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FO-Extracts from the Gazette,

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558 lines (373 loc) · 21.3 KB

FO-Extracts from the Gazette, 1738

28 reprints from 1734-02-01 to 1899-04-08

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


ere will be a Stage Waggon set out from Trenton to Brunswick, twice a Week and back again, during next Summer. It will be fitted up with Benches and cover’d over so that Passengers may sit easy and dry. And Care will be taken to deliver Goods and Messages safe.
Note. The said Waggon will set out for the first time, from William Atlee’s and Thomas Hooton’s in Trenton, on Monday the 27th of March next, and continue going every Monday and Thursday from Trenton, and return from Brunswick every Tuesday and Friday. Every Passenger to pay Two Shillings and

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


] Lent above a Twelvemonth ago, the second Vol. of Select Trials, for Murders, Robberies, Rapes, Sodomy, Coining, Frauds, and other Offences, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey: Which not being return’d to the Owner, he desires the Person who has the Book in possession, to send it to the Printer of this Paper.

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


much oblige the Owner, and shall be handsomely rewarded. [November 24]

This Morning about 2 a Clock, a Fire broke out at Mr. Clark’s near Black-Horse-Ally, occasion’d by some Brands carelessly left in the Dancing-School Fire-place; but timely Assistance coming, it was soon extinguished. [November 30]

[Advertisement] Lent and Lost, the Earl of Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars, Vol. I. It’s an Oxford Edition, printed in 1712, and lettered on the Back. Whoever brings it to the Printer hereof, shall be handsomely rewarded. [December 6]

Just Published, Poor Richard’s Almanacks, for the Year 1739. Wherein is contained The Lunations, Eclipses, Judgments of the Weather, Spring Tides, Planets Motions, and mutual Aspects, Sun and Moon’s Rising and Setting, Length of Days, Time of High Water, Fairs, Courts and observable Days. Together with many witty Hints

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


er 6]

Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, Post-Master, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. Price 10s. a Year. Where Advertisements are taken in, and Book-Binding is done reasonably, in the best Manner.

1734-02-01 · London, England

tion, Select Trials, for Murders, Robberies, Rapes, So-
domy, Coining, Frauds, and other Offences. At the

Seffions-Houfe in the Old-Bailey, From tne Year 1720,

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1828-03-15 · Philadelphia

quarto.—Imprint, * Philadelphia: Printed by B. Frank-
lin, Post-Master, at the New Printing-Office near tho
Market. Price 10s. a year. Where Advertisements
are taken in, and Book-Binding is done reasonably in th

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1877-12-20 · Wichita, Kan.

ity, has favor­
ed us with the examination of five of
these once popular and now famous
productions. Tho oldst ono is for
the year 1747, and is now oue hundred
and'thirty years old. Tho title page
of this publication it does not seem
to have had a cover is as follows :
By the accounts of the Eastern Greeks .7,-05
By the Latin Church when tho Sun cu-
teieilArics C.IU0
By tho computation ol Vr. W o,7fG
By tho Roman chronology 5,U93
By tho Jevfish Kibbles i 5,MS
Wherein is contained the Lunations,
Eclipses, Judgment of tho Weather,
Spring Tides, Planets Motions and
Mutual Aspects, Sun and Moon's
lfising and Setting, Length of Daj-s,
Time of High Water, Fairs, Courts
and obscrvablo days

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1885-06-27 · Augusta, Me.

were promised that it would be ‘fitted up
with benches, and covered over, so that
passengers may sit easy and dry?”

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New Publications

From Boston daily advertiser.

1885-07-01 · Boston, Mass.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1885-07-01 · New York

it would be “fitted up with benches, and
covered over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.”

