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FO-Articles of the Union Fire Company, 31 January

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114 lines (87 loc) · 6.84 KB

FO-Articles of the Union Fire Company, 31 January 1743

4 reprints from 1743-01-31 to 1894-01-01

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


me, we will divide our selves as near as may be to be equally helpful; and such of us as may be spared shall assist others. And to prevent as much as in us lies, suspicious persons from coming into, or carrying any Goods out of such Houses as may be in Danger; Two of our Number shall constantly attend at the Doors, untill all the Goods and Effects that can be saved, are packed up and carried to some safe place to be appointed by the Owner, or such of our Company as shall be present, where one or more of us shall attend them ’till they can be conveniently delivered to or secured for the Owner. And upon our first hearing the Cry of Fire in the Night-time we will immediately cause two or more Lights to be set up in our Windows; and such of our Company whose Houses may be thought in Danger shall likewise place Candles in every Room, to prevent Confusion, and that their Friends may be able to give them the more speedy and effectual Assistance. And, moreover, as this Association is intended for a general Benefit, we do further agree, that when a Fire breaks out in any part of this City, though none of our Houses Goods or Effects may be in any apparent Danger, we will nevertheless repair thither with our Buckets, Bags and Fire Hooks, and give our utmost Assistance to such of our Fellow Citizens as may stand in need of it, in the same Manner as if they belonged to this Company: And if it shall appear at the next meeting of the Company after the breaking out of any Fire in this City, that any of our Members neglected to attend, with their Buckets, Bags and Fire hooks, or set up Lights as aforesaid, every such neglecting Member shall forfeit and pay to the use of the Company the sum of Two Shillings; unless they can assign some reasonable Cause to the Satisfaction of the Company

1870-12-24 · Philadelphia [Pa.]

selves, with the
remainder of our buckets and bags, as nearlv
as may be to be equally helpful. And to pre­
vent suspicious persons from coming into or
carrying any goods out of such houses as may
be in danger, two of our members shall con­
stantly attend at the doors uutll all the goods
and effects that can be saved are packed up
and carried to a place of safety. And upon hear­
ing the cry of Fihe in the night-time, we will
immediately cause sufficient lights to be distri­
buted ia such parts of sueh of the houses of
our company as mav be thought in danger, in
order to prevent confusion aud enable' their
f i lends to give them more speedy and effectual
assistance. And, moreover, as this association
is interested for a general benefit, we do fur­
ther agree that whenever a Fikb breaks out In
any partof the city, though none of our houses,
proods, or ffects may be in apparent danger
we will, aevertheless, repair thither with our
buckets and bags, as before mentioned, aud give
our utmost assistance to such of ourfellow-citl-jsens
as may stand ia need of it, in the same
roac&er as If they belonged to this company.
The remaining article provided that there
should be eight meetings during the year, at
which each member was to pay three shillings
or his share of "the reckoning of the evening."
XI. That upon the death of any of our co

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1894-01-01 · Philadelphia

helpfull ;
and such of us as may be Spared, Shall Assist others. And to prevent as
much as may be, Suspicious Persons from comming into or carrying any
Goods out of Such of Our Houses as may be in Danger. Two of our
Number Shall constantly attend at the Doors until all the Goods and
Effects that can be saved are Packed up and carried to some Safe Place
to be appointed by the Owner. And upon our first hereing of Fire in
the Night Time we will immediately cause two or more Lights to be set
up in our front Windows, and Such of our Company whose Houses
shall be thought to be in Danger, Shall place Candles in every Room to
prevent Confusion and that their Friends may be able to give them the
speedy and effectual Assistance. And moreover as this Association is

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1894-01-01 · Philadelphia

intended for general Benefit We do further Agree that when a Fire
Breaks out in any part of this Town though none of our Companys
Houses, Goods, or Effects may be in any Apparant Danger we will
nevertheless repair thither with our Buckets and Give our Utmost Assist-
ance to such of our Townspeople and Neighbors as may stand in Need
of it, in the Same Manner as if they belonged to this Company. After
the breaking out of Fire in this Town that any of our members neglected
to attend with their Buckets or set up Lights in their Front Windows as
Afforesaid, every such neglecting Member shall forfeit and pay to the
Use of the Company the Sum of Two Shillings unless they can Assign
Some Reasonable Cause to the Satisfaction of the Company

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