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213 lines (136 loc) · 7.48 KB

FO-Extracts from the Gazette,

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213 lines (136 loc) · 7.48 KB

FO-Extracts from the Gazette, 1740

11 reprints from 1740-01-03 to 1899-08-01

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


. On Monday His Honour our Governor, attended by near 200 Gentlemen, came to the Court-House, where a vast Concourse of People were assembled, and published the King’s Declaration of War against Spain, together with the following Proclamation, viz.
[Here it follows.]
The People express’d their Joy in loud Huzzas; And the Cannon from the Hill, and the Ships in the Harbour, were discharged, while the following Healths were drank, viz. The King. The Prince and Royal Family. Success to His Majesty’s Arms. My Lord Cathcart. Col. Spotswood. Col. Blakeney. Success to the new Levies, and intended Expedition, &c. Plenty of Liquor was given to the Populace; and in the Evening they had a Bonfire on the Hill.
As a Design against some of the

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


man of this City, was married to Mrs. Rebecca Nutt, an agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of Ten Thousand Pound. [May 29]

[Advertisement] The Gentlemen who hav

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


or Retale by the Importer; fine broad Scarlet Cloth, fine broad black Cloth, fine white Thread Hose, and English Sale Duc

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


Printer of this Paper. [November 27]

Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin, Post-Master, at the New Printing-Office, near the Market. Pric

1741-02-01 · Philadelphia

On Monday ‘his Honour our
Governor, attended by near 200
Gentlemen, ‘came to the Court
Houfe, wheré a vaft Concourfe
of People were aflembled; and
publifhed the King’s Declarati-
on of Wax againft Spaix together
with the Proclamation, which
we have given‘ an Account of.
“The People exprefled their Joy
in Joud Huzzas; and the Can-
non from the Hill and the Ships
ffom' the Harbour, were ait
Charged, ‘while the ‘following
Healths were drank, viz. the
KENG, © The Prince and Royal
Family. Succefs to his Majefi
ty’s Arms. My Lord Gatchcart.
Col. ‘Spotfivoed.,. Col. Blakeney.
Succefs tothe newLevies, and in-
tended Expedition’*&c. Plenty
of Liquor was given tothe Popu-
lace ; & in the Evening they had
a Bonfire ba She Hae aren

n.the fame Day (as it was
afterwards. objetted, by the A

Page image

1789-01-01 · Philadelphia

married an agreeable young lady with
a fortune of ten thousand pounds ;—

Page image

1872-10-19 · Nashville, Tenn.

print at the end of the last column on the
fourth page: "Philadelphia, printed by B.
Franklin, Post Master, at the New Print
ing Office near the Market." It will b

Page image

1875-07-15 · St. Clairsville, Ohio

made "Phila. Printed by B. Franklin,
Post Master, and D. Hall, at the new print­
ing office, near the market." The paper i

Page image

1882-07-18 · Maysville [Ky.]

of Our
Flvkt Paper.
irhiladelphta Times, J
The Pennsylvania Gazettevras "printed
by B. Franklin, Postmaster, at the New
Printing-Office, near the Market," an

Page image


From Manchester Times

1885-06-13 · Manchester, England

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1899-08-01 · New York

Boards”; “Coarse and fine edgings”; “Fine
broad Scarlet Cloth, fine broad black Cloth, fine
white Thread Hose, and English Sale Duck”

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