American wheeled vehicles belonged al

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From unknown source


and travelers were promised that It would
l<e "fitted up with benches, and covered
over, so that passengers may sit easy and
dry.' "

William Boyd AHen toid a Bratton aud

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1885-07-06 · Barton, Vt.

that it would be 'fitted up with bench
es, and covered over, so that pass
engers may sit easy and dry.' "
. From General W. B. Franklin's ac
count of "Rear-Guard Fighting at
Savage's Station," in July Century
we quote the following: "A short
time after I separated from Genera
McClellan (as mentioned above) at
the junction of the Charles City and
Quaker roads, I bade farewell to the
Prince De Joinville, who told me that
he and his nephews were about to
leave us and 'return to Europe. He
had always been very friendly, and
now expressed many good wishes for
my future. Holding my hand in hi

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From Spirit of the age.

1885-07-22 · Woodstock, Vt.

travellers were promised that it would
be fitted up with benches, and covered
over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.

travellers were promised that it would
be 'fitted up with benches, and covered
over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.'

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travellers were promised that it would
be 'fitted up with benches, and covered
over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.

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elers wero promised that it would bo
'fitted up with benches, and covered
over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.

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and travelers were promised that it
would be fitted up with benches, and
covered over, so that passengers may
sit easy and dry. Century.

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1885-07-31 · Port Tobacco, Md.

travellers were promised that it would
be ‘fitted up with benches, and covered ;
over, so that passengers may sit easy
and dry.’

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1885-09-23 · Columbus, Neb.

and travelers were promised that it
would be fitted up with benches, and
covered over, so that passengers may
sit easy and dry. Century

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elers were promised that it would be 1
‘fitted up with benches, and covered I
over, so that passengers may sit easy !
and dry.”
The Effect of Wind on .Sait Crystals. 1
Coarso salt is made in the YVesjf*
Indies by the solar evaporation oi se*»
water. The places ohoseu for its pro- 8
duction are selected on aoeount Of the 1
extraordinary saline strength of th«

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1895-02-01 · Chicago, Illinois

By the Fewif Rabbies 5494
Wherein 18 contained

The Lunations, Eclipfes, Judgment of
the Weather, Spring Tides, Planets Motions &
mutual Afpe&s, Sun and Moon's Rifing and Set-
ting, Length of Days, Time of High Water
F airs, Courts, and obfervable Days ;

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1896-10-01 · New York

By the Jews Rabbies.
Wherein is contained
The Lunations, Eclipfes, Judgment of
the Weather, Spring Tides, Planets Klotions &
mutual Afpeéts, Sun and Moon's Rifing and Set-
ting, Length of Days, Time of High Wier,
Fairs, Courts, and obfervable Days.
Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees

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When Franklin Lost His Clothes

From The Milwaukee journal.

1897-01-25 · Milwaukee [Wis.]

[This text is not available under an open license.]

Foreign and Domestick. Printed by B. Franklin, Post Master,
at the news printing offices near the Market. Price ros a year.
Where advertisements are taken in, and Book Binding is done
reasonably, in the best manner’’

Page image

Domostiek. Printed by B. Franklin,
Post Master, at the news printing of­
fice* near tho Market. Prioe, 10s. a year.
Where advertisements are taken in, and (
Book Binding is done reasonably, in tho
best manner;

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1899-01-01 · New York

Lent above a Twelvemonth ago, the second Vol.
of Select Trials, for Murders, Robberies, Rapes,
Sodomy, Coining, Frauds, and other Offences, at
the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey: Which not
being return’d to the Owner, he desires the Person
who has the Book in possession, to send it to the
Printer of this Paper.

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1899-03-16 · Jamesburg, N.J.

road, and by 1737 a “ waggon” ran from Trenton
to New-Brunswick twice a week. This vehicle,
according to the Weekly Mercury, waa “ fitted
up with benches and covered over, so that pas­
sengers may sit easy and dry.” Traffic fro

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1899-04-08 · Jersey City [N.J.]

road, and by 1737 a “waggon” ran from
Trenton to New Brunswick twice a week.
This vehicle, according to the “Weekly
Mercury,” was-“fitted up with benches
and covered over, so that passengers may
sit easy and dry.” Traffic from these
humble beginnings developed with pro

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