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FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 2 October

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122 lines (83 loc) · 5.4 KB

FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 2 October 1780

3 reprints from 1780-10-02 to 1804-02-18

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


Pasy, Oct. 2. 1780
I received duly your several Letters of the 12th. 15th. 17th. 19th and 21st of September. I am much pleas’d with the Intelligence you send me, and with the Papers you have had printed.
Mr Searle is a military Officer in the Pensilvania Troops, and a Member of Congress. He has some Commission to execute for that Province, but none that I know of from Congress. He has an open Letter for you from Mr. Lovel, which he has shewn me, It is full of Expressions of his Esteem; and I understand from Mr Searle, that you stand exceeding well with the Committee & with the Congress in general. I am sorry to see any Marks of Uneasiness & Apprehension in your Letters. Mr Chaumont tells me that you want some Assurance of being continued. The Congress itself is changeable at the Pleasure of their Electors, and none of their Servants have, or can have any such Assurance. If therefore any thing better for you, & more substantial should offer, no body can blame you for accepting it, however satisfied they may be with your Services. But as to the Continuance of what you now enjoy, or of something as valuable in the Service of the Congress, I think you may make your self easy, for that your Appointment seems more likely to be increased than diminish’d, tho’ it does not belong to me to promise any thing.
Mr. Laurens was to sail 3 Days after Mr Searle, who begins to fear he must be lost, as it was a small Vessel he intended to embark in.— He was bound directly to Holland.
I enclose some Extracts of Letters from two French Officers of Distinction in the Army of M. de Rochcambault, wich are pleasing, as they mark the good Intelligence that subsists between the Troops, contrary to the Reports circulated by the English. They will do perhaps for your Leiden Gazette.
With great Esteem & Affection I am ever Your faithful Friend & Servt.
B Franklin

1804-02-18 · Philadelphia [Pa.]

Passy,sOctober 2, 1780.


I received duly yours’ several letters of the
twelfth, fifteenth, seventeenth, nineteenth, and
twenty-first of September. I am much pleased

with the Intelligence you send me, and with the
Papers you have had printed.




Mr. Searle is a military officer in the Penn- { employed in this way will not be amiss, and

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1804-02-18 · Philadelphia [Pa.]

sylvania Troops, and a member of Congress.

He has some commission to execute for that
Province, but none that I know of from Con-
gress. He has another letter for you, from Mr.
Lovell, which he has shewn me. It is full of ex-
pressions of his Esteem; and I understand from
Mr. Searle, that you stand exceeding weil, with
the committee, and with the Congress in gene-
ral. I am sorry to see any marks of uneasiness
and apprehension in your letters. Mr. Chau-
mont tells me that you want some assurance of
being continued. ‘The Congress itself is changea-
ble at the pleasure of their electors, and none
of their Servants have, or can have any such
assurance. If therefore any thing better for
you, and more substantial should offer, no body
can blame you for occupying it, however satis-
fied they may be with your services. But as
to the continuance of what you now enjoy, or
of some thiag as valuable in the service of the
Congress, I think-you may make yourself easy,
for that your appointment seems more likely
to be increased than diminished, though it does
not belong to me to promise any thing.

Mr. Laurens was to sail three days after Mr.
Searle, who begins to fear he must be lost, as
it was a small Vessel, he intended to embark
in. He was bound directly to Holland.

I enclose some Extracts of letters from two
French Officers of dictinction in the Army of
M. de Rocheambault, which are pleasing, as
they mark the gvod Intelligence, that subsists
between the Troops, contrary to the reports
circulated by the Lnglish. They will do per-
haps for your Leyden Gazette. Arey

With great esteem and affection I
Am ever,
Your faithful friend and servant.

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