place of peace and comfort. There hi

1873-07-05 · Philadelphia

ever unknown. A good wife is, to a man,
| wisdom and courage, and strength and
bope, and endurance. A bad one ia con
fnsion, weakness, discomfiture, deeper
No condition is bepelesa, when the wife
PONs© shen firmnes, decision, energy, eoone
my. There is no outward prosperity, which
ean counteract indolenos, folly and ex
| travaganoce at howe No apirit can long
resiat bad domestic influences
| Man ia trong; buat bis heart is not ada
}mant. He delights in enterpriso and ac
tion; buat, to sustain bim, he needs a
trangoil mind and a whole beart. He
expeuds his whole moral force in the
conflicts of the world His feelings are
daily laceratod, to the atmost point of
endurance, by perpetual collision, irrita
tion and disappomticent, To recover his
equanimity aud cunposure, home mat
be to bim a plree of repose, of peaoe,
of cheerfuluess, of cowfort; where bia
soul renews itt strength, and again goes
| forth, with fresh vigor, te enoounter the
labors and troubles of the world Bat, if
at home he funds no rest, and there ia met
by a bad temper, sullenness of gloom ;
or is assailed by discontent, complaint
jand reproaches, the heart breaks, the
spirits are crashed, hope vanistes, and
the roan winks inte total ce apati

Page image

1873-07-05 · Philadelphia

or casts in the branch of bitterness, which
makes them poison and death. Her ardent


spirit breathes the breath of life into
all enterprise, Hlor patienoe and con
stancy are mainly instramental ia carry

the best

ing forward, t wpletion,
homan designs Hler more delicate
sensibility is the unseen power, which is
ever at work to purify and refine society,
And the nearest glimpse of Heaven, that
mortals ever get on earth, is that domestic
errcle, whieh ber hands bave trained to im
telligence, virtane and love, whieh
gentio influence pervades, and of which


Page image

From The Petroleum Centre daily record.

1873-07-14 · Petroleum Center, Pa.

can long endure bad influence. Man is
trong, but his heart is not adamant. He
delights in enterprise and action, but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind; and
especially if he is an intelligent man, with
a whole head, he needs his moral force in
the conflict to life. To recover his compos
ure, home must be a place of peace and
comfort. There his soul renews its strength
and goes forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the labors and troubles of life. But if at
home he finds no rest, and is there men
with bad temper, sullenness, jealusy an

1873-08-05 · Volcano, W. Va.

so'tfl- refreshing Waters, or casts in the
branch of bitterness' which makes
them poison and detfth: Her ardent
spirit breathes the breath of life Into'
all enterprise. Her patience rind con­
stancy are mainly instrumedtfi! in car­
rying forward, to completion, the best
human designs. Her more delicate
moral sensibility is the unseen power,
which is ever at vfork to purity ami
refine society. A.nJthe nearest glimpse
of Heaven) that mortis ever get on
earth, is that domestic: fcircle, which
her hands have trained to Intelligence,
virtue and love, vvh'fch her gentle in­
fluence pervades) and of which her
radiant presence is the centre and thd

Page image

1873-08-22 · Opelousas, La.

Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but to sustain him he needs
a tranquil mind ; and especially if he is
an intellectual man, with a whole head,
he needs his moral forces in the con­
flict of life. To recover his composure,
home must be a place of peace, of com­
fort. There his soul renews its strength,
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en­
counter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home lie finds no yest, aud
there is met with bad temper, sullen

Page image


From Boston investigator.

1873-10-29 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

From Southern Argus (Port Elliot, SA : 1866 - 1954)

spirit can long endure bad influence.
Man is strong, hut his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise and
action, but to sustain him he needs a
tranquil mind, and especially if he is
an intelligent man. with a whole head,
he needs his moral force in his conflict
of life. To recover his composure, home
must be a place of peace and comfort.
There his soul renews its strength an

From The Tipton advertiser.

home. No spirit can long endure
bad influence. Man is strong, but
his heart is not adamant. He de-­
lights in enterprise and action, but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind;
and especially if he is an intellect


man, with a whole head, he needs his
moral forces in the conflicts of life.
To recover his composure, home must
be a place of peace, of comfort.
There his soul renews its strength
and goes forth with fresh vigor to en-
counter the labor and troubles of life.
But if at home he finds no rest, and
is there met with bad temper, sulle

1876-12-09 · Westminster, Md.

No spirit can long endure bad influence.
Man is strong, bat his heart is not ada­
mant. He delights in enterprise and action
but to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind;
especially if he is an intelligent man, with
a whole head, he needs a moral force in
the conflict of life. To recover his com

Page image

From The Troy herald.

1878-03-13 · Troy, Mo.

long endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but to sustain him he

needs a tranquil mind; and especially
if he is an intellectual man with a
a whole heart, he needs his moral
forces in the conflicts of life. To re­
cover his composure, home must be a
place of comfort. There his soul ro­
news its strength and goes forth with
fresh vigor to encounter the labor
and trouble of life. But if at home
he fiuds no rest, and tis there me

1878-12-21 · London, England

Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.
He delights in enterprise and action, but to
sustain him he needs a tranquil mind. He
expends his whole moral force in his conflicts
with the world, His feelings are daily lacerated
to the utmost point of endurance by the per-
nea a and disappointments of. his
y life.



Dee, 21,1878.

