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FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 22 December

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51 lines (35 loc) · 2.26 KB

FO-From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 22 December 1777

2 reprints from 1777-12-22 to 1898-12-04

by Franklin, Benjamin

From unknown source


Passy Decr 22: 1777
I received yours of the 15th and am concerned as well as you at the Difference betwen Messrs. Deane and Lee but cannot help it. You need however be under no concern as to your Orders being only from Mr. Deane. As you have always acted uprightly and ably for the public Service, you would be justified if you had had no Orders at all: But as he generaly consulted with me and had my Approbation in the Orders he gave, and I know they were for the best and aim’d at the public Good, I hereby certify you that I approve and join in those you received from him and desire you to proceed in the Execution of the same.

1898-12-04 · New York [N.Y.]

Dec. 22. 1777. and runs as follows: "I received
yours of tho ltlth.and am concerned, ns well as
you, at tho difference between Messrs. Deane
and Lee. but cannot help it. You need, how­
over, bo under no concorn as to your orders
bolng only from Mr. Doane. As you have
always acted uprightly and ably for the public
sorvleo, you would bo justified if you had no
orders at all. But, as ho generally consulted
with tno and had my approbation in tho nrdors
ho gavo, and I know they wore for the best and
aimed at the public good. I hereby certify you
that I approvo and join in those you recelvo
from him. and deslro you to proceed in the
elocution of the same."

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