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FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Henry Laurens, 17 April

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123 lines (89 loc) · 5.51 KB

FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Henry Laurens, 17 April 1784

2 reprints from 1784-04-17 to 1883-04-01

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


Passy, April 17. 1784.

I have received your Favours of March 28. and April 7.— I am glad that Mr Hartley’s being luckily at Bath, sav’d you the Fatigue of a Journey to London. His Letter to you, of which you sent us a Copy, was very satisfactory. By one he has written to us, of the 9th Instant, we find that he expects to be here in a few Days.—
I have not yet had the Pleasure of seeing Mr. Bourdieu, and apprehend he is either gone back to London, or has taken some other Route, as I find on the Back of your last, “Forwarded from Dover, 10 th April by J.B.” Your Son went well from hence the Day after his Arrival here.—
I thank you much for your Remarks on the Considerations, &c. They appear to me very judicious & just, and show so extensive a Knowledge of the Subject, that I regret exceedingly your Purpose of leaving Europe before the Commercial Treaty is settled; and if the Commission for that Treaty arrives soon, as I expect it will in the Washington, I hope you will conclude to stay and see that important Business finished. The Congress, tho’ they have given you leave to return, appear by all their Letters to consider you still in their Service, and Mr Grand holds himself ready to pay the Continuance of your Salary as you shall demand it. We are none of us otherwise paid at present, for they have omitted sending us any Bills since June last. You have not mention’d to me the Name of the Author of the Considerations. Is it a Secret?—
I sympathise with you in the Loss of your Papers in America, I too having lost a great Part of mine there: But I cannot with the same Justice as you do blame the Enemy. It was my own Imprudence, in trusting them to the Care of a pretended Convert to our Cause, who after my Departure for France went over to the Enemy.

Mr Jay is preparing for his Departure, and Mr Adams is still in Holland, and likely to continue there some time, being engag’d in forming the Plan of a Treaty with another Power.—
My Grandson joins in best Wishes for your and the young Lady’s Health and Happiness, with Dear Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Servant

B. Franklin
His Excy. H. Laurens Esqr

Passy April 17" 1784.
Dear Sir

I have received your Favours of March
28" and April 7%. I am glad that M*.
Hartley being luckily at Bath saved you
the Fatigue of a Journey to London. His
letter to you of which you sent us a Copy
was very satisfactory. By one that he
has written to us of the 9" Instant we
find that he expects to be here in a few
days. Ihave not yet had the pleasure of
seeing M'. Bourdieu and apprehend he is
either gone back to London or has taken
some other Route, as I find on the back of
your last “ Forwarded from Dover 10" of
April by J. B.” Loudsley [?] went well
from here the Day after his arrival here.

I thank you very much for your Re-
marks on the Considerations &c. They
appear to me very judicious and just,
and show so extensive a knowledge of
the Subject that I regret exceedingly
your purpose of leaving Europe before
the Commercial Treaty is settled, and if
the Commission for that Treaty arrives
soon, as I expect it will in the Washing-
ton, I hope you will conclude to stay and
see that important business finished.

The Congress although they have given
you leave to return, appear by all their
Letters to consider you still in their Ser-
vice and M' Grand holds himself ready
to pay the continuance of your salary as
you shall demand it. We are none of us
otherwise paid at present for they have


omitted sending us any bills since June
last. You have not mentioned to me the
name of the Author of the Considera-
tions. Is it a Secret?

I sympathize with you in the loss of
your Papers in America. I too having
lost a great partof mine there. But I can-
not with the same Justice as you do blame
the Enemy. It was my own Imprudence
in entrusting them to the Care of a pre-
tended Convert to our Cause, who after
my Departure for France went over to
the Enemy. M*’ Jay is preparing for his
Departure and M' Adams is still in Hol-
land and likely to continue there some
time, being engaged in framing the plan
of a Treaty with another Power.

My Grandson joins in best wishes for
you and the young Lady’s Health and
Happiness, with .

Dear Sir, Your Most Obedien
& most humble Servant

His Exc’y
Henry Laurens Esqr.


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