To recover his equanimity, and composure,
home must be to hima place of repose and peace,
or cheerfulness -and: comfort;..and. his. soul
renews its strength and again goes forth with
fresh vigour te encounter the troubles,of the

But if at home he finds .no rest ; is: met bya

bad, temper, sullenness or gloom, the heart,

Page image

1879-02-26 · Columbus, Neb.

endure bad domestic influence.
Man is strong, but his heart is not
adamant. Ilcdclizhts in enterprise

and action"; to snstain him he needs
a tranquil mind and a whole heart.
He needs moral force in the con­
flicts of the world. To recover his
equanimity and composure, he-mo
must be a placo of repose, cheerful­
ness, peace, comfort; and his soul
renews its strength again, and goes
forth with fresh vigor to encounter
the trouble and labor of life. But
if at home he finds no rest, and is
thero met with bad temper, sullen­
ness, or gloom, or is assailed with
discontent or complaint, hope van­
ishes, and he sinks Into despair."

Man Iove3 and runs away. Wo­
man brings action for breach of
promise, and gets damages. Woman
loves, and sho rides away. Man
brings bis action, and gets boote

Page image

From Vermont watchman and State journal.

1879-11-05 · Montpelier, Vt.

ments. Man is strong, but his heart is not

adamant. He delights in enterprise and ac

tion, but to sustain him he needs a tranquil
mind. He expends his whole moral force in

his conflicts with the world. His feelings
are daily lacerated to the utmost point of

endurance by the perpetual irritations and

disappointments of his daily life. To re­
cover his equanimity and composure, home
must be to him a place of repose and peace,
of cheerfulness and comfort; and his soul

renews its strength and again goes forth

with fresh vigor to encounter the troubles
of the world. But if at home he finds no
rest; is met by a bad temper, sullenness or
gloom, the heart breaks, the spirits are
crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sink

1880-01-17 · Augusta, Maine

bad domestic arrangements. Manis strong
but his heart is not adamant. He delights
in enterprise and action, but to sustain him
he needs a tranquil mind. He expends his
whole moral force in his conflicts with the
world. His teelings are daily lacerated to
the utmost point of endurance by the per-
yetual irritations and dleuppeintmantes of
is daily life. ‘To recover his equanimity
and composure, home must be to him a
place of repose and peace, of cheerfulness
and comfort; and his soul renews its
strength and again goes forth with fresh
vigor to encounter the troubles of the
world. But if at home he finds no rest; is
met by a bad temper, sullenness or gloom,
the heart breaks, the spirits are crushed,
hope vanishes. and the man sinks into total
despair. Let the wife

Page image

ti lien ce. Man is strong, but his heart is
not adamant. He delights in enterprise
and action, but to sustain him he needs
; i tranquil mind, and especially if he is
an intellectual man, with a whole heart,
he needs his moral forces in the contiicts
>f life.' To recover his composure, home
must be a place of cheerfulness and of

Page image

From The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912)

for ever unknown. A good wife is to a
man wisdom and courage and strength and
endurance. A bad wife is confusion,
weakness, discomfiture, and despair. No
condition is hopeless where the wife
possesses firmness, decision, and
economy. There is an outward prosperity
which can counteract indolence,
extravagance, aud folly at home. No
spirit can long endure bad domestic
influence. Man is strong, but his heart
is not adamant ! He delishts in
pntamrisp. and action, but, to sustain
him, he needs a tranquil mind, and a
whole heart. He needs his moral force in
the couflicts of the world. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home must
be to him a place of repose, of peace,
of cheerfulness, of comfort, and his
soul renews its strength again, and goes
forth with fresh vigour to encounter the
labour and troubles of life. But, if at
home he find no rest, and is there me

From The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912)

bad domestic influence. Man is strong,
but his heart is not adamant ! He
delights in enterprise aud action, but,
to sustain him, he needs a tranquil
mind, aud a whole heart. He needs his
moral force in the couflicts of the
world. To recover his equanimity and
composure, home must be to him a place
of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of
comfort, and his soul renews its
strength again, and goes forth with
fresh vigour to cucouuterlhe labour and
troubles of life. But, if at home h

From Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918)

1896-06-06 · Bendigo, Victoria

world, i but to sustain hiai he" needs'a
tranquil mind and a whole* heart. Some
should therefore 'be to him a pl'-ibo of
repose and cheerfulness, ; and under
these influences his miod renews | its
strength, and he goes forth with fresh
vigor'to encounter the labor atfd
trouble of the world. But if at home h

From _Traralgon Record (Traralgon, Vic. : 1886 - 1932) _

1899-07-28 · Traralgon, Victoria

weakness, discomfiture, and despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wife has
firmness, energy, and economy. Man is
strong, but his heart is not adamant. He
delights in enterprise and action, but
to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind
and a whole heart. His feelings are
lacerated to the utmost point of
endurance by perpetual Irritation and
disappointment in business. To recover
his equanimity and composure, home must
be to him a p'ace of repose, of peace,
of cheerfulness, of comfort, and his
soul renews his strength, and again goes
forth with fresh vigour to encounter the
labour and troubles of the world. But if
at home he finds no rest, and there is
met! with bad temper, sullenness, or
gloom, or is assailed by discontent,
complaint, and reproaches, the heart
breaks, the spirits are crushed, hope
vanishes, and the man sinks into tota